
  • 网络Fuller;Buckminster Fuller;Thomas Fuller;Lon Fuller
  1. 学生评议会投票免除了富勒的职位。

    The student senate voted to remove Fuller from office

  2. 早在我们大多数人注意到我们现在所说的"环境"之前,巴克敏斯特·富勒就说过,"污染只不过是未经利用的资源。

    Long before most of us even noticed what we now call " the environment , " Buckminster Fuller said , " Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting " .

  3. 将激光光解与SO~-的氧化对比,确认了到C(70)富勒醇阳离子自由基的吸收峰。

    The fullerol radical canon of C_ ( 70 ) is observed for the first time by laser photolysis or oxidation of sulfate radical anion SO ~ - in aqueous solution .

  4. 电视系列节目“美国偶像”(americanidol)的创造者富勒,已经让一位出色的右前卫变成一个伟大的品牌。

    Mr Fuller , creator of American Idol , the television series , has turned a very good right-half into a great brand .

  5. 该中心的总监莉萨・富勒(LisaFuller)称,这个数字在12月份会增加两倍。

    That number triples in December , says Lisa Fuller , the call center 's director .

  6. 幻数n较大的富勒稀分子的最大承受载荷和压缩刚度较大,但失效应变较小;

    The bigger the magic number n for an empty fullerene is , the higher its load support capability Fmax and stiffness are , but the lower its invalidation strain li is ;

  7. 富勒的新自然法学(Therevivalofnaturallawtheory)继承了以往自然法学(Classicalnaturallawtheory)的传统,追求法律的道德价值,强调法律与道德密不可分。

    The revival of the natural law theory held by Fuller has continued the tradition of the classical natural law theory , adhered to the moral value of laws , and emphasized that morality cannot be separated from laws .

  8. MDA含量的下降可能归因于富勒醇本身发挥了清除自由基的能力,而这种清除作用并不依赖于SOD和谷胱甘肽。

    The decrease of the MDA content is due to the scavenging effect on reactive oxide species of the fullerol . And there is no SOD or GSH involved .

  9. [4]将固相反应应用于C60制得了其一种重要的衍生物富勒醇,反应过程简单,产率高,符合环保和生物体系的要求;

    The solid-phase mechanochemical reaction can also be used to produce fullerols , an important derivative of fullerene , simply and economically and greenly .

  10. 富勒教授告诉CampusReform,强势话语中充斥着“非法入境者(illegalalien)”这一术语,以致社会“将所有未经许可跨越边境的人与那些来自我国边境以南的移民者混为一谈。”

    Professor Fowler told Campus Reform that the term " illegal alien " has saturated dominant discourses to the extent that society " associates ALL unauthorized border crossings with those immigrants originating from countries south of our border . "

  11. 介绍沈阳&富勒型篦式冷却机以C60为代表的固态碳.即富勒碳是继石墨和金刚石之后所发现的第三种单质碳。

    Introduction to Shen Yang-Fuller grate cooler The solid carbon represented by C60 , namely fullerenes , is the third form of carbon following graphite and diamond .

  12. 评论网站IGN的马特•富勒评论说,再现这些人物能让整部剧“更紧密、更精炼”。

    The reappearance of these characters makes the whole series " connected and encapsulated , " IGN 's Matt Fowler commented .

  13. 该研究所所长理查德?富勒(RichardFuller)称:“事实上,这些污染地区的儿童正罹患疾病,(有些人)生命垂危,而目前还没有解决这些问题的先进科学。”

    Richard Fuller , director of the institute , said : " The fact of the matter is that children are sick and dying in these polluted places and it 's not rocket science to fix them . "

  14. 采用扩充迪基-富勒(ADF)方法以及恩格尔-葛兰杰(EG)方法进行单位根检验和EG协整检验,可判别我国实际汇率是否为平稳时间序列,从而推断人民币汇率是否符合购买力平价。

    Taking ADF method and EC mothod to test unit root and test EG harmonization and adjustment can judge that if our country 's actual rate was the stable time alignment , and infer that if RMB rate fit purposing power parity .

  15. 在应用CEV模型(ConstantElasticityofVarianceModel)的实证分析中,其单位根检验一直被忽略或者被默认可以使用迪基-富勒检验。

    In the real life analysis on CEV model ( Constant Elasticity of Variance Model ), its unit root test is long been ignored or at most Dickey-Fuller Test is accepted as a valid test .

  16. 土耳其长期怀疑居伦是美国特工。曾派驻伊斯坦布尔的前中央情报局(CIA)官员格雷厄姆·E·富勒(GrahamE.Fuller)写信支持居伦申请绿卡这件事,让阴谋论愈演愈烈。

    Turks have long suspected that Mr. Gulen was an American agent , and inflaming the conspiracy theories is the fact that Graham E. Fuller , a former C.I.A. official who was once stationed in Istanbul , wrote a letter to support Mr. Gulen 's application for a green card .

  17. 嗨,我照顾汤姆富勒的孩子。

    Hi . I take care of Tom fuller 's babies .

  18. 论富勒法律内在道德观的确立及价值

    On the Law 's Inner Morality Establishment and Value of Fuller

  19. 我很高兴向你引见珊姆富勒探员。

    I wouid Iike to present to you agent Sam fuiier .

  20. 诗人乃天生的,并非制造的。&富勒

    A poet is born , not made . & Thomas Fuller

  21. 节约一便士,即获得了一便士。&富勒

    A penny saved is a penny gained . & Thomas Fuller

  22. 富勒和贝克汉姆夫人将这一品牌掌握在手中。

    Mr fuller and Mrs Beckham took the brand in hand .

  23. 今天的一个钟头等于明天的两个钟头。&富勒

    One hour today is worth two tomorrow . & Thomas Fuller

  24. 引句来自英国牧师和作家托马斯富勒(1608至1661年)。

    Quotation from British clergyman and writer Thomas Fuller ( 1608-1661 ) .

  25. 富勒铁复合材料中晶体的电镜分析

    Electro-microscope Analyses of the Crystal in Fullerene / Fe Composite

  26. 结果最多的树枝垂得最低。&富勒

    The bough that bears most , hangs lowest . & Thomas Fuller

  27. 食物致死多于饥饿致死。&富勒

    More die by food than famine . & Thomas fuller

  28. 富勒,求你了,真的求你了。

    Fuiier , piease , just * Just , piease .

  29. 富勒,你不该把什么事都装在心里。

    Fuiier , you shouidn 't keep things bottied up .

  30. 小漏沉大船。&富勒

    A small leak will sink a great ship . & T. Fuller