
  • 网络coefficient of uniformity;Uniformity coefficient
  1. 影响因子对内摩擦角φ的影响大小依次为:不均匀系数Cu>小于0.001mm黏粒含量>天然含水率>干密度>有机质含量>根密度;

    The order of the effects of the influence factors on friction angle is coefficient of uniformity Cu > less than 0.001 mm clay content > natural water content > dry density > organic content > root density ;

  2. 供试基质的容重和密度与磷吸附量呈极显著性负相关关系;基质的颗粒直径D80和不均匀系数K80与磷吸附量呈显著性正相关关系。

    The volumetric gravity and the specific gravity of the supplied substrates had very marked negative correlation with the amount of phosphate adsorption , but the particle diameter ( D80 ) and uniformity coefficient ( K80 ) showed marked positive correlation with the amount of phosphate adsorption .

  3. 厂房内的气流组织采用速度不均匀系数ku、温度不均匀系数kt、能量利用系数η、空气龄、PMV-PPD指标进行综合评价和对比。

    Evaluates and compares the workshop performance by velocity asymmetry coefficient ku , temperature asymmetry coefficient ki , the age of air , the temperature efficiency 77 and PMV-PPD index .

  4. 用PC1500袖珍微型计算机处理筛析移液管颗粒分析数据,可获得粒级百分比、累计百分数、不均匀系数、曲率系数、累计曲线图和直方图。

    The PC-1500 pocket micro-computer can be used in data processing for the combination of screen analysis and special pipette method for particle-size analysis to obtain grade percentage , cumulative percentage , parameter Cu and Cc , and cumulative curve and histogram .

  5. 温度分布不均匀系数Rtu从33.18降到了18.00左右.在空气预热温度相同情况下,燃气预热温度越高,NOx排放量越大。

    The uneven coefficient of temperature distribution R tu decreases from 33.18 to about 18.00.In addition , if the preheated air temperatures are equal to each other , the higher the preheated gas temperature is , the more NO x emission is .

  6. 对于可验收的第一类事故,本文对可测参数与功率不均匀系数和DNB比的关系及反应堆具体的保护方法作了解释。

    For the events of first category ( being able to be tested ), some detail for an understanding in using the measurable control parameters related to the peaking factor , DNBR , and the method used in reactor protection were given .

  7. 最后,按照铁标中关于温度场和速度场的要求,并且采用不均匀系数和空气分布特性(ADPI)两个评价指标对结果进行了评估,试验结果满足工程要求。

    The results of the test and the simulation are very close , both of them can meet the railway standard . The results are evaluated by the indexes of ununiformity coefficient and Air Diffusion Performance Index ( ADPI ) .

  8. 锥尖棒-平板间隙电场不均匀系数的近似公式

    Simple Expressions of Field Non-Uniformity Factor for Cone Capped Rod-Plane Gaps

  9. 计算了系统的载荷不均匀系数。

    The load sharing coefficient of the gear train was formulated .

  10. 张拉工艺对压力分散型锚索荷载不均匀系数的影响

    Influence of stretching technology on load non-uniform coefficient of pressure-dispersive anchor cable

  11. 提出了计算运转不均匀系数的简化公式。

    This paper also proposed the calculation of the rotary uneven coefficient .

  12. 基于不均匀系数的水环境容量计算方法探讨

    Discussion of Asymmetrical Coefficient-Based Calculation Method for Water Environmental Capacity

  13. 反应堆轴向功率不均匀系数快速算法

    Quick Calculation of Axial Non - Homogeneous Power Factor in Reactor Core

  14. 着重探讨不均匀系数的取值范围。

    In this paper , the range of asymmetrical coefficient is discussed emphatically .

  15. 水文年内不均匀系数的探讨

    A discussion on coefficient of nonuniformity in hydrologic year

  16. 岩体裂隙网络的不均匀系数

    Inhomogeneous coefficient of fracture network of rock mass

  17. 机械运转速度不均匀系数

    Coefficient of non-uniformity of operating velocity of machinery

  18. 分析了各误差和载荷不均匀系数的关系,得到了各误差与系统载荷不均匀系数间的变化关系,讨论了各类误差对系统载荷不均载系数的影响。

    The effects of different kinds of error on dynamic load sharing were discussed .

  19. 输配水系统技术经济计算中能量不均匀系数γ的确定

    Determination of the energy non-uniform coefficient in the techno-economic analysis of water distribution systems

  20. 通过比较、分析后采用组合设计方案,在该试验台上,可同时测试链传动与万向节传动的转动不均匀系数和速度波动曲线。

    Also analyses the coefficient of non-uniformity , speed fluctuation curve achieved with this device .

  21. 该孔径和土体的不均匀系数和曲率系数有关。

    It is related to uniformity coefficient Cu and coefficient of curvature Cc of the soil .

  22. 内河码头缆车轮压及不均匀系数的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of the Wheel Pressure non-uniform Coefficient and the Pressure on Cable Railway at River Quay

  23. 随着星轮个数增加,系统载荷不均匀系数增大。

    The load sharing coefficients of the two stages are increased with the number of planet gears .

  24. 此外,还简化了钢筋应变不均匀系数的计算公式。

    Furthermore , the formula for calculating the nonuniformity coefficient of steel strain has also been simplified herein .

  25. 文章介绍传统地表水环境容量一维计算方法,针对其缺陷提出考虑不均匀系数的计算方法。

    Conventional method for computing one-dimension water environmental capacity was introduced , with non-uniformity factor taken into account .

  26. 材料的细颗粒含量越少,有效粒径及控制粒径越大,不均匀系数越小,相应的渗透系数越大。

    Smaller fine grain content , bigger effective grain size and controlling grain size will lead to larger permeability coefficient .

  27. 采用傅立叶法求解得到了系统的动载系数和动力学载荷分布不均匀系数。

    The dynamic load coefficient and dynamic load sharing coefficient is got after solve the motion differential equation with Fourier method .

  28. 各误差对第一级系统载荷不均匀系数的影响比对第二级的影响大;

    The errors have greater influences on the load sharing coefficient of the first stage than that of the second stage .

  29. 核桃壳滤料的平均粒径越小,不均匀系数可以越大,平均粒径越大,不均匀系数要越小。

    The smaller the mean grain size of the filtering material , the larger the nonuniform coefficient , and vice versa .

  30. 散热器迎风面的流动不均匀系数在低雷诺数范围内随着Re的增大而增大。

    The non-uniform coefficient on the windward area of radiators would increase with the rise of Reynolds number at low range .