
  • 网络Tourism Master Plan;overall tour plan
  1. 乡镇旅游总体规划具有旅游规划的一般通性,但更要突出自身的特色,具备可操作性;

    The master planning of township and village tourism development has much commonness as average tourism plans , but it must extrude feature and can be operated .

  2. 乡镇旅游总体规划的编制与实施必须与乡镇土地利用规划、道路交通规划、市政公用设施规划、园林绿地系统规划、环境保护规划等综合协调、同步进行;

    And it should be harmonized with Land use plan , Road and Traffic plan , Base facilities plan , Garden and Greenland system plan and Environment Protection plan .

  3. BP神经网络预测法能为内蒙古地区的草原旅游公路总体规划、发展内蒙古地区旅游产业和科学的建设旅游交通系统提供帮助。

    The BP neural network was help to travel to Inner Mongolia grasslands road master plan , to develop the Inner Mongolia tourism industry and to build tourism transport system .

  4. 制定了北武当山旅游景区总体规划方案设计。

    Formulated the north Wudang mountain tourism scenic area overall plan design .

  5. 清远市白庙渔村旅游区总体规划设想

    Imagination on the master tourist planning of Baimiao fishing village in Qingyuan City

  6. 《山东省旅游发展总体规划》评析

    Review on the master plan of tourism development for Shandong province , China

  7. 北京市旅游发展总体规划研究

    Study on Master Planning of Beijing Tourism Development

  8. 以旅游区总体规划为依据的投资估算的误差率一般应控制再±30%以内,以旅游区详细规划为依据的投资估算的误差率应控制在±20%以内。

    The investment estimation for the overall planning of tourism region usually with a tolerance of less than 30 % , for the detailed planning , the range is less than 20 % .

  9. 总结了编制北京市旅游发展总体规划的实际工作,结合区域旅游规划的一般原理,提出了省级旅游规划的1231工程模式。即一个目标的确定;

    It makes a conclusion of the practical work of master planning of Beijing tourism development , and presents a 1231 projects model of provincial tourism planning , according to the general principles of regional tourism planning .

  10. 海南国际旅游岛总体规划的通过,让海南的旅游业骤然升温,也使处于珠三角东部地区的深圳、惠州两市乃至整个广东省滨海旅游度假地的发展面临着强大的挑战与激烈的竞争。

    Tourism in Hainan Province has been skyrocketing after the approval of general planning of building Hainan into a top international tourism destination , which is a great challenge and competition of East Pearl River Delta and even the whole coastal resort of Guangdong .

  11. 本文结合我院建筑系于1994年完成的该风景旅游区总体规划,阐述对城郊风景旅游区的规划思想、规划要点及风景旅游环境创造等方面所作的探索与研究。

    This article , combining the overall planning of the spot made by the Architectural Department of Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture , illustrates the achievements of exploration and research in the planning principle , planning emphasis and the environment creation of suburb scenic spots .

  12. 要进一步完善巴里坤县旅游发展总体规划,积极挖掘历史文化资源,开展文化旅游活动,促进旅游经济提速与历史文化保护工作的协调发展。

    Therefore , it is necessary to further improve the " Barkol County Tourism master plan ", to dig historical and cultural resources positively , to carry out cultural tourism activities , and to promote the coordinated development of the tourism economic acceleration and the protection of historical culture .

  13. 最后,依据上述理论基础和预测方法,论文从设施和政策两个方面对城市旅游交通进行总体规划。

    Finally , based on the theoretical basis and forecasting methods , papers from the policy and installation aspects of tourist traffic to the city master plan .

  14. 本文基于桃江县旅游业发展总体规划课题,旅游环境规划子课题。目的之一是通过旅游区环境质量评价,尤其是旅游区地质环境质量评价,为桃花江美容旅游度假村选址提供科学依据。

    Based on the sub-program of environmental planning of the tourism development in Taojiang County , the paper aims to provide evidences for vacation village through environmental assessment , especially geological environmental assessment .

  15. 建立大黄山旅游圈的总体发展规划

    General Development Plan for Establishing of A Grand Huangshan Tour Circle

  16. 形成宏观县域旅游发展战略规划及总体规划、中观旅游目的地总体规划及控制性详细规划、微观旅游目的地修建性详细规划的旅游规划编制体系。

    The planning system of tourism compose development strategic planning and master planning of county in the macro-level , master planning and regulatory planning of tourism destination in the meso-level , site planning of tourism destination in the micro-level .

  17. 在2003年世界旅游组织专家编制的《黑龙江省旅游发展总体规划》OKL旅游总体框架中,佳木斯地区是一个重要的环节,有着不可或缺的地位。

    Heilongjiang Provincial tourism development overall plan establishmented by World Tourism Organization in 2003 , in which the Jiamusi region is an important link and at vital position .

  18. 旅游规划典型问题剖析&以《昌平区旅游总体规划(2004~2015)征求意见稿》为例

    Typical problem analysis in tourism planning

  19. GIS与RS技术在区域旅游规划制图中的应用&以衡阳市旅游发展总体规划为例

    The Application of GIS RS Technology in the Mapping of a Regional Tourism Planning & A Case Study of Hengyang Comprehensive Planning for Tourism Development

  20. 同时对生态旅游景观资源进行了详尽的描述和分析,为南岳树木园生态旅游基地的总体规划、以及如何保护和合理开发利用这些生态旅游资源提供了必要的科学依据。

    Meanwhile , the resources were described and analyzed in detail , which provided necessary scientific basis for overall plan , protection and reasonable development of eco-tourism in Nanyue Tree-Garden .

  21. 生态旅游的理念思考与实践探索&以《南太白山(周至)生态保护与旅游发展总体规划》为例

    Pondering over the Theory and Exploring the Practice for Ecotourism Illustrated by " the Site Plan of Ecological Conservation Ecotourism Development for the South Area of Taibai Mountain ( zhou zhi )"