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zǒu zú
  • pawn;lackey;underling;stooge;cats paw;cat's-paw
走卒 [zǒu zú]
  • [pawn;cats paw;lackey] 差役,比喻受人豢养而帮助作恶的人,被利用来为他人目的效劳的人

  • 与走卒起居。--《汉书.胡健传》

  • 走卒类士服。(类,类似,像。)--宋. 司马光《训俭示康》

  • 儿童诵君实,走卒知 司马。-- 苏轼《司马君.实独乐园》

走卒[zǒu zú]
  1. 刺杀总统的刺客约翰·威克斯·布思,是单枪匹马行事,或者,他是更高层人士的一个走卒?

    Did the President 's assassin , John Wilkes Booth , act alone or was he a pawn of higher-ups ?

  2. 小达菲是威利忠实的政治走卒。

    Tiny Duffy was willie 's loyal political jackal .

  3. 这位大使很谨慎,不让自己看起来像是美国的走卒。

    The ambassador is careful not to appear to be a US lackey .

  4. 他们一致认为,美国不应该给伊朗政府理由将那些示威者称为美国的走卒。

    They agree that the United States should not give the Iranian government cause to label the protesters pawns of America .

  5. 另一方面她又自觉地接受男权意识,成为男权意识的帮凶和走卒。

    On the other hand , she accepted the male power consciousness consciously and became an accessary to the male power thought .