
bù ān shì gù
  • know the world as little
不谙世故[bù ān shì gù]
  1. 我表现出来的稀里糊涂和不谙世故的样子丝毫骗不了他。

    My mooning and unworldliness didn 't fool him for a minute .

  2. 即使最不谙世故的美国妇女也对用好衣着来表示社会地位之优越抱着虔诚的崇敬态度,这使他又一次大为震惊了。

    He was struck again by the religious reverence of even the most unworldly American women for the social advantages of dress .

  3. 巴黎景色让不谙世故的旅游者们大吃一惊。

    The sights of Paris bowled over the unsophisticated tourists .

  4. 他年轻,不谙世故。

    He is young and has little experience of life .

  5. 小说的主人公玛格丽特是一个不谙世故、酷爱读书的年轻女孩,最爱读小说和传记。她在父亲的书店帮忙。

    Margaret , the main character of the novel , is a young , unworldly , bookish girl who is a bookseller in her father 's shop and she loves reading stories and biographies most .

  6. 这些言辞&是那么地不谙世故和无能为力,如同存在于字典中一样,它们如何在一个人的笔下组合,甚至对于善恶变得更加的具有说服力。

    Words & so innocent and powerless as they are , as standing in a dictionary , how potent for good and evil they become , in the hands of one who knows how to combine them !