
  1. 诸如旅行社以虚假广告欺骗旅游消费者,导游下所旅游时间,导游欺骗旅游消费者购物的现象屡见不鲜。

    Some travel agencies make false advertisement to cheat tourism consumers .

  2. 第五,构建了旅游消费者数据分析系统。

    Fifth , a tourist consume data analysis system is designed .

  3. 浅论旅游消费者权益的法律保护

    On the protection in law of tourists ' rights and interests

  4. 旅游消费者抱怨行为的研究

    A Study of Consumer Complaint Behavior : The Cases in Travel Agencies

  5. 从女性旅游消费者看旅游市场开发

    On the Tourism Market Exploration from the Angle of Female Tourist Consumers

  6. 我国旅游消费者安全权实现的困境与出路

    Plight and Way Out of Realization of Safety Rights of Tourist Consumers

  7. 本文第三章节为旅游消费者权益保护的比较法研究。

    The third chapter : tourism consumers ' right protection in comparative study .

  8. 旅游消费者行为的动力机制研究

    Study on Impetus Mechanism of Consumer Behavior in Tourism

  9. 我国旅游消费者权益保护的立法现状分析

    On the Current situation of Legislation on the Protection of Tourists ' Rights and Interests in China

  10. 其次,从内部诱因来讲,潜在乡村旅游消费者的内部条件也逐渐成熟。

    Furthermore , the internal conditions of the potential consumers of rural tourism is also gradually mature .

  11. 奢侈品旅游消费者从来都有,也是这个市场的重要组成部分。

    The travelling luxury consumer has always existed , and is a very important part of the market .

  12. 为此,必须从立法方面重视对旅游消费者合法权益的保护。

    Therefore , we must seriously treat the protection of tourists'rights and interests in the aspect of legislation .

  13. 科学制定战略定位,在潜在旅游消费者心中建立特殊的、极具吸引力的地位。

    Scientific strategic positioning , in potential tourists ' heart establish a special , extremely attractive status . 2 .

  14. 本文通过六个部分对旅游消费者权益保护问题进行了全面的分析。

    This article has analyzed the question of traveling consumers ' rights and interests protection comprehensively through six parts .

  15. 文章对旅游消费者行为的动力机制进行了详细地剖析。

    Firstly , this paper carries on elucidation to the establishment of the tourist behavior ' impetus mechanism theories .

  16. 然而旅行社在市场交易中,经常牺牲旅游消费者的权益来满足自身的利益。

    Travel agencies , however , often sacrifice consumer rights and interests in market transactions to meet their own interests .

  17. 旅游消费者作为旅行社利益相关者中重要的一员,与旅行社既对立又依存。

    Travel consumers , as important members of travel agency stakeholders , are both contradictory and interdependent with travel agencies .

  18. 目前对保护旅游消费者权益的相关法律法规还存在不足,尤其是对低价团队中的购物纠纷的解决还存在欠缺。

    Current relevant tourist laws and regulations are not powerful enough to protect all the tourists ' rights and interests .

  19. 主要介绍了旅游消费者权益的界定及内容。

    The boundary and the content of the rights and interests of tourism consumers are also introduced . The tourism consumers are special consumers .

  20. 第一部分为导言部分,主要阐述了国内外对旅游消费者行为研究的状况,以及本文的研究内容、思路、方法和意义。

    It mainly elaborates the study of domestic and abroad on tourist behavior , and the researching content , thinking , method and significance .

  21. 使命以互联网为平台,用最低的成本和最专业的信息服务,为旅游消费者提供最具性价比的旅行服务。

    Mission Use the Internet as a platform to offer you low cost and professional information and provide you the most cost-effective travel services .

  22. 冲突的原因是旅游消费者期望获得愉悦的旅游经历,而旅行社期望获得最大的利润,二者的目的存在潜在矛盾。

    Conflicts lie in that travel consumers expect joyful travel experiences , but travel agencies expect the greatest profits , the purpose of both conflicts .

  23. 本研究以国内旅游消费者为研究对象,通过便利抽样的方式对在校大学生旅游者发放问卷。

    The research object of the study is the domestic tourists , and we distribute questionnaires to the college student travelers on campus by convenient sampling .

  24. 第二,从旅游消费者行为学、旅游心理学、旅游者空间行为模式等角度来构建本文研究的理论基础。

    Secondly , the theoretical basis for this paper is built from the perspective of tourism consumer behavior , tourism psychology , and tourist space behavior pattern .

  25. 在结合我国具体实际的前提下,适当借鉴国外处理相关问题的先进制度,作者从立法、执法、司法三个方面提出了加强保护旅游消费者权益的若干对策。

    The author thinks we should model overseas advanced system of processing correlation question suitably on the base of unifying the specific actual situation in our country .

  26. 即建立和完善旅游消费者权益保护的法律体系、加强对侵害旅游消费者权益行为的执法力度和从司法上加强保护旅游消费者权益。

    The author proposes some countermeasures to protect traveling consumer rights and interests from three aspects which include the legislation , the law enforcement and the judicial .

  27. 进行旅游消费者CS/D因源的理论性思考为旅游经营者提高消费者满意度提供了一种强有力的工具。

    Theoretical considerations on antecedents of tourist consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction ( CS / D ) provide a powerful tool for tourism industry operators to enhance their consumers ' satisfaction .

  28. 这些冲突损害了旅游消费者的法律平等地位权、产品的选择权、知情权、安全权、按约旅行权、公平交易权等。

    These conflicts undermine the rights of travel consumers , such as legal equal status , product selection , personal security , fair trade , right to know and so on .

  29. 如何进一步提高服务质量,进行服务创新,去真正满足旅游消费者日益复杂的消费需求,是现代旅游业亟待解决的问题。

    How to improve its service quality and make innovation in service to meet the various needs of tourist consumers is a problem necessary for the modern tourist industry to solve in no time .

  30. 然而,随着计算机、互联网的发展,网络俨然成为人们获取信息的主要渠道,越来越多的旅游消费者热衷于在线获取旅游信息。

    However , with the rapid development of information technology , people are more likely to obtain information through the internet , consequently , a growing number of tourists are turning to the internet to acquire tourism information .