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  1. 由于尸体被发现,便应迅速查明的指导下,卫生署。

    As bodies were found , they should be quickly identified under the guidance of the health department .

  2. 在拓展署协助下,渠务署负责设计、建造、操作和维修全港的污水收集系统及污水处理设施。

    The Drainage Services Department , assisted by the Territory Development Department , designs , builds , operates and maintains sewerage and sewage treatment and disposal facilities .

  3. 在世界卫生组织(who)旗下国际癌症研究署(iarc)的主持下,来自13个国家的科学家进行了这项研究。

    Scientists in 13 countries carried out the study under the auspices of the international agency for research on cancer , part of the World Health Organisation .

  4. 这是总部设在巴黎的该能源安全机构首次研究大气污染。在署长法提赫·比罗尔(FatihBirol)的带领下,国际能源署正在扩大自己的任务范围。

    The air pollution study is the first for the agency , an energy security group based in Paris , which is expanding its mission under its executive director , Fatih Birol .

  5. 在目前特定审计环境下,国家审计署提出了真实性审计。

    Under the current special auditing environment , the reality auditing has been put forward by the National Audit Office ( NAO ) .