
  • 网络Cannot refuse;Orch ver
  1. 从人道角度,他不能拒绝帮助她。

    He couldn 't humanly refuse to help her .

  2. 而是,因为那种爱,让我,情不自禁、无法抗拒、不能拒绝……

    but because the love overpowers me and I am unable to dispute and refuse it …

  3. 但是它强调说,如果无法进行这类测试,不能拒绝让患者接受ART。

    But it stresses that patients must not be denied ART if such testing is not available .

  4. BarthélemyBagaza博士:“作为医生,我不能拒绝病人。”

    Dr Barth é lemy Bagaza : " As a doctor , I can 't refuse a patient . "

  5. 然后他就答应了,他不能拒绝。Shawn上个月完成了目标,同时,他成为Binghamton大学一名商务专业的新生。

    so then he was , he couldn 't say no. Shawn reached his goal last month , while a freshman in Binghamton University where he 's a business major with a love for politics .

  6. 你以为我不能拒绝黛布拉,对吗?

    You thought I couldn 't turn down debra , right ?

  7. 他也许不能拒绝,但我有权说不行!

    He might say no , but I can say stop !

  8. 我们总不能拒绝新娘之请,是吧

    Well , can 't deny the bride , can we ?

  9. 噢,这样的话,你不能拒绝。

    Oh , well , you can 't say no to that .

  10. 你现在不能拒绝,这是不可能的!

    You can 't refuse now - it 's just not on !

  11. 家父提了个他不能拒绝的条件。

    Michael corleone : made him an offer he couldn 't refuse .

  12. 阿文给我一个机会,我不能拒绝。

    Arvin made me an offer I couldn 't refuse .

  13. 他看起来有点绝望无助,我实在不能拒绝。

    He seemed so desperate , I couldn 't say no.

  14. 您不能拒绝所有用户本地登陆。

    You cannot deny all users from logging on locally .

  15. 所以到最后,我不能拒绝了。

    So in the end , I couldn 't resist .

  16. 给他一个他不能拒绝的理由。

    Give him a reason that he can 't refuse .

  17. 漂亮的下流女人们追求我,而我从来不能拒绝她们。

    Beautiful broads run after me and I never could resist them .

  18. 不论有多不方便,我们普什图人都不能拒绝任何亲戚或朋友。

    We Pashtuns cannot turn away relatives or friends , however inconvenient .

  19. 我不能拒绝。我不能告诉她真相。

    I couldn 't refuse . I couldn 't tell her the truth .

  20. 啊,可我还是爱着他,不能拒绝他;

    Ah , but still I love him , can 't deny him ;

  21. 现代社会不能拒绝信息的转播。

    Modern society cannot reject the broadcast of information .

  22. 我看到了我不能拒绝的现象。

    I have observed phenomena that I cannot deny .

  23. 您不能拒绝已提交到存储库中的更改。

    You cannot reject a change that has been committed to the repository .

  24. 这是你女儿婚礼的日子,你不能拒绝我。

    It is your daughter 's wedding day , you cannot refuse me .

  25. 凭良心讲,我们不能拒绝帮忙。

    We cannot in all conscience refuse to help .

  26. 这个孩子大脑里面有些苍蝇不能拒绝的废物。

    This kid had crap for brains , the flies couldn 't resist .

  27. 贝斯表明他不能拒绝。

    Beth made an offer he couldn 't refuse .

  28. 高贵的人是不能拒绝花朵的。

    Your highness , one shouidn 't refuse flowers .

  29. 我知道你不能拒绝我的东西。

    I knew you couldn 't resist my shit .

  30. 但如果她邀你,你不能拒绝

    But if she asks , you cannot say no.