
  • 网络perplexities;no longer suffered from perplexities
不惑 [bù huò]
  • (1)

  • [without doubt;with full self-confidence]∶遇事能明辨不疑

  • 人以怒迁,公能自克;人以利回,公能不惑。--宋.曾巩《故翰林侍读学士钱公墓志铭》

  • (2)

  • [the age of 40]∶四十岁的代称

  • 四十而不惑

  1. 贤者,不惑也。

    The wise man has no perplexities .

  2. 我已年届不惑,到了该全面审视自己并改变生活的年龄了。

    I was forty , the age when people take stock and change their lives .

  3. 智者不惑。

    A wise man is never confused .

  4. 后来与李少红的合作很多,一块做的片子还有《血色清晨》、《红粉》、《四十不惑》。

    Later I had many co-operations with her , such as Bloody Morning , Rouge , 40 Years Old .

  5. 作为一个已经年过不惑、受人尊重的中学校长,他如果不选择在各类应酬中放纵自己,那就意味着放弃自己的职业生涯。

    But as a respectable headteacher in his40s , he feels he has little choice but to indulge – or risk harming his career .

  6. 年愈不惑的庞玉良是河南省驻马店市上蔡县人,毕业于北京第二外国语学院。

    The more perplexed is the Longyuliang Zhumadian City , Shangcai County , Henan Province , graduated from the Beijing Second Institute of Foreign Languages .

  7. 中国古代思想家孔子说:“四十而不惑,五十而知天命。”

    Confucius , China 's ancient philosopher , says : " At forty I had no more doubts and at fifty , I knew the will of Heaven . "

  8. 瞬变电磁方法(TEM)对良导层反应灵敏,对高阻层却不敏惑。

    The transient electro - magnetic sounding method is sensitive to good conductive formation but insensitive to high resistance formation .

  9. 他的文学思想同样也体现出了他经世致用,勇于探索,不为时所惑的精神。

    His ideas also reflect the literature of his pragmatism , the courage to explore , not too be confused spirit .

  10. 先验批判、经验反思与不受人惑的方法&重提“中华民族的文化自觉”

    Transcendental criticism , empirical reflection and the way one should not be misled by others & re-mentioning " cultural consciousness of Chinese nation "