
  1. 这不是娃娃好吗,我是个男人!

    They 're not dolls ! I 'm a man !

  2. 皮埃尔不是娃娃好吗?

    Pierre is not a doll , okay ?

  3. 卡洛斯:加比,我也想让你开心,但这不是娃娃的问题。

    Carlos : Gaby , I want you to be happy . But this is not about a doll .

  4. 今年圣诞节最受孩子们欢迎的礼物将不是娃娃或玩具卡车,而是平板电脑。

    The hottest gift for children this Christmas is not going to be a doll or a toy truck . It is a tablet .

  5. 我都可以,我又不是大娃娃。

    I 'm flexible . I 'm not a big baby .

  6. 加比:不不,这可不是你的娃娃。

    Gaby : No , no ! This is not your doll !

  7. 哦,不是,那是娃娃的名字。

    Jenny : Uh , no that was his cabbage patch kid .

  8. 我很了解情况,我可不是刚出世的娃娃。

    I am acquainted about the situation . I am not a new-born kid .

  9. 妈妈问我的兄弟们是不是他们动了娃娃,但他们都发誓说没有。

    She asked my brothers if they had removed the doll , and they all swore that they hadn 't.

  10. 而不是看的雅利安娃娃金发和蓝眼睛是乏味的,士兵可以申请自己的幻想。

    Instead the look of the Aryan doll with blonde bob hair and blue eyes was left bland so soldiers could apply their own fantasy .

  11. 从她脸上的表情,我知道肯定不是如此。妈妈问我的兄弟们是不是他们动了娃娃,但他们都发誓说没有。

    By the look on her face , I took it as a definite no. She asked my brothers if they had removed the doll , and they all swore that they hadn 't.