
  • 网络Blue Dog
  1. 似乎“蓝狗”民主党人将失去另外一名成员。

    And it appears that blue dog Democrats lose another member of the pack .

  2. 普拉达的“Pradamalia”的产品线,用这个品牌的话来说,就是有好几种“神秘生物”。其中包括一直形状怪异的蓝狗,一只诡异的章鱼和外星人的杂交品种,当然这些是人畜无害。

    Prada 's ' Pradamalia ' line features several ' mysterious creatures , ' as described by the brand , including an oddly-shaped blue dog and and a bizarre octopus-alien hybrid .

  3. 她和她的丈夫,两个女儿,一个名叫“蓝”的狗以及三只猫一起住在北加利福尼亚的阿什维尔市。

    She and her husband live with their two daughters , a dog named Blue , and three cats in Asheville , North Carolina .