
  • 网络ventricular premature beats,VPBs;VPBS;Ventricular premature beats;premature ventricular beat;ventricular presystole
  1. 心律失常多见,以交界性过早搏动、室性过早搏动为主,80%心律失常发生在+Gz后3min内;

    Most of arrhythmias were junctional premature beats , ventricular premature beats . 80 % arrhythmias occurred within 3 min following + Gz stress .

  2. 室性过早搏动Lown分级的应用与临床意义

    Clinical Significance and Application of Lown 's Stratification of Ventricular Premature Beat

  3. 结果:总有效率80.3%。其中以室性过早搏动疗效最佳,82%(56/68)于7d内复律。

    The results showed the total effective rate was 80.3 % , ventricular extrasystole showed the best conversion with 82 % ( 56 / 68 ) within 7 d.

  4. 目的分析高血压左心室肥厚与室性过早搏动的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy ( LVH ) and ventricular premature beat .

  5. 结果:5类心律失常分别为房性过早搏动、室性过早搏动、心房颤动、心房扑动、心脏停搏。

    Results Five kinds of arrhythmias during TEAP included atrial premature contraction , atrial fibrillation , atrial flutter and sinus onset .

  6. 目的:观察敛心颗粒治疗冠心病室性过早搏动(心肾不交证)的临床疗效和安全性。

    Objective To study the efficiency and safety of Lianxin granula for the treatment of ventricular premature in patients ( pts ) with coronary heart disease .