
lǚ xínɡ bēi bāo
  • knapsack
  1. “御宅族”以迷恋漫画和电子游戏而著称,他们的标准行头是竞赛服、旅行背包和墨镜,所以极易辨认。

    They 're known for their devotion to comics and computer games and can easily be identified by their standard outfit of track suit , knapsack and spectacles .

  2. 我需要买一个大的旅行背包来背负我的食物和水。

    I will need to buy a large backpack to carry my supplies of food and water .

  3. 哈利瞪大眼睛看着,生怕一眨眼便错过了好戏。就在那男孩刚好走到两个站台的分界线时,一大群游客突然蜂拥地出现在他面前,就在最后一个旅行背包被运走之前,男孩已经消失了。

    Harry watched , careful not to blink in case he missed it - but just as the boy reached the dividing barrier between the two platforms , a large crowd of tourists came swarming in front of him and by the time the last backpack had cleared away , the boy had vanished .

  4. 旅行用背包,塑料薄膜或纺织材料制

    Knapsack , of sheeting of plastics or of textile materials

  5. 英国对自助旅行和背包旅行也十分欢迎。

    Britain 's independent hostels and backpackers hostels also offer a great welcome .

  6. 固定住旅行箱、背包,防止事故中被掉落的行李砸伤。

    Stow suitcases and bags securely to prevent them from becoming deadly missiles in a crash .

  7. 保持过道畅通,清理过道上的旅行箱、背包及其它行李,因为如遇事故,过道是重要逃生通道。

    Keep aisles clear of any suitcases , bags or other items that might hinder escape in an emergency .

  8. 徒步旅行指南说道背包的负重应与自身体型相对应,身材矮小的人就应该背更轻负重。

    Hiking guidelines say that the weight of a pack should correspond to body size , with smaller individuals bearing lighter burdens .

  9. 《纽约时报》援引卡尔扎伊前助手哈利勒·罗曼的话报道,中央情报局每个月都用旅行箱、背包和塑料购物袋把数千万美元的现钞运往阿富汗国家安全局。

    The New York Times quotes Karzai 's former aide Khalil Roman saying the CIA sent suitcases , backpacks and plastic shopping bags full of cash every month to the Afghan National Security Council .

  10. 据法制晚报报道,一名曾在网上撰写旅行博客的中国背包旅行者兼自由记者恐怕是在阿富汗和巴基斯坦边界附近失踪了。

    Chinese backpacker and freelance journalist who writes a popular travel blog is feared missing near the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan , the Legal Mirror reports .

  11. 我们将需要徒步旅行长达近两个星期,所以我得预先买一个容量大的旅行背包来背负我的食物和饮水。

    Since we 'll be walking for almost two weeks , I 'll need to buy a large backpack in advance to carry my supplies of food and water .