
lǚ diàn
  • inn;hostel;guest-house;xenodocheum
旅店 [lǚ diàn]
  • [hostel;inn;guest-house] 供旅行者休息或住宿的小旅馆

旅店[lǚ diàn]
  1. 这家旅店能否为一行5人提供2周膳宿?

    Can the inn accommodate a party of five for two weeks ?

  2. 我们碰巧发现一家古老的乡村小旅店,就停下来吃了一顿饭。

    We happened on an old country inn , and stopped to have a meal .

  3. 我不是夸张,这旅店真的很脏。

    The hotel was really filthy and I 'm not exaggerating .

  4. 旅店立在陡峭的山坡上状似摇摇欲坠。

    The hotel perched precariously on a steep hillside .

  5. 这家旅店值得再次光顾。

    This hotel is worth a return visit .

  6. 今年,那些通常爆满的旅店整个夏天都有空客房。

    This year hotels that usually are jammed had vacancies all summer .

  7. 在普通的旅店里过一夜要花费约35英镑。

    A one-night stay in a modest hotel costs around £ 35 .

  8. 您可以将自理膳食旅店升级为酒店。

    You can upgrade from self-catering accommodation to a hotel .

  9. 这家旅店近来彻底重新装修过。

    This hotel has recently been completely refurbished .

  10. 起价为单人1,095英镑,包括机票、旅店住宿和各种出游费用。

    Prices start at £ 1,095 per person , including flights , hotel accommodation and various excursions

  11. 我在汽车旅店吃早饭时,和一位五金店的老板聊了起来。

    Over breakfast at my motel , I fell into conversation with the owner of a hardware shop .

  12. 这家旅店可以接待100个学生。

    This hotel can lodge 100 students .

  13. 很抱歉,我不能留你住下,因此你得住旅店了。

    I 'm sorry I can 't put you up , you 'll have to stay in a hotel .

  14. 这个旅店的服务每况愈下。

    The service in this hotel goes from bad to worse .

  15. 这旅店是一家经营完善的企业。

    The hotel is a well-run establishment .

  16. 戴维厌烦在伦敦工作,因此他背水一战迁移到苏格兰,在那里买了一家小旅店。

    David got tired of working in London so he burned his boats and moved up to Scotland and bought a small hotel there .

  17. 哈桑在城里建了一间大旅店,并把旅店命名为“满罐”。

    Hassan built a huge inn in the city and named it The Bulgy Pot .

  18. 当他正要在旅店的登记薄上签名时,看到有个臭虫从单子上爬过去。

    When he was about to write his name on the hotel register , he saw a bedbug crawling across the page .

  19. 睡在拥挤的旅店,把所有行囊背在背上,尽管这对一些人来说很有乐趣,但还有一些背包客热衷于寻找奢华体验。

    While sleeping in crowded hotels and strapping1 all your possessions to your back is heaven for some , there 's another breed of backpacker who 's looking for luxury .

  20. 曾经有一个英国人半夜从房间里出来,来到旅店的走廊上,向旅店的服务员要了一杯水。

    Once , late at night , an Englishman came out of his room into the corridor of a hotel and asked the servant to bring him a glass of water . The servant did as he was asked .

  21. 女士说,如果我是你(IfIwereyou),就会要旅店提供叫醒电话(wake-upcall)。

    W : If I were you , I 'd request the wake-up call from the hotel reception .

  22. 世界上最贵的旅馆&阿联酋迪拜的BurjAlArab旅店。

    The world 's most expensive hotel-Burj Al Arab Dubai , United Arab Emirates hotels .

  23. 他也同Miller联袂出演了2000的黑帮电影《爱,荣誉与服从》以及2002年在合奏戏剧《旅店》中参演Liu的对手戏。

    He co-starred with Miller in 2000 's gangster film Love , Honour and Obey and opposite Liu in 2002 ensemble drama Hotel .

  24. 这种解决方案假定每个与AcmeTravel有业务关系的航班、旅店和汽车租赁代理都将其预约系统作为Web服务而具体化了。

    This solution makes the assumption that each airline , hotel and car rental agency with which Acme Travel deals has externalized its reservation system as a web service .

  25. 6月26日,RoyO’Neill和MichaelGigl站在旅店对面的街道上,观看了纽约的“骄傲游行”。

    On June 26th Roy O'Neill and Michael Gigl stood just across the street from it to watch the city 's Pride march .

  26. 我们在旅店被订满时将有许多机会;这对于xxx来说,则是一个自动扩展业务的契机。

    We will have many occasions when the hotel is fully booked ; this is an automatic business generator for xxx .

  27. 然而当他们抵达Fauntleroy旅店时,苏克雷并不在后车箱里。

    Yet when they arrive at the Fauntleroy Hotel , Sucre is not in the trunk .

  28. 应该如何把Airbnb上每年只把房间出租10晚的房东与长期经营住宿加早餐旅店(B&B)的房东放在同一个监管层面上?

    How should Airbnb landlords who let a room for 10 nights a year be placed on a level playing field with regular bed-and-breakfast landlords ?

  29. 最后,那间房子里没有大床,我们只好住进了波莫纳的喜来登酒店(SheratoninPomona),因为克莱蒙特的旅店当时都已经订满了。

    In the end , no king-sized bed , so we stayed at the Sheraton in Pomona as hotels in Claremont were fully booked by that time .

  30. 以间接血凝(IHA)试验,对来自武汉市31家旅店中429名从业人员(男119人;女310人)的血清,以及血清检测阳性者阴道分泌物,进行了衣原体抗体的检测。

    By using indirect hemagglutination test , 429 serum samples ( 119 males and 310 females ) from 31 inns or hotels of Wuhan city , and the vaginal swabs of those women with positive sera , were assayed for chlamydia antibody .