
  • 网络downside-risk;downside risk;down side
  1. 凯基证券(KGISecurities)和摩根大通(JPMorgan)都在最近有关这起丑闻的报告中预测,两家公司不会受到太大影响。但凯基证券认为新的监管规定是它们面临的一个下行风险。

    KGI Securities and JP Morgan both forecast the impact on the companies would be minimal in recent notes on the scandal , but KGI listed the new regulations as a downside risk for the companies .

  2. 高盛(goldmansachs)金属分析师马克斯莱顿(maxlayton)表示,中国房地产行业疲软可能导致明年年底建筑竣工率大幅降低,从而“在2013年年底对铜价构成重大下行风险”。

    Max Layton , metals analyst at Goldman Sachs , says the weakness of the Chinese property industry could lead to a sharp slowdown in building completions late next year , creating " significant downside risk to copper prices in late 2013 " .

  3. 各国政府和国际政治、经济协作组织几乎没有间断地举行各种会议,磋商各种救助和刺激方案,控制经济下行风险。

    Individual governments and international political and economic blocs have held nearly non-stop meetings and consultations to stem the downturn with a variety of bailout and stimulus packages .

  4. 但OECD也指出,严重的下行风险依然存在。

    But , notes the OECD , serious downside risks remain .

  5. 正如imf所指出的那样,尽管下行风险很大,但它们仅仅是风险。

    Downside risks are large , as the IMF notes , but they are just that : risks .

  6. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)分析师周一表示,今年亚洲的增长存在很大的下行风险。

    Morgan Stanley analysts said on Monday there were significant downside risks to growth in Asia this year .

  7. 国内生产总值(GDP)的下行风险显然在过去几个月里加强了,而贸易倾向于追随产出的趋势,WTO表示。

    Downside risks to GDP [ gross domestic product ] have certainly intensified in the last few months and where output goes trade tends to follow , the WTO said .

  8. 除此之外,IMF还警告说,由于全球金融市场趋紧和贸易紧张局势的加剧,下行风险较大。

    Furthermore , the Fund is warning that risks are tilted to the downside , with tightening global financial market conditions and rising trade tensions .

  9. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)认为,无论如何,大宗商品价格的上行风险仍大于下行风险;该组织还警告称,资源稀缺引发的担忧是真实的、普遍的。

    In any case , the International Monetary Fund believes that commodity price risks remain tilted to the upside and warns that genuine resource scarcity concerns are now widespread .

  10. IMF表示:未来前景的风险似乎肯定是下行风险,中心问题是金融市场的紧张可能会持续下去,引发更为显著的全球减速。

    It says : The risks to the outlook look firmly on the downside , centring around the concern that financial market strains could continue and trigger a more pronounced global slowdown .

  11. 基金经理和策略师表示,vix水平低反映出,人们认为各国中央银行在支持金融市场,从而减少了对下行风险防护的需求。

    Fund managers and strategists said the low VIX reflects the fact that central banks are seen as backstopping financial markets , lessening demand for downside protection .

  12. 鉴于通胀已经那么低,同时鉴于复苏有可能失去势头,我们预期美联储官员将在FOMC声明中强调下行风险,并暗示放松政策的倾向,MFGlobal首席经济学家吉姆·奥沙利文(JimO'Sullivan)表示。

    Given how low inflation already is , and given the potential for the recovery to falter , we expect Fed officials will highlight downside risks and signal a bias to ease in the FOMC statement , said Jim O'Sullivan , chief economist at MF Global .

  13. 因此大宗商品似乎存在下行风险。

    The risks in commodities therefore look skewed to the downside .

  14. 此外,经济前景的下行风险有所加重。

    Moreover , downside risks to the economic outlook have increased .

  15. 尽管如此,欧洲债务危机的下行风险仍然存在。

    Nevertheless , downside risks of the debt crisis in Europe remain .

  16. 增长和通胀均存在下行风险。

    The risks to growth and inflation are both on the downside .

  17. 美国经济继续面临下行风险。

    The risks to us growth continue to be on the downside .

  18. 最终交易针对下行风险向投资者提供了大量保护。

    The ultimate deal gave investors plenty of downside protection .

  19. 一旦投机热情消退,银价可能将面临越来越大的下行风险。

    Should speculative enthusiasm ease , prices could encounter growing downside risk .

  20. 就连本行1.8%的保守预测也面临下行风险。

    We even see downward risks to our conservative 1.8 per cent estimate .

  21. 然而,2010年的增长率依然取决于重大的上行和下行风险。

    However , growth in2010 remains subject to significant upside and downside risks .

  22. 尽管存在下行风险,但投资一些石油也是合理之举。

    Despite the downside risks , some exposure to oil also makes sense .

  23. 金融状况继续对经济增长前景形成一种下行风险。

    Financial conditions continue to pose a downside risk to the outlook for growth .

  24. 许多经济预测家声称下行风险超出上行风险,以此保护自己。

    Many forecasters guard themselves by saying that the risks are on the downside .

  25. 基于这些下行风险,最近房屋价格的上扬可能会虎头蛇尾。

    Given these downside risks , the recent pop in house prices will probably fizzle .

  26. 但杠杆融资的真正关键在于它极大地保障了下行风险。

    But the real key of leveraged financing is that it seriously protects down-side risk .

  27. 简言之,《全球金融稳定报告》指出,经济下行风险的确已降低。

    In short , the GFSR notes , downside economic risks have indeed been reduced .

  28. 不过,金融压力和宏观调整的下行风险已在急剧上升。

    Nonetheless , the downside risks from financial stress and macroeconomic adjustment have been rising sharply .

  29. 中国决策者非常清楚,经济增长的下行风险在不断增加。

    Policymakers in China are very much aware of the mounting downside risks to economic growth .

  30. 联合国贸易和发展会议警告,世界经济各种下行风险可能影响2008年的前景。

    Various downside risks for the world economy could affect prospects for 2008 , Unctad warned .