
shì zhǎng
  • head of a room
  1. 主变室长170m,宽18.8m,高26m,底板高程957.8m;

    Main changing house is 170m long , 18.8m wide , 26m high with the altitude of soleplate is 957.8m ;

  2. 介绍上海百联国际广场超长地下室的抗裂控制技术,该地下室长215.7m宽172.2m。

    The crack-control technology of the super-long basement structure of Shanghai BAILIAN International Square is introduced in this paper . The length and width of the basement are 215.7m and 172.2m .

  3. 地下室长有真菌类植物。

    There 's fungus growing in the cellar .

  4. 起居室长20英尺宽14英尺。

    The lounge is twenty feet by fourteen .

  5. 丰田汽车:人才是公司的最大财富&本期嘉宾:丰田汽车(中国)投资有限公司人事财务室室长杨春霞

    Toyota : People Is Company 's Hugest Wealth

  6. 目的了解阵发性心房颤动伴心室长间歇的临床意义。

    Objective To investigate the clinical implication of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation with ventricular long pause .

  7. 浅析地下室长墙裂缝的成因及预控措施

    Study of the Crack in the Long Wall of Underground Basement and Its preventive Measures

  8. 在其它方面,李明博保证在近期撤换总统秘书室室长和他内阁中没有明确说明的其他成员。

    Separately , President Lee promised to replace his chief of staff and other unspecified members of his cabinet , in the near future .

  9. 大体积混凝土在水利水电工程中应用广泛,在现代建筑中占有重要地位,例如大体积混凝土桩承台、地下室长墙、地下管隧道等。

    The mass concrete is widely used in hydraulic and water-power engineering , and it occupies important position in modern architecture , such as the mass concrete platform on piles , the basement wall , underground pipeline tunnel and so on .