
sǎ shuǐ chē
  • sprinkler;road sprinkler;water barrow;water car
洒水车 [sǎ shuǐ chē]
  • [sprinkler]在街道上喷水的车辆

  1. 洒水车将水洒在路上以不使尘土飞扬

    A sprinkler sprinkles water on the roads to lay the dust .

  2. 阴凉处,田野,牧场,放牧,洒水车,气候,羊毛,笼子,蜂巢。

    Shade , field , pasture , graze , sprinkler , climate , fleece , coop , hive .

  3. 在洒水车车场选址问题上的实验表明,HRSA求解此类问题是有效的。

    The validity and efficiency of the HRSA algorithm are shown by the experiments on the depot-location of sprinkler-cars .

  4. 调查分析发现,洒水车的作业路线规划可以抽象为一类特殊的车辆路径问题进行研究,即复杂的弧对象车辆路径问题(ComplicatedCARP,CCARP)。

    After investigating and analyzing the material , we can find that the scheme of working routes of sprinklers can be abstracted into a special kind of vehicle routing problem for researching , and we can call it Complicated CARP ( CCARP for short ) .

  5. 微型多功能洒水车改装设计

    The Installation and Design of Miniature Watering Car with Many Functions

  6. 发动机自吸排式洒水车的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Sprayer with self-priming Engin

  7. 一位大妈心疼地说,这哪是洒水车,就是漏水车吗?

    An aunt distressed to say that this is the sprinkler which is leaking car ?

  8. 石棉压路机碾来碾去,绝缘洒水车后蒸腾起一片白雾。

    at the tail of an insulated watering cart the steam rose in white clouds .

  9. 是清洁工们,让飞路的洒水车,淋出一个清新的黎明;

    Is a cleaner , let fly the road sprinkler , splashing out of a fresh dawn ;

  10. 干旱季节设置洒水车洒水,防止扬尘。

    In dry seasons , sprinklers are sent to sprinkle water on the road to lay the dust .

  11. 将其放置在手推车或电瓶车上即可使洒水车小型化。

    The sprayer truck can be miniaturized when the utility model is arranged on a handcart or an electric vehicle .

  12. 抓牢闪光枪,我在我之前在洒水车之一点燃了它在天花板中设定。

    Clutching the flare gun , I fired it ahead of me at one of the sprinklers set in the ceiling .

  13. 洒水车将水洒在路上以不使尘土飞扬。只见温暖的光芒里面,微细的灰尘在上下飞扬。

    A sprinkler sprinkles water on the roads to lay the dust . In those warm beams the motes kept dancing up and down .

  14. 其中,满足矿山防尘需求的装水百吨以上的洒水车已基本开发完成。

    In order to meet the needs of decreasing the dust in mine , a water spraying vehicle charging above 100 ton has been manufactured .

  15. 很多洒水车司机都有这样的感受,驾车特别是跑高速时,洒水车噪音已成为影响驾车环境的主要因素。

    Many sprinkles drivers feel this way , especially when running high-speed driving , sprinkles noise has become the main factors of influence driving environment .

  16. 同时也要求洒水车司机尽量把水都物尽其用,不要把还有水的车停在路边。

    Also requires drivers to make the water sprinklers are the best use , not to well water , the car parked on the roadside .

  17. 物流车辆包括油罐车、粉状物料运输车、自动尾板、垃圾收集车、拖臂车、车辆运输车、洒水车等。

    Logistics-related vehicles include oil tank trucks , cement tank trucks , garbage collectors , trucks with detachable decks , car carriers , water sprinklers etc.

  18. 在水泵的选型方面,目前全国较多的洒水车生产厂家选用杭州威龙泵业有限公司生产的洒水车专用泵。

    The water pump selection of , the whole country at present more sprinkles manufacturers choose hangzhou we pump industry limited production of special water sprayer pump .

  19. 洒水车作为一种城市洒水和公路养护的专用作业车辆,其功能越来越细化,使用范围越来越广。

    As a kind of city water sprayer sprinkler and highway maintenance of special operations vehicle , its function is more and more refined , use more widely .

  20. 适当增加洒水车后悬的刚性,以避开车和水箱的共振峰值,将有利于减少水箱的晃动。

    If the rigidity of rear suspension is probably increased to avoid the resonance peak value between the car and water tank , it can reduce the shake of water tank .

  21. 斜巷移动式无人洒水车的研制成功,不仅有效地解决了斜巷降尘难题,而且保证了提升运输安全,真正达到矿井的安全要求。

    The unmanned mobile sprinkler for sloping lanes not only solves the problem of dust settling , but also guarantees the security of the lifting trarsport , and the mines as well .

  22. 我们都知道考拉喜欢睡觉,所以当被花园的洒水车淋个湿透吵醒之后,这只考拉当然一点都不高兴。

    They 're known for their love of sleep , so it 's not surprising this koala was far from happy when it was rudely awakened with a drenching from a garden sprinkler .

  23. 公路护栏清洗装置是加装在洒水车或清扫车的前部,利用洒水车或清扫车的动力和洒水装置开发研制的一种新型清洗设备。

    The cleaning device for road fence is a newly developed cleaning equipment which is installed in the front position of water sprayer or sweeper and using their powers and water spraying devices .

  24. 对此,玄武区环卫所机械化中队赵队长解释说,洒水车的报废年限一般在10年,有些也会提前到8年。

    In this regard , the mechanization of Xuanwu District sanitation detachment leader Zhao explained that the sprinkler service life of10 years in general , and some will be moved up to8 years .

  25. 可是,正在洒水车咕咕地往肚子里喝水时,车身下三处开始往外冒水:先是车尾巴的喷水头滴水,不一会儿地面已是一大摊。

    However , is sprinkler water cuckoo land to the stomach , the body started coming out of the next three water : the water head first car tail dripping , and pretty soon the ground is a big stand .

  26. 然而,由于如此大型的洒水车开发在国内尚无先例,其运行过程中水对水箱乃至整车的作用难以利用经验公式进行估算。

    As it is the first time to the manufacture such heavy-duty water spraying vehicle in china , it is difficult to evaluate the effect that water gives the vehicle in the course of the vehicle running using the experiential formula .