- strike fault

For instance , a strike fault is one which strikes essentially parallel to the trend of adjacent rocks .
Fold line plane was more suitable than the circular slip plane for the shallow slide . For instance , a strike fault is one which strikes essentially parallel to the trend of adjacent rocks .
Determination of characteristics of the strike faults and its practical significance
Many ultrabasic bodies in the orogenic association occur along strike faults , which gives a simulated concordant relationship .
Thus , the exact basis has been provided for determination of characteristics of the strike faults in practical work .
The fault sealing in northwest orientation is good , and that of northeast orientation is poor during oil migration .
Based on the Coulomb-Navier strength theory , the present author proposes in this paper the concept of fault with critical strike and discusses the physical mechanism forming the blocked segment of fault .
In view of mine production practice , the influence of strike fault to mining of gently inclined narrow orebody was analysed , and mining countermeasure was put forward , which improved mining indexes greatly . It put a reference for other mines .
The infamous San Andreas Fault is what 's called a strike-slip fault .
Modify of the " opposite S " structure and the pivotal strike rotation fault
Finally , the temporal variation of seismic energy released by different faulting mechanisms show a negative correlation between normal and strike-slip sources .
As an example of this method , the horizontal and vertical displacement field and the tilt and strain field due to vertical strike faulting are calculated .
From the view of characteristics of the thrust as well as regional tectonic setting , its main genesis should be the Indo-Chinese Epoch gliding napping . dog-legged strike-slip fault
Fault alteration veins and brecciated veins are controlled mainly by the south-north striking faults , and quartz veins are controlled by the north-east striking faults in the quartz-diorite in Liujiagou .
During the evolution of the salt structures , eight types of structural styles can be recognized , such as salt walls , salt stock canopies and nappes , mini basins , thrusts and strike slip faults .
The steep faults trending from NNE to NE in this region are liable to produce strong earthquakes , whose co-seismic faultings are , for the most part , right lateral slip ;
NNE NE strike faults that controlled oil ;
Longxian - Qianyang tectonic belt are mainly north of the West towards the thrust fault and the fault block is characterized by folder . 4 .
From the tectonic setting , the faults in this area mainly extend from east to west . These main east-west faults coordinated with north-south subsidiary fractures form some small structural traps .
This is discrepant with traditional point of view , which states that minimum principle stress is horizontal and perpendicular to the strike of normal fault or is vertical for reversed fault .
The normal faults in different directions were formed in the same extension process , the major fault with tortuous boundary controls the distribution and the attitude of the substructures in Zhan - Che Sag , and a few of inverse faults were also formed in the extension process ;
The strike orientation of two sub-belts are controlled by transfer faults , and the structures are characterized with segmented deform .
If the relative movement of hanging wall and footwall is parallel to the strike of fault plane , it is a strike slip fault .
The most critical factors in evaluating and predicting such traps sealed by the reverse fault are the analysis of strike closure and the estimation of fault sealing .
An oblique fault is one that strikes obliquely or diagonally to the strike of the adjacent rocks .
According to the relation between the erosional landform and the occurrences of the strike fault planes and rock formation planes , the strike faults slipped up or down relatively are classified 24 types .