
bù dé liǎo
  • very;extremely;terribly;terrible;horrible;awfully;desperately serious
不得了 [bù dé le]
  • [terrible;horrible;desperately serious] 非常严重的,会导致很严重的结果或后果的

  • 成绩不夸跑不了,缺点不找不得了

  • [awfully;very;extremely;terribly] --表示程度,特别地

  • 他高兴得不得了

  • 坏得不得了

不得了[bù dé liǎo]
  1. 可了不得了!大街上全是人!

    It 's terrible ! The streets are full of people !

  2. 她喝得酩酊大醉,聚会上的事什么都记不得了。

    She was too drunk to remember anything about the party .

  3. 事故前一刻发生的事他都记不得了。

    What happened just before the accident was expunged from his memory .

  4. 她总是让我们做多得不得了的家庭作业。

    She always gives us far too much homework .

  5. 这里面脏得不得了。

    It 's absolutely filthy in here .

  6. 这儿冷得不得了!

    It 's freezing in here !

  7. 外面冷得不得了。

    It 's absolutely freezing outside .

  8. 那个退休老人轻松赢得了2,000英镑的奖金,高兴得不得了。

    The delighted pensioner walked off with a £ 2,000 prize .

  9. 第二天,路易十四心情好得不得了。

    Next day , Louis XIV was in the best of humours

  10. 四肢肿得不得了。

    The limbs swell to an enormous size .

  11. 除了太阳、风和盐雾,她什么都记不得了。

    She forgot about everything but the sun and the wind and the salt spray .

  12. 终于,他们为上午9点播出的本地节目有了一段像样的片头而高兴得不得了。

    They were thrilled , finally , to have a decent lead-in for their 9 a.m. local programs .

  13. 这笔尖坏了,使不得了。

    The nib is broken , it can 't be used .

  14. 她听到那坏消息伤心的不得了。

    She took on terribly when she heard the news .

  15. 没有什么不得了的事。

    There 's nothing really serious .

  16. 成绩不夸跑不了,缺点不找不得了。

    If we don 't speak of our achievements , they won 't run away . If we don 't find out our faults , we 'll be in a bad way .

  17. 自从那份杂志发表了一篇她写的故事后,她高兴得不得了。

    She has been on cloud nine since the magazine printed the story she wrote .

  18. 我临考试前紧张得不得了。

    I get very strung up before an exam .

  19. 她对她的礼物喜欢得不得了。

    She was thrilled to bits with her present .

  20. 当他听到你升职的消息时,肯定羡慕得不得了。

    When he hears about your promotion2 he 'll eat his heart out .

  21. 他为某事而兴奋得不得了

    He 's all lathered up about something .

  22. 大夫,我吃了一个菠萝之后,难受得不得了,吐得一塌糊涂。

    Doctor , I was4 as sick as a dog after eating a pineapple . I vomited5 a lot .

  23. 例句詹姆斯的队伍在总决赛中获胜,他高兴得不得了!这是他的队伍多年来第一次获胜。

    James was absolutely made up that his team had won the final ! It was the first time in many years it had happened .

  24. 等到婚礼完毕,揭开头纱一看,竟是一位绝代佳人,无赖高兴得不得了。

    After the wedding ceremony , when the veil of the bride was removed , the rascal saw a lady of unsurpassed beauty and was extremely happy .

  25. PayDay:如果你在葡萄牙,不要听到PayDay(发薪水的日子)就开心得不得了,别人不会对你有好印象的,在葡萄牙语中,PayDay的意思是我放屁了。

    Pay Day : If youre in Portugal , refrain from singing with happiness that its pay day . No one will be impressed . In Portuguese it means I farted .

  26. 菲利斯:有很多事情都让我满意的不得了,但我想大家都低估了大型零售商对AmazonPublishing做出的非理性激烈反应。

    Ferriss : there were many things I was more than happy with , but I think everyone underestimated the irrational backlash from big box retailers that would come of Amazon publishing .

  27. 到了白天,天就热得不得了,如果不穿特制的服装就无法生存。

    It would be too hot to live without special clothes .

  28. “这个我记不得了。”帽匠说。

    ' That I can 't remember , 'said the Hatter .

  29. 我想问他们是否记不得了——

    I want to ask them if they don 't remember -

  30. 他读着这封信,妒忌得不得了。

    When he read the letters he was consumed with jealousy .