
  1. 旅游业标准化工作是一个新兴的领域。

    Tourism standardization work is a new field .

  2. 又通过与国外先进旅游业标准化工作的比较和与全国相关省区旅游业标准化工作的进展程度的比较,指出云南省旅游业标准化发展的现状、存在的问题和原因分析。

    And through comparing the advanced foreign tourism standardization work with the national and comparison with the related provinces tourism standardization work progress degree , it points out the present situation of the development of Yunnan tourism standardization , the existing problems and analyzes the reasons .

  3. 旅游业标准化工作能促进旅游业科学发展,是提高旅游服务质量、规范旅游市场秩序、增强旅游产业竞争力、加强行业监督管理和提高旅游公共服务水平的重要手段。

    Tourism standardization work can promote tourism science development , is to improve service quality , regulate tourism travel market order , strengthen the competitiveness of the industry of tourism , strengthen the supervision and management and improve the tourism industry level of public service the important means .

  4. 党和国家高度重视旅游工作,对旅游业发展、旅游业标准化工作提出较高的要求。

    The communist party and the government pay attention to the tourism work , the development of the tourism industry , tourism standardization work put forward higher requirement .