
  • Foxconn;Foxconn Technology Group;FIH
  1. 深圳富士康N综合工业厂房空调设计

    Air conditioning System Design of the Foxconn N Colligate Industry Plant in Shenzhen

  2. 目前,苹果正在接受美国公平劳动协会(FairLaborAssociation)对其设备制造商富士康(Foxconn)的工厂生产条件调查。

    Apple is having the Fair Labor Association investigate working conditions inside Foxconn factories .

  3. 富士康也是亚马逊(Amazon)新款Fire智能手机的代工制造商。

    It is also the manufacturer of Amazon 's latest Fire smartphone .

  4. •富士康推行机器人技术【第一财经日报(CBNDaily)】

    • a shift to robotic production by Foxconn ( CBN daily )

  5. 富士康科技集团是面向全球PC(personalcomputer个人电脑)产业提供电子接插件等产品的制造商。

    Foxconn Technology Group is the manufacturer to provide electronic connector products and others to the global PC ( Personal Computer ) industry .

  6. 富士康科技集团正与印度当局谈判,计划在印度设立iPhone制造工厂。

    Foxconn Technology is in talks to manufacture Apple 's iPhone in India .

  7. 一位富士康负责人表示:每个人都正忙着生产新iPhone手机,这是富士康的核心业务。

    ' Everyone is busy with the new iPhones , Foxconn 's bread and butter .

  8. 惠普(HP)表示,它正在对富士康的那些可能与此类悲剧性事件有关的实践展开调查。

    Hewlett-Packard said it was investigating the Foxconn practices that may be associated with these tragic events .

  9. 今年1月,苹果加入公平劳工协会(fairlaborassociation),该协会在8月表示,富士康已对劳动条件做出“必要改变”。

    In January , apple joined the Fair Labor Association , which said in August that Foxconn had made " necessary changes " to working conditions .

  10. •苹果(Apple)代工商富士康科技集团(FoxconnTechnologyGroup)可能向巴西投资120亿美元,这是富士康在深圳之外扩张业务的又一举动。

    • Apple products manufacturer Foxconn Technology Group may invest $ 12 billion in Brazil towards expanding its operations outside of the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen .

  11. 富士康已从日本软银(SoftBank)和特斯拉汽车(TeslaMotors)争取到业务。

    Foxconn has won business from Japan 's SoftBank and Tesla Motors .

  12. 但多数人都听说过苹果公司(Apple)的iPad,这只是富士康工人大量生产的多种电子设备中的一种。

    But most have heard of Apple 's iPad , just one of dozens of electronic devices churned out by Foxconn staff .

  13. 总部位于台湾的富士康官方名称是鸿海精密工业股份有限公司(HonHaiPrecisionIndustryCo.),它也是iPhone和iPad的主要组装商。

    Taiwan-based Foxconn , officially known as Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. , is also the major assembler of iPhones and iPads .

  14. 富士康是iPhone的制造商,是苹果公司的供应商,而苹果公司向消费者销售电话。

    FoxConn , manufacturer of the iPhone , is a supplier to Apple , which sells the phones to consumers .

  15. 富士康国际(FoxconnInternational)发布盈利预警后,昨日股价大幅下跌。富士康国际是全球最大的电子产品合同制造商旗下的手机制造子公司。

    Shares in Foxconn International fell sharply yesterday after the handset manufacturing unit of the world 's largest contract electronics manufacturer issued a profit warning .

  16. 他说,现在这家芬兰公司严重依赖富士康(FoxconnInternationalHoldings),后者是鸿海精密(HonHaiPrecisionIndustry)旗下子公司。

    At present , he says , the Finnish company relies heavily on Foxconn International Holdings , a subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry .

  17. 富士康在中国的数千名工人对生产iPhone5的工作条件进行了罢工。

    Thousands of workers at Foxconn in China have gone on strike over working conditions related to production of the iPhone 5 .

  18. MediaMarkt选择了一个不太可能的合作伙伴富士康(Foxconn)来帮助其了解中国市场。

    And Media Markt has chosen an unlikely partner to help it understand the China market : Foxconn .

  19. 然而,笔者认为,这仅仅只是为破解富士康N连跳具体事件而提供的具体解决思路,仍是属于对策层面的分析和研究。

    However , I believe , just for the crack Foxconn " N jump " specific events provide a specific solution ideas , is still a level of analysis and research strategies .

  20. 现在,郭台铭想把这种疗法带到富士康。富士康是一家大型电子设备装配企业,它装配的产品包括苹果公司(Apple)的iPhone和iPad。

    And now Gou is hoping to bring that to Foxconn , a major assembler of electronic gadgets including Apple 's iPhones and iPads .

  21. 在富士康(foxconn)与本田(honda)争议事件之后,促进工作场所的和谐,已经成为了优先事务。

    After the Foxconn and Honda controversies , establishing harmony in the workplace has become a priority .

  22. 与此同时,富士康国际(foxconninternational)飙升8.8%,至每股5.94港元,此前该公司表示,其在印度的一家手机部件厂已恢复运营。

    Meanwhile , Foxconn international leapt 8.8 per cent to HK $ 5.94 after it said it had resumed operations at a mobile phone parts factory in India .

  23. 在富士康(Foxconn),1000名工人在排队等候面试。富士康是为苹果(Apple)等西方品牌生产手机、电脑等产品的台湾厂商。

    A queue of 1,000 workers await interviews at Foxconn , Taiwanese maker of mobile phones and computers for western brands , including Apple .

  24. 作为富士康的同城竞争对手,规模较小的和硕在2011年成为iPhone的次要制造商,并从去年开始生产iPadMini平板电脑。

    Foxconn 's smaller rival across town became a minor producer of iPhones in 2011 and began making iPad Mini tablet computers last year .

  25. 5月,富士康一家组装iPad的工厂失火,导致3名工人死亡,成为今年最为轰动的事故之一。

    In one of the highest-profile disasters this year , in May a Foxconn factory assembling iPads caught fire , killing three workers .

  26. 当地围绕该工厂建立了一条供应链,吸引了中国智能手机生产商富士康(Foxconn)等公司。

    A local supply chain built up around the plant , attracting the likes of Chinese smartphone maker Foxconn .

  27. 仅在郑州工厂,就有20多万工人正在制造iPhone6手机——富士康总体拥有超过百万的工人。

    At the Zhengzhou plant alone , more than 200000 workers are making iPhone 6 units - overall , Foxconn has well over 1 million workers .

  28. 多年来,全球几乎所有iPhone和iPad都来自同一家公司的装配线。这家公司就是富士康(Foxconn)。

    For years , nearly all of the world 's iPhones and iPads rolled off the assembly lines of a single company : Foxconn .

  29. 因为Macs、iPods、iPhones都是在富士康工厂里面装配。

    Macs , iPods , iPhones and iPads are all assembled in Foxconn 's factory of China .

  30. 5月份,富士康(foxconn)生产ipad2平板电脑的成都工厂发生爆炸,导致3名工人丧生,多人受伤。

    In May , an explosion at a Foxconn factory in Chengdu producing the iPad 2 killed three workers and injured many more .