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  1. 我们尽量走小路以绕过购物中心区。

    We managed to bypass the shopping centre by taking side-streets .

  2. 她想走小路以绕开购物中心区。

    She wanted to bypass the shopping centre by taking a side-street .

  3. 没问题,我会一直走小路。

    No problem , I 'll stick to the streets .

  4. 九十英里车程,只能走小路

    Got 90 miles to go , and we gotta take back roads .

  5. 离目标三哩,不要走小路。

    Three miles to the target . we 're never off the main roads .

  6. 大道很平坦,人们却爱走小路。

    The broad way ( Dao ) is very level but people like small path .

  7. 由于主要干道路面重铺,车辆行人将转走小路。

    Traffic will be diverted through the side streets while the main road is resurfaced .

  8. 过了一会儿,另外一个酒鬼也从同一个酒吧出来,也决定通过那个墓地走小路回家。

    A while later , another drunk leaves the same bar and decides to take the same shortcut through the graveyard .

  9. 他顺着一条常有人走的小路走向小屋。

    He made his way along a well-trodden path towards the shed .

  10. 我们从这儿走乡间小路去卡温顿。

    From here we walked across country to Covington .

  11. 他喜欢走偏僻小路和单行道。

    He took to the little byways and one-way streets .

  12. 走在小路上,橄榄球场,还有户外游泳池。

    Walking trails , soccer fields , and even an outdoor pool .

  13. 他们再次出发走上小路。

    They set out on the trail once again .

  14. 要走到小路上去

    Way down . Just step into the lane .

  15. 我40年来一直骑自行车走这些小路。

    I 've been tiding these trails for40 years .

  16. 如果交通状况不佳,我们将走偏僻小路。

    We 'll take one of the back roads if the traffic 's bad .

  17. 这个年老的流浪汉疲惫不堪,步履蹒跚地走上小路。

    The old trampshambled wearily up the path .

  18. 他匆忙走出花园门,走上小路。

    He went off hastily out of the garden gate and down the lane .

  19. 他走到小路上。

    He 's going down the path .

  20. 度假时,我们情愿走偏僻小路而不走主要干道。

    When we 're on holiday we prefer to travel on byways rather than main roads .

  21. 当她走到小路上时,他尾随而至,乞求她的宽恕,并答应给予补偿。

    As she passed on down the lane he came after her , imploring forgiveness and offering redemption .

  22. 经常到朋友家走走,野草会阻塞没人走的小路。

    Go often to the house of the friends , for weeds choke the unused path . -R.W.Emerson .

  23. 我面前的丛林地面上真真切切地落着成千上万只蝴蝶,就在我走的小路上。

    The jungle floor in front of me was actually thousands of butterflies , there in my path .

  24. 托伊走在小路上,看到路上很泥泞,而且满是花苗。

    As Troy walked along the path , he noticed it was very muddy , and covered with plants .

  25. 当他走上小路发现屋里黑洞洞的,这就更加刺伤了他的自尊心。

    As he went up the path and saw that the house was dark he felt an added sense of injury .

  26. 走在小路上,放眼望去,满眼绿色,仿佛回到了久别的故乡。

    Walking in a small way , looking ahead , green and was like traveling back home after a long absence .

  27. 他走的小路越来越宽,没多久便到了她说的那条道,其实不过是牛群在灌木丛里踩出的小径。

    The lane widened , and in a minute he came to the footpath she had told him of , a mere cattle-track which plunged between the bushes .

  28. 不是想和身影继续重走夜间小路,只是想看看,看看曾经带来美好回忆的身影!

    Presence and do not want to continue to walk along the paths at night , just want to see to see once brought fond memories of the presence !

  29. 我开始热血沸腾,接着我看见了老虎:它闪烁着金色的光芒,平静地走在小路上,摇晃着硕大的脑袋,劲健的身体是力量与优雅的化身。

    Then I spot the tiger : a brief glow of gold as he calmly pads down the trail , massive head swaying from side to side , muscular body a picture of power and grace .

  30. 我提议由你来选我们该走哪条小路。

    I vote that you try to pick out the trail for us .