
xià chuān wén huà
  • Xiachuan Culture;Xiachuan/Hsiachuan Culture
  1. 是我国沁河流域劳动人民生活的缩影,体现着我国下川文化的精髓。

    It is a reflection of lives of people around the Qin river areas , which is the marrow of Chinese Xiachuan culture .

  2. 中国北方最早的粟作农业可以追溯到距今16000年的山西下川旧石器晚期文化,距今13000&9000年是中国北方粟作农业大发展的阶段。

    The earliest millet cultivation agriculture in north China can be traced back to the terminal paleolith civilization in Shanxi Xiachuan 16000 years ago . The period between 13000 to 9000 years ago marks the great development phase of the millet cultivation agriculture in north China .