
zǒu shòu
  • beast;four-footed animal;quadruped
走兽 [zǒu shòu]
  • [beast;quadruped;four-footed animal] 泛指兽类

  • 飞禽走兽

走兽[zǒu shòu]
  1. 我是老鼠的同类,也是走兽!

    I was similar , but also the mouse beast !

  2. 野兽是没有理性的动物。使野地的走兽有水喝,野驴得解其渴。

    Animals are irrational creatures . They give drink to every beast of the field ; the mountain asses come to them for water .

  3. 他在花鸟走兽方面知之甚多。

    He had a real knowledge of animals , birds and flowers .

  4. 许多走兽和飞禽住在森林里。

    Lots of animals and birds live in the forest .

  5. 因此走兽是为人造的,不是人为走兽造的。

    Wherefore beasts are for man , and not man for beasts .

  6. 走兽们也很乐意的将蝙蝠纳入自己的同伴群中。

    The animals are happy to bat into his companions will flock .

  7. 人们喜欢看走兽和飞鸟。

    People like to look at animals and birds .

  8. 蝙蝠却又突然出现在走兽的营区。

    Bats and suddenly appeared in the wild .

  9. 地自然生的,也可供给你的牲畜和你地中的走兽吃。

    And likewise for your livestock and for the wild animals on your land .

  10. 人不能像走兽般生活,应该追求知识和美德。(意大利但丁)

    Men can not live like beasts ; we should pursue knowledge and virtue .

  11. 利巴嫩的树林不彀当柴烧,其中的走兽也不彀作燔祭。

    Lebanon is not sufficient for altar fires , nor its animals enough for burnt offerings .

  12. 时常挂在他嘴边的一句话是“绝无法视生命如走兽”。

    Life , he declared frequently , was " no way to treat an animal " .

  13. 这些走兽的肉,你们不可吃;死的,你们不可摸,都与你们不洁净。

    You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses ; they are unclean for you .

  14. 山中的飞鸟,我都知道;野地的走兽也都属我。

    I know every bird in the mountains , and the creatures of the field are mine .

  15. 它们竟连走兽也不如,因为走兽还能逃到安身的地区,营救自己。

    Beasts are better than they , which can fly under a covert , and help themselves .

  16. 所有的动物,无论是飞禽还是走兽,都立刻蜂拥到他的身边。

    Immediately al the different kinds of animals , both birds and beasts , flocked around him .

  17. 很久以前,鸟类和走兽,因为发生一点争执,就爆发了战争。

    Long ago , birds and beasts , because there is a dispute , the war broke out .

  18. 我必将你给各类的鸷鸟和田野的走兽作食物。

    I will give you as food to all kinds of carrion birds and to the wild animals .

  19. 最后战争结束了,走兽和鸟类言归和好,双方都知道了蝙蝠的行为。

    Finally the war was over , beasts and birds to return to be both know bats behavior .

  20. 诗50:11山中的飞鸟、都知道.地的走兽、都属我。

    I know every bird of the mountains , And everything that moves in the field is Mine .

  21. 凡蹄分两瓣,倒嚼的走兽,你们都可以吃。

    You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud .

  22. 神要亚当给一切被造的牲畜飞鸟走兽起名。

    And God gave Adam the privilege to name all the livestock , the beasts and birds created .

  23. 后来,当走兽战胜鸟类时,走兽们高声地唱着胜利的歌。

    Later , when the wild beasts and birds are over when shouted loudly sing song of victory .

  24. 他认为生活的意义在于趣味,没有趣味的生活是形尸走兽般的生活。

    He thinks that the meaning of life lies in taste and life without taste is life for animals and zombies .

  25. 其中佛教、道教题材为多,还有山水、花鸟、走兽等。

    Many of them were on Buddhist and Taoist topics but he also drew mountains and rivers and flowers and birds .

  26. 教训我们胜于地上的走兽,使我们有聪明胜于空中的飞鸟。

    Who teacheth us more than the beasts of the earth , and maketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven ?

  27. 或地上各种走兽的形状,或空中各类飞鸟的形状。

    The similitude of any beasts , that are upon the earth , or of birds , that fly under heaven .

  28. 你们可吃的走兽,若是死了,有人摸它,必不洁净到晚上;

    If an animal that you are allowed to eat dies , anyone who touches the carcass will be unclean till evening .

  29. 将不能朽坏之神的荣耀变为偶像,仿佛必朽坏的人和飞禽、走兽、昆虫的样式。

    And exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles .

  30. 各类的走兽,飞禽,昆虫,水族,本来都可以制伏,也已经被人制伏了。

    All kinds of animals , birds , reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man .