
  • 网络Inbound tourism
  1. 基于灰色GM(1,1)模型的宁夏入境旅游客源市场预测研究

    Forecasting Inbound Tourism Market of Ningxia Based on Grey GM ( 1,1 ) Forecasting Model

  2. 虽然,入境旅游消费总额占GDP的比重不高,但由于入境旅游是一个综合性、关联的性的产业,因此入境旅游对山东省GDP的拉动作用是不可忽视的。

    Although the proportion of inbound tourism consumption in GDP is not high , the inbound tourism is a comprehensive and correlated industry .

  3. 加入世贸组织(WTO)后,入境旅游市场将进一步扩大。

    After joining in the WTO , the international tourist market will further expand .

  4. 基于协整与Granger因果分析的黑龙江入境旅游与经济增长研究

    A Study on the Inbound Tourism and the Economic Growth in Heilongjiang Based on Co-integration and Granger Test

  5. 然后使用了灰色预测模型GM(1,1)预测未来五年的入境旅游消费发展趋势和相关数据。

    Gray prediction model GM ( 1,1 ) and then used to predict the future five years of inbound tourism consumption trends and related data .

  6. 本文对秦皇岛市发展俄罗斯入境旅游进行SWOT分析,并提出秦皇岛市拓展俄罗斯入境旅游市场的策略。

    This text analyzed the development of Russian international tourist market of Qinhangdao , through SWOT analysis , and put forward some strategies .

  7. 基于Theil系数的浙江省入境旅游区域差异研究

    Analysis on the Inbound Tourism Diversity Among Areas in Zhejiang Province Based on Theil Index

  8. 基于IPA分析的广西入境旅游客源市场竞争力时空变化研究

    The Analysis of the Spatial and Time Variation of Guangxi Inbound Tourism Market Competitiveness on the Basis of the IPA Method

  9. 基于FPT的入境旅游市场季节风险规避研究&以台湾客源为例

    Study of Inbound Tourism Market for Avoiding Seasonal Risk Based on FPT & A Case of Taiwan Tourist Market

  10. 以入境旅游收入增长率、入境旅游收入占GDP比重、入境旅游收入占出口额比重为门限变量时,我国入境旅游发展与经济增长之间均存在显著的门限效应。

    When we choose the growth of the tourism receipts , tourism receipts as a share of GDP and tourism receipts as a share of exports as the threshold variables , the relationship between the international tourism and economic growth have the threshold effect .

  11. 自1978中年开始实行改革开放以来,山东省入境旅游业一直保持着稳定快速的发展态势,入境旅游消费总额占山东省GDP的比重也由1979年的0.06%增加到了2009年的0.36%。

    Since China started the reform and opening-up in 1979 , the inbound tourism industry of Shandong has maintained a steady and rapid development . The proportion of inbound tourism consumption in GDP has increased from 0.06 % in 1979 to 0.36 % in 2009 .

  12. 结合脉冲响应函数与方差分解分析入境旅游消费构成与山东省GDP短期的互动关系可知,在娱乐、交通、购物方面消费的增加会明显地促进GDP的增长。

    The impulse response analysis and variance decomposition figure show that there exists a short-term interactive relationship among those key elements . The consumption of entertainment , transportation and shopping promote the growth of GDP greatly , so Shandong province should encourage the investment of relevant areas .

  13. 阮轩平说,5月之前,岘港中国人入境旅游市场的增长,主要和2012年以来包机航班的急剧增多有关,经营这些航班的有越南航空公司(VietnamAirlines)、中国东方航空公司和中国南方航空公司。

    Mr. Binh , the Da Nang tourism official , said growth in the city 's inbound Chinese tourism market before May was mainly related to a sharp rise since 2012 in charter flights operated by Vietnam Airlines , China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines .

  14. 运用计量经济学方法,对国际旅行社与国际旅游收入、入境旅游人数之间的关系进行Granger因果检验和协整分析,检验结果表明三变量间为正的因果增长反馈环。

    The Granger causality test and the cointegration analysis were used for the international travel agency and international tourism income , the number of inbound tourism by econometric methods . The test results show that the three variables for growth is a causal feedback loop .

  15. 尽管HideoSawada相信,HIS将继续受益于入境旅游热潮,但他指出,随着日本旅游品味的改变,亟需创新。

    Although Mr Sawada is confident that HIS will continue to benefit from the inbound boom , he identified an urgent need for innovation as Japanese travelling tastes change .

  16. 依据Barro回归方程与邹检验(ChowTest)方法构建边界效应定量分析模型,通过对广西与越南,广西与广东、海南的入境旅游人数的计量分析,评价北部湾区域旅游合作边界效应的时空演进。

    Basing on Barro regression equation and chow test , the author builds a border effects analysis model , and uses the number of inbound tourists of Guangxi and Vietnam , Guangxi and Guangdong , Guangxi and Hainan to evaluate the border effects of the Beibu Gulf regional tourism cooperation .

  17. 其后,融合4Ps营销组合与4Cs营销组合设计了江苏入境旅游营销组合策略:基于客户需求的产品组合策略对江苏入境旅游产品的定位、品种和布局等特色设计进行了系统归纳;

    Then it combined 4Ps and 4Cs and designed the Inbound Tourism Marketing Mix Tactics for Jiangsu Province . The Products Combination Tactics based on Client Needs concluded the characteristic design for positioning , variety and arrangement of the tourism products in Jiangsu .

  18. 入境旅游与区域经济增长关系实证分析

    Analysis on the relationship between inbound tourism and regional economic growth

  19. 入境旅游客源市场竞争态势及市场开拓研究

    Research on Market Competitive State and Market Development of Inbound Tourism

  20. 我国入境旅游产业结构的灰色关联度分析

    Grey Correlational Analysis on Structure of Inbound Tourism Industry of China

  21. 基于30年入境旅游外汇收入的最佳建模与预测

    Optimal Modeling and Forecasting on 30 Year Tourism Foreign Exchange Earnings

  22. 金融危机形势下对我国入境旅游的思考

    Thoughts about China 's inbound tourism under the financial crisis situation

  23. 中国入境旅游市场需求的影响因素研究

    The Analysis on Affecting Factors of Chinese Inbound Tourism Market Demand

  24. 基于游客感知的西安入境旅游驱力因素研究

    Study of Xi'an Inbound Tourism Drives Based on Tourists ' Apperceive

  25. 对以色列来说,中国是入境旅游人数增长最快的国家。

    China is the fastest-growing source of inbound tourism for Israel .

  26. 西北五省区入境旅游竞争力比较研究

    The Comparative Study of Overseas Tourism Competitiveness for Five Northwestern Provinces

  27. 基于目的地吸引条件的辽宁省入境旅游驱动机制研究

    A study on the inbound tourism driving mechanism in Liaoning Province

  28. 入境旅游主要消费特征及调整对策

    The major features in consumption of inbound tourism and measurements

  29. 人民币汇率变化对中国入境旅游的影响

    Effect of Fluctuating RMB Exchange Rate on Inbound Tourist Arrivals

  30. 旅游服务对我国入境旅游停留时间的影响

    Factors in Service that Affect the Length of Stay of Inbound Tourists