
  1. 作者对人物的描写强而有力。

    The author 's character delineation is forceful .

  2. 叶兆言在文中塑造了一批具有传统文化内涵的人物,通过对人物的描写,展示了传统文化在当时社会的生存现状,让读者自己反思应该如何正确继承传统文化。

    He shapes a group of characters who have the traditional culture connotation . He shows the survival present situation of traditional culture in society with describing the characters . His fiction let the readers reflect how to inherit the traditional culture correctly .

  3. 鲁迅常常通过对人物眼睛的描写,来刻画作品人物的心理活动、个性特征的内在关系。

    Lu Hsun describes the internal relationship between the psychological activities and personal characters of people in his novels by eye description .

  4. 奥茨通过对女性人物的描写,寄予了她对妇女悲惨命运的同情和对社会现实的不满。

    By her depiction of female images , Oates shows her profound sympathy for women of lower class and great dissatisfaction to the social reality .

  5. 现代派小说对人物的心理描写,深入到了潜意识的层次,这就大大地增强了小说的表现力,从而更真实地再现了人物的心灵。

    The subconscious description is used in modernism novels which not only greatly heighten the expression power of novels but also reflects the characters ' mind more authentically .

  6. 《金瓶梅词话》对人物服饰的描写不下于百处,充分展示了明代端庄、宏美的服饰风貌。

    More than one hundred of description of characters'dress in Jin Ping Mei show us the beautiful and elegant dress style in the Ming Dynasty , especially of women .

  7. 整部小说充满了人与自然和谐相处的完美画面,这种和谐通过对自然和人物的描写体现出来。

    The entire novel is imbued with the ideal pictures that human beings coexist harmoniously with nature .

  8. 在对人物心境的微妙描写中,呈现出了人性化、人情化、泛欲化等时代个性。

    In the description of the delicate feelings of characters , the features of that time such as humanity , human touch and pan-lust are presented .

  9. 在敦煌壁画中,供养人像是对社会现实人物的真实描写。

    Among Dunhuang frescoes , donator 's images are portraits of the real characters in that time .

  10. 中国的作文命题比较偏感性化,不重理据,侧重对人物、自然景观的描写以及对社会问题的评判,尤其看重学生在谋篇布局时反映出的个人价值判断。

    The Chinese Composition proposition seems more sensibility , and pays much attention to the description of the natural landscape and judgment on the social issues . Particularly , they fond of their personal value judgments .

  11. 在《达洛维夫人》里,伍尔芙通过对一系列男女人物的描写,阐释了男性权威和知识把人类隔离和分类的父权制政治和文化。

    Through her representation of male and female characters in Mrs Dalloway , Woolf deals with the world of patriarchal politics and culture in which masculine modes of authority and knowledge separate and categorize all human beings .

  12. 作为女性主义译者的张玲在具体语言运用方面反而违背了女性性别语言的特征,例如倾向使用标准语,句末语气助词的频繁使用,对粗俗或咒骂语的回避,对人物感情的描写等。

    As a female translator Zhang Ling has violated the characteristic of women language in language use , such as preference to standard language , preference to frequent use of sentence final particles , avoiding vulgar or coarse words , and description of feelings .

  13. 对池莉和方方而言,她们作品中的人物从某种意义上来说只不过是她们的代言人,通过对这些人物生活经历的描写,形象的刻画来表现她们的思想与人生观。

    For Chi Li and Fang Fang , the characters in their works are just their spokesmen in some sense , through the description of their life experience and depiction of characters , for the purpose of transmitting their thought and the outlook on life .