
  • 网络Tourism Festival;tourist festival
  1. 关于上海旅游节发展的若干思考

    Some Reflections on the Development of Shanghai Tourism Festival

  2. 作为上海旅游节唯一认可的官方啤酒节,它将带给我们最原汁原味的维森啤酒以及地道的德国乐队。

    As the only official beer festival of the Shanghai Tourism Festival , it will bring pure Weizen beer and German bands .

  3. 旅游节事项目管理模式初探

    A Probe into Project Management Mode of Tourism Festival and Special Events

  4. 第九,丝路文化宣传、促销。包括举办多种旅游节会;

    Ninth , the promotion of the Silk Road culture .

  5. 主办方表示该旅游节带来了超过19亿元的收入。

    Organizers say the event has raked in over 1.9 billion Yuan .

  6. 办好蒸汽机车旅游节,做好东道主!

    Hold steam locomotive Tourist Festival successfully ? Act as a good host .

  7. 他被指派统管这场重要的旅游节的开幕式。

    He is assigned to direct the opening ceremony of this important tourist festival .

  8. 日内瓦国际文化旅游节成都皮影剪纸放光彩

    Chengdu 's Shadow Puppetry and Paper-cut Shone on the Cultural Festival in Geneva , Switzerland

  9. 长江三峡国际旅游节

    Yangtze River Three Gorges International Tourism Festival

  10. 民俗型旅游节事活动探讨&以安徽省全椒县非物质文化遗产为例

    Analysis of Folklore Tourism Festival Activities & Taking Quanjiao 's Intangible Culture Heritage as an Example

  11. 热烈庆祝第五届中国鞍山千山国际旅游节隆重开幕!

    Congratulations on the grand opening of the5th Qianshan International Tourism Festival of anshan , china !

  12. 北京国际文化旅游节

    Beijing International Culture Tourism Festival

  13. 随着城市节事产业的不断发展和壮大,城市大型旅游节事活动的举办及运作过程越来越受到学术界关注。

    With continuous development of the city mega-events industry , their organization and operation has attracted more and more academic attention .

  14. 你看,我6月份安排得满满的,我不能去伦敦参加旅游节了。

    As you can see , my schedule for June is full and I cannot go to London for the festival .

  15. 我们有信心、也有能力圆满完成本次的接待任务,为这次文化旅游节做出贡献。

    We have the confidence and ability to smoothly finish the acceptation task to make contribution for the culture and tour festival .

  16. 昨天由于上海旅游节,当地许多观光景点也有50%的折扣。

    And 50 % - off discounts also happened to be offered at many local sightseeing spots for Shanghai Tourism Festival yesterday .

  17. 2008年,天津把这里重新启用,组织了意大利风情旅游节,让这里重新有了些许异国的风情。

    In the year of2008 , Tianjin reused the Istyle Town , organizing a theme tour festival , which will make this area exotic .

  18. 通过多年的成功举办,旅游节已成为展示湖南旅游业发展成果和加快湖南旅游业发展的重要平台。

    Successfully hosted so many years , tourism festival has become the vital platform to show and accelerate the development of tourism in Hunan .

  19. 享誉上海的扬子江万丽大酒店啤酒节不但成为了上海旅游节的精彩活动之一,并连续十年在金秋时节将浓郁的巴伐利亚节氛围带到上海。

    The only official Oktoberfest endorsed by the Shanghai Tourism Festival will feature world-renowned Weihenstephan beer from the world 's oldest brewery in Bavaria .

  20. 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州格拉莫根春天湾区议员黛比·威斯比表示,这次的旅游节让她有机会进一步了解中国。

    Debbie Wisby , council member for Glamorgan Spring Bay in Tasmania , Australia , said this festival gives her a good opportunity to learn more about China .

  21. 在这次旅游节期间,还会签订一系列战略合作协议以及买卖协议,本次旅游节旨在整合旅游资源,为整个市场提供独特的文化体验。

    Dozens of strategic cooperation agreements and purchasing deals will be signed during the festival as it integrate tourism resources and provide special cultural experiences for the whole market .

  22. 我校参加首届中国武汉国际旅游节开幕式表演,神奇的木兰武术折服数十万中外游客。

    The school performed in the opening ceremony of the first Wuhan International Tourism Festival of China and visitors from home and abroad were convinced by the miraculous Mulan wushu .

  23. 关于广东举办大型旅游节事活动布局决策的思考民俗型旅游节事活动探讨&以安徽省全椒县非物质文化遗产为例

    Thoughts on Decision-making on layout of Holding Royal Events for Tourism in Guangdong Province ; Analysis of Folklore Tourism Festival Activities & Taking Quanjiao 's Intangible Culture Heritage as an Example

  24. 其它大城市,像上海、广州和武汉,也面临着沉重的交通。周四闭幕的2011上海旅游节吸引了九百多万游客。

    Other big cities like Shanghai , Guangzhou and Wuhan are also facing heavy traffic pressure.The2011 Shanghai Tourism Festival , which closed on Thursday , attracted more than nine million visitors .

  25. 并提出了建立合适的旅游节事项目主体系统,以及实施有效的营销管理、财务管理、风险管理和物流管理的基本方法。

    It proposed to construct a main body system of TFSE projects and also discussed some basic approaches for efficient marketing management , finance management , risk management and logistics management .

  26. 通过每年在凭祥口岸举办的交易会和旅游节,两国人民在许多领域展开积极合作,从而增进了彼此的了解。

    Through annual trade fairs and tourism festvals held in Pingxiang Port , people of the two countries have come to know each other better while conducting active cooperation in many fields .

  27. 上海多年来成功的举办了旅游节,这对拓展旅游市场,促进社会经济的发展,发挥了十分积极的作用。

    The successful holding of the tourist festivals in Shanghai over the years has played an active role in expanding the tourist market and in turn promoting the economic and social development .

  28. 在今年11月19日第三届海上丝绸之路国际旅游节开幕式上,中国国家旅游局数据中心宣布在海滨城市福州建立第二中心。

    China National Tourism Administration Data Center announced the establishment a sub-center in China 's coastal city Fuzhou , at the opening ceremony of the Third Maritime Silk Road International Tourism Festival on Nov.19 .

  29. 针对目前我国旅游节事开发管理中存在的问题,本文主张引入项目管理理论到旅游节事管理中,利用项目管理模式的思想与方法解决实际问题。

    In view of the existing problems in tourism festivals and events exploitation and management in China , the paper favors applying project management theory to the management of Tourism Festivals and Special Events ( TFSE ) .

  30. 因子分析结果表明,长白山红叶旅游节参与者动机主要包含文化性体验、追求自然的好奇心、人际因素、教育意义、逃离日常生活和家庭亲和性六个因素。

    The factor analysis , the results showed that participants motivation is the festival red leaves changbai mountain contain cultural experience , the pursuit of natural curiosity , human factors , education significance , escape from daily life and family affinity six factors .