
shànɡ sù quán
  • right of appeal
  1. 对案件的审理结果应用判决形式,使当事人享有对审理结果的上诉权,使二审终审制在破产案件中同样得到体现,以保证破产案件的审判质量。

    Moreover , the try result should be presented as a verdict to endow the litigant with the right of appeal and ensure the try quality of bankruptcy cases .

  2. 不受处罚指不得仅因为进口商选择行使上诉权而对其罚款或威胁进行罚款。

    " Without penalty " means that the importer shall not be subject to a fine or threat of fine merely because the importer chose to exercise the right of appeal .

  3. 委员会拒绝授予他们上诉权。

    The board refused to grant them leave to appeal .

  4. 我们保留对该法庭裁决的上诉权。

    We reserve the right to appeal against the tribunal 's decision .

  5. 被害人上诉权问题刍议试论我国民事上诉审程序的重构

    Reconstruction of the Appeal Instance of Civil Cases in China

  6. 第一章刑事被害人及其上诉权概述。

    Chapter one , the summary about criminal victim and appeal right .

  7. 因而,我国刑诉法应赋予被害人独立的上诉权。

    Consequently , Chinese criminal procedural should grant the injured independent appeal right .

  8. 公诉案件被害人上诉权问题探讨

    A Probe into the Victim 's Appellate Right in the Case of Public Prosecution

  9. 对被告人的上诉权,不得以任何借口加以剥夺。

    A defendant shall not be deprived on any pretext of his right to appeal .

  10. 国王行使最高法院上诉权和赦免权。

    The king acts as the highest court of appeal and has the power to pardon .

  11. 三是都对上诉权行使的范围作出限制;

    The third is their legislation all confine the scope of the exercising of right of appeal ;

  12. 刑事被害人的上诉权,从其存在的形态来看,属应有权利,从性质来看,属诉讼救济权。

    Appeal right of criminal victim belongs to dutiable right in pattern and legal relief right in quality .

  13. 上诉权是被害人的一项固有的必要的诉讼权利,建议应有条件地赋予被害人上诉权。

    Appeal right is an intrinsic and necessary right to victim , the author suggests that the victim have appeal right .

  14. 理论界对于被害人上诉权问题存在着相互对立的两种不同意见,肯定意见与否定意见并存。

    The theorists have two different opinions which regarding the victim appeal right question opposes mutually , definitely opinion and negative opinion coexisting .

  15. 德、法等大陆法系国家的刑事诉讼法中,被害人一般具有当事人的地位,法律明确规定了被害人所享有的诉讼权利。在德国,被害人具有独立于检察官的上诉权。

    In Continental Laws , victims are considered to be a party in the litigation , which enjoys exclusive rights of appeal other than the persecutors .

  16. 其次,刑事诉讼法应赋予公诉案件被害人的上诉权,平衡于被告人的上诉权。

    Then the criminal law should endow the victims in the cases of public prosecution with right to appeal , equal to that of the accused .

  17. 但是,上诉权也不要求进行一次全面的复审,只要二审法院能够审查案件的事实方面就足够了。

    However , the right to appeal does not call for a comprehensive review , as long as the appeal court reviewing the facts of the case would be sufficient .

  18. 赋予被害人上诉权符合刑事诉讼发展趋势,能够充分保护被害人的利益,能够制约审判权的滥用。

    Giving the victim appellate right accords with the developing trend of criminal suit , can fully protect the victim 's interests , and can restrict the abuse of court 's jurisdiction .

  19. 加强对刑事被害人诉权的保障,不仅应赋予被害人当事人的地位,而且还应赋予其不服一审裁判的上诉权。

    In order to guarantee the criminal victim 's appellate right , it is expected to entrust not merely the party 's status , but also the appellate right when he refuses to obey the first instance .

  20. 对于我国法院调解制度的现行弊端,本文归纳总结为:法院调解原则在现实中没有得到真正落实、调解的保密程度低、调解成本过高、调解制度限制了当事人的上诉权。

    In respect of the shortcomings of the Court Mediation System , the paper summarizes as : failing to implementation , bad confidentiality of mediation , expensive mediation costs and the right to appeal of parties restricted .

  21. 最后,文章大胆提出:在我国当前法律话语体系及环境下,应该赋予被害人有限的上诉权。同时,文章还提出了赋予被害人有限上诉权的初步构想和具体的立法建议以及相关配套措施。

    In the last part of this article , in our national current legal system and environment , the victim should be given a limited right of appeal , and a preliminary concept and specific legislative proposals and relevant supporting measures were proposed .

  22. 第三审为法律审,实行某些特殊的程序规则,以保护当事人的上诉权并遏止当事人滥用诉权,从而实现第三审统一法律适用的目的。

    The third trial is the lawsuit trial , carry out some special rules , found appeal permission system , to protect the appealing rights of paties and restrict its abuse either , so that the thought of the third trial unite law fitness will come into reality .

  23. 在审判管辖权的法院,有时也被称为县或上级法院,同时具有原始和上诉管辖权;

    The court of trial jurisdiction , sometimes called the county or superior court , has both original and appellate jurisdiction ;

  24. 审级制度改革后应确保三审终审制下被告人的上诉选择权。

    After the revolution of the system of trying rank , their optional right of appeal under the system of the third try should be confirmed .

  25. 法庭受理上诉的管辖权。

    Jurisdiction of a court to hear appeal .

  26. 对管辖权有异议的,法庭受理上诉的管辖权

    Jurisdiction of a court to hear appeal

  27. 堪培拉管理部门和公民上诉法庭有权吊销国防部门射杀动物的执照。

    Canberra 's Administrative and Civil Appeals Tribunal has the authority to the Defense Department 's license to shoot the animals .

  28. 对上述所有其他案件,不论法律方面还是事实方面,最高法院具有上诉审管辖权,但须依照国会所规定的例外和规章。

    In all the other cases before-mentioned , the supreme court shall have appellate jurisdiction , both as to law and fact , with such exceptions , and under such regulations as the Congress shall make .

  29. 顾名思义,上诉法院有受理上诉的裁判权。

    As the name implies , the courts of appeals have appellate jurisdiction .

  30. 赋予上诉机构对明显事实认定错误的纠正权,对符合条件的专家组未审查问题的审查权,赋予上诉机构发回重审权。

    Give the Appellate Body the right to correct clearly identified fact errors and the right of remand .