
  • The hand of god;God Hand
  1. 你听说过“上帝之手”吗?

    Have you heard of " The Hand of God " ? Yes ...

  2. 他们要把上帝之手全投在伊拉克人头上!

    They 're gonna drop the hand of God all over the lraqis !

  3. 纸条上说上帝之手关照了他。

    With a note saying that god 's hand had taken him .

  4. 亚当就是“上帝之手”连环案的凶手,杜伊探员。

    Adam is the " god 's hand " killer , agent doyle .

  5. 今天早上“上帝之手”怎么样了?

    How 's the hand of God this morning ?

  6. 他说那一刻就是上帝之手抓住你的时候。

    He said those were the moments when god 's hands could take you .

  7. 这一记上帝之手进球已被载入史册。

    It has gone down in history books as the Hand of God goal .

  8. 马拉多纳与他的上帝之手

    Maradona and the " Hand of God "

  9. 我也这么认为,尽管我不怎么相信“上帝之手”这个说法!

    Yes , although I 'm not sure about that " Hand of God " !

  10. 马拉多纳爽快承认上帝之手

    Maradona Owns up to Hand of God

  11. 当我们落入上帝之手时。

    When we were god 's hands .

  12. 为上帝之手而战

    ' Hand of God ' rivalry

  13. 牛顿认为,发现宇宙的规律,即是在追寻上帝之手的痕迹。

    By discerning patterns in the universe , Newton believed , he was tracing the hand of God .

  14. 上帝之手&高道德风险的生命技术何以从伦理学与神学获得辩护

    God 's Hand & How can the biotechnology with high risk of morality get the justification from ethics and theology

  15. 尽管造物主将生命之火归功于上帝之手,但科学家们深信还会有一个更加合乎自然的解释。

    While creationists attribute that spark of life to the hand of God , scientists are convinced there 's a natural explanation .

  16. 作为一名精神高尚的女人,玛丽·安妮认为这是上帝之手将她引到了勇新的求愿上面。

    A spiritual woman , Mary Anne was convinced that God 's hand was at work in leading her to Yongxin 's plea .

  17. 但是在比赛中,当马拉多纳接着又梅开二度时,人们对上帝之手进球的怀疑又变成了敬畏。

    But during the game , sceptical disbelief in the " hand of God " goal soon turned to awe as Maradona went on to score again .

  18. 1986年的今天,阿根廷足球运动员迭哥·马拉多纳在墨西哥城的国际足联世界杯比赛中同时射进了“上帝之手”和“世纪之球”两球。

    1986-Argentine footballer Diego Maradona scored both the Hand of God goal and the Goal of the Century against England during the FIFA World Cup in Mexico City .

  19. 阿根廷足坛巨星迭戈·马拉多纳最近终于承认,在1986年世界杯对英格兰的四分之一决赛中,他确实是用手打入了那著名的号称“上帝之手”的进球。

    Diego Maradona acknowledged that he struck the ball with his hand in the famous " Hand of God " goal against England in the1986 World Cup quarterfinals .

  20. 一旦陷进去,除非是上帝之手把他从那里拉出来,否则就一切都完了,他的挣扎只会加速他的毁灭。

    Once thus ensnared , unless the protecting hand of God snatch him thence , all is over , and his struggles but tend to hasten his destruction .

  21. 事实上,他在1986年世界杯上以“上帝之手”进球击败英格兰队,是足球史上最著名的瞬间之一。

    In fact , his " Hand of God " goal against England during the 1986 World Cup is one of the most famous moments in soccer history .

  22. 在那段马拉多纳辉煌但是麻烦不断的时期,他在场外有许多丑闻,所以他希望自己的女媳,女儿及外孙到英格兰生活,尽管在英格兰他也有上帝之手的“名誉”。

    Maradona had many scrapes off the pitch during that glorious but troubled period and would rather see his son-in-law , daughter and grandchildren in England-despite his Hand of God notoriety .

  23. 在情绪兴奋时,她会感觉自己触碰到了上帝之手,忽而觉得自己能够治愈癌症,忽而又开始计划去好莱坞发展。

    During the euphoria , she felt she was touching the hand of God , feeling capable of curing cancer one minute , before hatching plans to launch a Hollywood career .

  24. 从美国宇航局拍摄的这张照片来看,在茫茫宇宙中有一只巨大的“上帝之手”。但是科学家对这一看似神奇的现象解释说,这是一颗中子星喷发的电子能量流。

    It looks like a hand of God reaching out into the cosmos , but scientists say it 's something just as incredible : electromagnetic energy pumped out by a neutron star .

  25. 马拉多纳对“上帝之手”做了至今为止最详尽的描述。他说当他跳起来面对比他高得多的英格兰队门将彼德?希尔顿时,他根本碰不到皮球,所以,头球是不可能的。

    In his most detailed comments yet , Maradona said he was unable to reach the ball for a header when he went up against the taller English goalkeeper , Peter Shilton .

  26. 后来,有人指出他违规进球,马拉多纳说,“就算是有一只手,那也一定是上帝之手.”

    And later , when he was shown the illegal goal , Maradona said , " Even if there was a hand , it must have been the hand of god . "

  27. 反过来,要是一切都来自上帝之手,并且唯有借着上帝的恩典才能实现人的得救,那么自由意志除了是人得救的累赘之外也别无所是。

    While , if everything comes from God , and only through the grace of God could save a person , then Free Will would be nothing but a cumbersome for people to redeem .

  28. 而他也成了在宏伟的阿兹特克体育场耐克专卖店前面排在前面的人。在这座球场举办了1970和1986年世界杯。马拉多纳的“上帝之手”也是在这里上演。

    Once there , he was among the first to queue outside the Nike store in the mammoth Azteca Stadium , site of the1970 and1986 World Cup finals and Diego Maradona 's infamous'Hand of God'goal .

  29. 要想逃过主裁和边裁的法眼很困难,这就是我所说的上帝之手的由来。

    And because it 's very difficult for it not to be seen by two people , the referee and the linesman , so that 's why I said it was the Hand of God .

  30. 世界迫于我们的创造在改变,人类的智慧自持为上帝之手的延伸,自然图纸经由人的立法而呈现为新的图像,在新的图像中我们得到我们的审美满足。

    The world is changing as man creates ; man claims to have acquired God 's wisdom , and transforms the blueprint of nature into new images , from which he gains endless aesthetic satisfaction .