
  • 网络Shanghai Literature
  1. 新时期中短篇小说的叙述模式&以《上海文学》为例

    The Narrative Modes of Novel and Short Stories in New Period & Taking example for Shanghai Literature

  2. 论上海文学传统的继承与流失

    On Inheritance and Loss of the Tradition of Shanghai 's Literature

  3. 日常生活叙事与当代上海文学

    The Daily Life Narration and Contemporary Literature in Shanghai

  4. 新中国成立以后,上海文学的传统开始逐渐弱化。

    After foundation of new china , the tradition of shanghai 's literature began to be weakened .

  5. 80年代中后期,上海文学中的日常生活在回归中发展,展露出积极向上的生存理念。

    The daily life in literature in Shanghai has returned and developed , demonstrating an active desire for survival since the middle of eighties .

  6. 这些期刊的创办打开了沦陷后上海文学创作的局面,并在一定程度上引导、规约了此时上海文学的精神风貌与价值取向。

    They are Gujin 's type , Magazine 's type and Wanxiang 's type which influence the spirit of Shanghai literature at that time .

  7. 虽然新时期的上海文学有着新的生机、的面貌,但是在继承上海文学传统中仍然有着诸多的缺憾。

    Although literature of Shanghai has its new vigor and new appearance in New Period , but there are many shortcomings in inheritance of the tradition of Shanghai 's literature .

  8. 《文艺春秋》是四十年代中后期在国统区出版的持续时间最长的纯文艺期刊之一,也是当时传播和影响最为深远的上海文学刊物之一。

    As one of the most popular literary journals in Shanghai , Spring and Autumn of Literature and Art was among the most enduring publications of pure art circulated in the late 1940s in Kuomintang-dominated areas .

  9. 论1940年代上海通俗文学期刊新人涌现之现象

    Study on the Phenomenon of the Young Authors Emerging in Popular Literary Journal during 1940s Shanghai

  10. 论上海翻译文学与本土文学的张力与对话(1843-1919)

    On the Tension and Conversation between the Translated and Creative Literatures of Shanghai ( 1843-1919 )

  11. 城市的公共性想象与日常性的消失&以十七年上海题材文学为例

    The Imagination of Urban Publicness and the Disappearing of the Everydayness & On the Seventeen Years Literature about Shanghai

  12. 后来漂泊到上海从事文学创作便以表现川康社会人生为主。

    Later he went to Shanghai and was engaged in creation of literature about the life of the Chuan Kang society .

  13. 本文对上海当代文学中的日常生活的发展流变作一总体的描述,并力图揭示其中所蕴含的精神嬗变。

    This paper describes the development of daily life narration in Shanghai in the contemporary literature , uncloaking the soul transmutation inside it .

  14. 曾任上海市文学艺术界联合会研究室主任,《电视、电影、文学》杂社主编,编审。

    He was director of Shanghai Literature and Art League and chief editor , compiler of magazine office named Video , Movie , Literature .

  15. 论上海20世纪文学中日常生活的书写和意义

    The Daily Life Writing of Shanghai in the 20th Century

  16. 承载着世界对于中国现代化想象的上海,在文学创作中并没有形成一种现实关切和未来展望的潮流,强势蔓延的却是一种怀旧主题。

    Literary works dealing with Shanghai do not show concern for reality nor for future , but largely center on the theme of reminiscence .

  17. 文章通过细致的梳理,指出在新文学的第一、二个十年,北京、上海曾作为文学的中心,在现代文学史上享有崇高的地位。

    This paper , by means of detailed analysis , points out that in the first and the second decades of the new literature , both Beijing and Shanghai were considered as the center of literature , and occupied the most outstanding position in contemporary literary history .

  18. 女性生存的另类书写&对上海沦陷期女性文学主题的再阐释

    Description of female life in a different aspect & A newly-interpret of Shanghai female literature theme in the enemy-occupied period

  19. 上海沦陷后的文学期刊有60余种,兼顾政治立场与文学取向,可分为三种类型:《古今》型、《杂志》型、《万象》型。

    There are about 60 literature periodicals which can be divided into three types by the tendency of politics and literature .

  20. 上海一直是新文学的聚焦之地,也是中国都市化的前沿阵地。

    In 20th century , Shanghai was always the focus of Chinese modem literature , it was also the forward position of urbanization .

  21. 在对上海都市意象进行文学建构的过程中,是左翼都市小说和新感觉派都市小说的共同努力完成的。

    In the process of literary establishment of the urban image of Shanghai , it is fulfilled by the mutual efforts of Leftist novels and New-perceptional novels .

  22. 上海在中国现代文学史上所具有的特殊的历史地位愈来愈额为学界所重视。

    Shanghai 's special historical statue has played an important role in China 's modern literature , it has attracted more and more attention from the academic circles .

  23. 文章主要勾勒上海区域文化与区域文学之间的历史的、动态的关系,并以此检讨上海目前的文学创作。

    This paper is mainly intended to describe the historic , dynamic relationship between the regional culture and the regional literature in Shanghai .

  24. 本届年会由中国比较文学学会主办,复旦大学、上海师范大学和上海市比较文学学会一同承办。

    The congress is hosted by CCLA , and undertaken by Fudan University , Shanghai Normal University and ShHCLA .