
  • 网络Non-renewable Energy;non-renewable energy source;Non-renewable
  1. 目前全球能源形势严峻,传统的不可再生能源已面临枯竭,新能源与可再生能源的开发迫在眉睫。

    The global energy situation is grim and the traditional and non-renewable energy sources are drying up , so that new energy and renewable energy sources are urgent .

  2. 目前世界上的传统能源还是以石油、煤炭、天然气等这些不可再生能源为主,它们的储备有限,而且这些能源在消耗的同时也带来了巨大的环境恶化代价。

    At present the world 's primary energy sources are conventional energy sources , such as oil , coal , natural gas and other non-renewable energy sources . Their reserves are limited and they bring tremendous environment deterioration when they are used .

  3. 只要保证安全车速和电动,无人驾驶汽车将会大大降低污染程度以及对不可再生能源的依赖。

    Maintaining safe speeds and being electric , self-driving cars would drastically reduce pollution levels and dependency on non-renewable fuels .

  4. 不可再生能源的日益枯竭为风能的发展带来了机遇与挑战。

    Both opportunities and challenges come with the gradually exhausted non-renewable energy resources .

  5. 煤炭是我国能源结构的主体,是不可再生能源。

    Coal is the main energy of our country , and it is non-renewable energy .

  6. 目前随着化石能源的逐渐耗竭,不可再生能源日益紧缺。

    As the decreases of the fossil energy , there is in the short of non-renewable energy .

  7. 在不可再生能源日趋减少的情形下,太阳能因其清洁和无限性引起大家重点关注。

    In unrenewable resources decreasing circumstances , solar energy caused everybody attention for its clean and infinity .

  8. 不可再生能源的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on Non-Recycling Energy

  9. 太阳能无污染能源,用其替代不可再生能源最好不过了。

    Solar energy being non-pollution energy , it is best taking the place of the non-renewable energy .

  10. 地热资源是一种新型无污染能源,具有极高的开采价值,已经受到世界各国的关注.太阳能无污染能源,用其替代不可再生能源最好不过了。

    Geothermal resources is a new type of non pollution energy , with a high value of exploitation .

  11. 本系统设计针对问题是:如何解决不可再生能源消耗?

    The problem that the design of system aims at is : How to solve the nonrenewable energy ?

  12. 与石油相比,煤炭虽然也是不可再生能源,但是储量更为丰富,而生物质是环境友好型能源,以二者为原料生成液体燃料具有战略意义。

    Compared with oil , coal reserves are more abundant , and biomass is a kind of environment-friendly resource .

  13. 化石能源是不可再生能源,随着人类工业化进程的发展,对能源的消耗量与日俱增。

    With the development of industrialization progress , the consumption of fossi fuel which is nonrenewable resources is increasing everyday .

  14. 虽然目前我国的能源结构仍以不可再生能源为主,但可再生能源的开发和利用已有了蓬勃发展。

    Although the major constituent of China is not renewable , the employment of sustainable energy has developed a lot .

  15. 而煤是不可再生能源,所以在炼焦生产过程中必须提高焦炭质量、节能降耗。

    And coal is non-renewable energy , so the process in coking must improve quality , saving energy and reducing consumption .

  16. 充分利用自然能,降低不可再生能源消耗,促进我国建筑可持续发展。

    Make full use of natural energy , reduce consumption of non-renewable energy , and promote the sustainable development of China 's building .

  17. 从可持续发展的角度来理解建筑节能,是指建筑的低能耗,即有效、有节制的利用不可再生能源。

    From the angle of sustainable development , Building Energy Efficient refers to low energy consumption , which namely is to effectively use non-renewable energy .

  18. 从长远看,天然气、煤炭和石油是不可再生能源,终究有一天会枯竭;从短期看,能源生产供应更是满足不了对能源的需求。

    From a long-term point of view , natural gas , goal and petroleum are non-renewable energy , they will be used up one day .

  19. 太阳能烟囱的应用可以加强太阳能自然资源的利用,削减不可再生能源的耗费。

    The utilization of the solar energy could be promoted by the application of solar energy chimney , and meanwhile fossil energy consumption could be reduced .

  20. 同时由于化石资源是不可再生能源,不断的开采和利用很快就会使得世界能源面临枯竭。

    Meanwhile , owing to the non-renewability of fossil energy resources and consumption of continuous mining , the world will soon be faced with energy depletion .

  21. 世界能源需求稳步上升,而传统不可再生能源的有限性和开发利用中产生的环境问题日益突出,使新型可再生能源的应用引起广泛重视。

    The energy demand in the word is steadily increasing and the environmental problems caused by the development and utilization of the non-renewable energy are prominent .

  22. 本课题的研究内容,开辟了一种风能利用的新方法,将风能直接利用于生产中,可大大节省不可再生能源的消耗。

    This topic researchs inaugurate a new utilization method of wind energy , it can greatly save non-renewable energy consumption when wind directly use in production .

  23. 日益加剧的能源危机迫使人们不断的寻找能够替代目前所依赖的矿产石油等不可再生能源的新的可再生能源。

    The growing energy crisis forced people to find new renewable energy which can substitute for mineral oil and other non-renewable energy what we rely on currently .

  24. 在不可再生能源价格持续增长、全社会对环境问题关注度提高以及许多国家的财政鼓励政策推动下,可再生能源业务的需求预期将继续保持强劲。

    Demand is expected to remain strong driven mainly by increasing costs of fossil energies , societal sensitivity to environmental concerns and financial incentives in many countries .

  25. 随着不可再生能源的日益消耗以及化石燃料燃烧带来的环境污染问题,人们不得不考虑开发与利用可再生能源。

    With the increasingly non-renewable energy consumption and pollution problem brought by fossil fuel burning , people have to consider the development and utilization of renewable energy .

  26. 现代经济和社会的发展需要消耗大量的石油资源,然而石油是不可再生能源。

    It needs to spend a lot of oil resources with the development of modern economy and society , but we know that oil is non-renewable energy .

  27. 不可再生能源的日益短缺、温室气体效应的不断加剧以及交通能源需求的无节制增长引发了电动汽车的全球关注。

    Concerns about the gradually exhausted non-renewable energy resources , growing greenhouse effect , and unchecked energy consumption in transportation have stimulated global interests in electric vehicles .

  28. 21世纪以来,不可再生能源的过度消耗以及生存环境的日益恶化问题日益受到人们的关注。

    Since the 21st Century , due to the over consumption of non-renewable resource and worsening problem of living environment , people more and more concern about that .

  29. 将太阳能与混合通风复合能量系统应用于住宅建筑,可以最大限度地利用风能、太阳能等自然能源,削减不可再生能源的耗费。

    It is promising for residence energy system designs to integrate solar energy and hybrid ventilation to residences to largely use natural energy and reduce dissipation of fossil energy .

  30. 随着煤炭、石油等不可再生能源的频频告急,能源问题日益成为制约国际社会经济发展的瓶颈。

    With the consuming of non-renewable energy such as coal and petroleum , energy is increasingly becoming a bottleneck , which restricts the development of international society and economy .