
  • 网络chart
  1. 对图像加噪,并进行小波1到4层分解去噪,给出信噪比走势图。

    Increase the image noise , and1 to4 layers of wavelet decomposition denoising , signal to noise ratio is given chart .

  2. 阻力价位通常指价格走势图上某一特定的价格水平,在这一水平上,卖方的意愿强度足以压倒买方的压力,以使价格不会升逾这一阻力水平。

    Resistance is a level , usually identified on a price chart , where selling interest is strong enough to overcome buying pressure so that the price does not rise beyond this point .

  3. 再结合excel本身的图表功能,从统计表格数据可以很方便的得到形象的缺陷走势图、缺陷级别分布图等。

    And vivid defect trendline and defect distributing chart can be got using chart function of Excel .

  4. 我们按照滚动样本检验的方法,从回归结果系数的Z统计量走势图发现了许多其他效应的存在。

    We used the method of rolling sample tests , the results from the regression coefficient of Z statistics charts show the presence of many other effects .

  5. 分析并确定有效字符串(VSt)的曲线走势图模式(三种)。

    To have analyzed and posited three models of the curve for valid strings ;

  6. 不妙的是,研究一下长线走势图,会发现股市可能回归2002年世通公司(WorldCom)丑闻最糟糕时的低位。

    Ominously , a case can be made when looking at long-term charts that stocks could return to the lows they set in 2002 at the worst moment of the WorldCom scandal .

  7. 同时配备人机界面(TD210),可方便设定相关参数、显示相关参数和温度、湿度走势图。

    By using the interface ( TD210 ), we can easily set the parameter and make it show the diagram for the system parameter , temperature and humidity .

  8. 实际情况或许并不是股票走势图可能展现出来的模样。

    Perhaps not as much as the stock charts might suggest .

  9. 而我更倾向于技术派分析,研究股票走势图和历史价格。

    I leaned towards technical analysis and studied chart patterns and historical price data .

  10. 另外,你需要访问一个提供股票走势图的已建网站。

    In addition , you need to visit an established website that offers stock charts .

  11. 由切削速度与切削厚度的变化进行对比,得到它的受力分析云图和磨削力的走势图。

    Then , stress nephograms and grinding forces are obtained in different cutting speed and cutting thickness .

  12. 该仪器还能够对视觉神经头的走势图进行数量性描述以及其阶段性的变动。

    The instrument enables the quantitative description of the optic nerve head topography and time-related changes to it .

  13. 但对技术分析员来说,他并不需要知道那好消息是什么,走势图将告诉他股价会起还是落。

    For the technical analyst , he does not need to know what the good news or any other information that is affecting the stock price is ;

  14. 一提起技术分析,人们就会想到股票分析员画股价走势图找支持线和阻力线。

    When technical analysis is mentioned , people often think of analysts plotting price movements of stocks , drawing lines to find trends , support or resistance .

  15. 观察2000-2009近十年的金价和通胀走势图,我们发现金价和通胀大体上走势相同,但是存在明显的偏离现象。

    Observed the chat of gold and inflation in the recent ten years from 2000 to 2009 , we found a same general trend , but obvious deviation as well .

  16. 两个指数走势图几乎一模一样:不到一年涨幅超过100%;最后几个月近乎直线上升。

    The two graphs are almost identical , with gains of more than 100 per cent in less than a year , and an almost vertical rise in the last few months .

  17. 通过计算机仿真绘出了输出误差的走势图,分析研究了机器人的结构尺寸变化和位姿变化对机器人精度的影响,为该机器人机构的设计、制造及装配提供了指导性依据。

    The effects of structure size change and posture change on the accuracy of robot are studied by simulations , which provided the foundation for practical designing , manufacturing and assembling of the mechanism .

  18. 不要习惯只看个股或大盘的走势图,要打开大盘或个股30分钟线的各项技术指标走势。

    Get rid of your habit of watching only the trend graphics of the stocks and the whole market , what you'better keep watching is technical indicators of30-minute line of the stocks or the market .

  19. 从2007年至2010年的黄金价格走势图我们可以明确地看出黄金价格在经济危机过程中一直呈现上升趋势,明显是受到了这次危机的影响。

    From 2007 to 2010 the price of gold chart , we can clearly see that the price of gold has been an upward trend , during the economic crisis which is obviously affected by the crisis .

  20. 监测数据实时传输、实时显示、实时或定期进行统计分析,最终形成一段时间内的污染排放量走势图及分析报告。

    The monitor data real-time transmission , the real time display , are solid now and then regularly carries on the statistical analysis , finally forms in period of time the pollution withdrawal trend charts and the analysis report .

  21. 赫梅尔说,如果发达经济体的原油需求增加,再加上新兴经济体需求的增多,我认为市场供应将趋紧。这意味着油价走势图上可能会再度出现多个高峰。

    ' If global demand picks up in the developed world , and you combine that with the growth in the emerging economies , I think the market is going to get tight , ' he said , which means those mighty peaks could return to the oil-price graph .

  22. 最后,运用实际成交深度的度量方法,描绘了我国上海股市深度的日内分时特征和日走势图,支持上海股市日内深度也大致呈现M型的观点。

    Finally , by ( applying ) the measurement method of effective transaction depth , the intra-day temporal character and inter-day feature ( figures ) on Shanghai market depth are depicted and a pattern of crude " M " about the intra-day temporal depth is also ( supported . )

  23. 充分利用PowerBuilder强大的数据窗口功能,给出了评价指数的曲线(走势)图,通过其发展趋势来反映地面水状况的态势以及它与水期的密切关系。

    Present a graph of evaluation exponent by using the powerful forms function of PowerBuilder , through which the state of surface water and its relationship with water period can be evaluated .

  24. 2001年深沪两市指数走势预测曲线图

    The index tendency of Shenzhen and Shanghai stock market predicts the curve graph in 2001

  25. 如果把视角拉得更远,回溯2008年初金融危机爆发前的市场走势,从图三中可以看到,最近五年来,房地产板块的收益表现远好于市场其他板块。

    If you take an even longer view and go back to the pre-crisis months of early 2008 , you will see that , over the past five years , property stocks have done considerably better than the rest of the market .