
fù kuàng
  • rich ore;high-grade ore;enriched ore
富矿 [fù kuàng]
  • [rich ore;high-grade ore] 品味较高的矿,其矿石中所需元素的含量高于同类矿

富矿[fù kuàng]
  1. 快速失重法测定富矿粉、焦粉的水分

    Measurement of rich ore fines and coke moisture by rapid weight-loss method

  2. 水压支柱护顶残留富矿资源回收新工艺

    Recovery of residual rich ore with the help of hydraulic support props

  3. 富矿体往往为陡倾的脉状,受F3的侧羽裂隙及近南北向构造控制;

    Rich ore-bodies are often high dip veins and were controlled by side-crannies of F_3 and approximate north-south structures .

  4. 因子分析结果表明,富矿类型的网状矿石与贫矿类型的星点状矿石的Ni,Cu矿化期存在着明显的差异性;

    The results of factor analysis show distinct differences for different mineralization stages between the stockwork type ores and the spotted ores .

  5. 巴西Vale典型富矿粉特点及其烧结技术措施

    Typical characteristics of Brazilian vale 's ore fines and related sintering technologies

  6. 富矿段主要产于断裂在走向和倾向上的波状弯曲处以及NW与NE向断裂交汇部位。

    High grade ore block often located in winding part of fault in strike and dip or intersection part of faults of NW and NE strike .

  7. 成矿主期NW向脆性引张作用形成的共扼高角度张扭性构造对工业矿体和富矿体起到主要控制作用;

    During the main mineralization period , the conjugate high-angle tension-shear tectonic resulting from NW brittle tension activity is the primary factor controlling the industrial orebody and rich orebody ;

  8. Al2O3、MgO、TiO2的含量变化则相反。富矿岩体中富铬(5%)镁铝榴石的含量高于中等含矿和贫含矿的岩体。

    An opposite trend has been recognized for Al_2O_3 , MgO and TiO_2 . The content of Cr-rich ( 5 % ) pyrope is higher in rich-ore rock bodies than in medium or barren rock bodies .

  9. 我曾经见过这样的景色,或许是在《富矿》(Bonanza)里,1964年,父亲曾在这部电视剧中客座出演。

    I had seen this horizon before , most probably on " Bonanza , " on which my father had been a guest star in 1964 .

  10. 在鼓风炉熔炼铜镍特富矿中,从焦率和渣中CaO含量、SiO2/Fe等方面探讨渣中镍铜此,从而提高金属回收率的途径。

    In blast furnace smelting process , copper to Nickel ratio in slag were researched by coke ratio , CaO content and SiO2 / Fe in slag , to search a way for raising metals recovery .

  11. 含金富矿块火试金法配料的探讨

    On the batching of fire assay of gold-containing rich ore block

  12. 鞍钢人造富矿的矿物组成与显微结构分析

    Mineral Composition of Agglomerate Material in Angang and Microstructure Analysis

  13. 委内瑞拉富矿粉烧结性能的研究

    Study of Sintering Properties of Rich Ore Powder from Venezuela

  14. 富矿粉烧结中配加蛇纹石与白云石的对比研究

    Effect of serpentine and dolomite on properties of high grade ore sinter

  15. 花岗岩型铀矿富矿地质特征及形成条件

    The geological characteristics and forming conditions of granite type uranium-rich ore deposits

  16. 选靶区找富矿

    Selecting target to prospect rich ore deposits culture region

  17. 配加涞源富矿粉提高烧结矿强度

    Proportioning of Laiyuan rich ores to increase sinter strength

  18. 铁矿石和人造富矿中金属铁的测定

    Determination of Metallic Iron in Iron Ore and Agglomerate

  19. 然而,孕妇装却是时装界最后一座有待开发的“富矿”。

    And yet maternity dressing is the last great unexplored frontier in style .

  20. 配加富矿粉的烧结实验

    The experiment on the agglomerating rich - mine powder

  21. 提高富矿配比的实验研究

    Experiment Study on Raising Burden Ratio of Rich Ore

  22. 俞元桂先生的散文观是一座学术的富矿。

    Yu Yuan-guis prose outlook is a rich academic ore.

  23. 铂钯富矿中铂钯分析方法研究

    Study on assay method in high grade Pt-Pd ore

  24. 鞍山式铁矿的氧化和赤铁富矿

    Oxidation of the Anshan - type iron deposit and hematite - rich deposits

  25. 还原性能的好坏,是评价人造富矿质量的重要指标。

    Reducibility is an important index for evaluating the quality of iron ore agglomerates .

  26. 社区就业:一个亟待挖掘的岗位富矿

    Community Job-an Eagerly Exploratory Rich Ore of Occupation

  27. 只有这个是个富矿来的。

    But that one was the mother lode .

  28. 3贫矿多,富矿少;

    More poor ores and less rich ores .

  29. 金川二矿区富矿石选矿新药剂应用研究

    New Regents of Flotation for Jinchuan Nickel Mine

  30. 从虚拟市场到广告富矿&数字时代的虚拟广告

    From Virtual Market to Rich Ore of Advertisement : Virtual Advertising in Digital Period