
  • 网络Unstable seepage;Unsteady state flow
  1. 二区复合气藏不稳定渗流特征及其应用

    Unsteady State Flow Behavior and Its Application for Two Composite Gas Reservoirs

  2. 本文用变分有限元方法处理了两维两相非线性不稳定渗流模型。

    In this paper , a non-linear model for two dimension and two phases unsteady state flow through a porous medium is solved by a variational finite element method .

  3. 利用不稳定渗流数学模型预测不同时间产能,从本质上改进了传统的油气井流入动态IPR的预测,建立井筒与油藏耦合作用下的不稳态产能预测方法,从而改进了目前的生产系统分析方法。

    In this paper , transient flow mathematics model is applied to predict the productivity for all time . This approach improves essentially the prediction of IPR , and uses unsteady productivity prediction by coupling reservoir and wellbore method .

  4. 在详细研究前人有关气井产能的计算方法基础上,从气体不稳定渗流方程入手,根据Laplace变换原理,得出了气井在不同生产阶段和不同地层压力条件下的产能计算方法。

    On the basis of traditional calculation methods of gas well productivity , equations for un-steady state flow of gas wells and Laplace transform , a productivity calculation method for gas wells at various production stages and under different formation pressures were studied .

  5. 而且本文把Duhamel定理推广于研究裂&隙油藏中的不稳定渗流问题;给出了流量测试试井分析公式;

    This paper has also extended the application of Duhamel 's theorem to study the fluid flow in naturally fractured reservoirs , to give formulae of well testing analysis under constant pressure ;

  6. 考虑启动压力梯度的低渗透油藏不稳定渗流模型

    Unsteady seepage model for low permeability reservoir with threshold pressure gradient

  7. 非均质油藏不稳定渗流的扰动边界元分析

    Perturbations Boundary Element Analysis for Transient Flow in Heterogeneous Reservoir

  8. 考虑二次梯度项影响的非线性不稳定渗流问题的精确解

    Exact Solutions for Nonlinear Transient Flow Model Including a Quadratic Gradient Term

  9. 盒状油藏水平井系统不稳定渗流求解方法

    Solution Method for Unsteady-Flow of Horizontal Well in Boxed Reservoir

  10. 变形介质煤层气不稳定渗流问题

    Unsteady percolation flow of coalbed methane through deformed coal seam

  11. 应力敏感性双重介质油藏不稳定渗流的边界元分析

    Boundary Element Analysis on Unsteady Percolation of Dual-porosity Reservoir with Stress Sensitivity

  12. 堤防工程中的不稳定渗流计算

    Calculation of the Unsteady Influent in the Project of Dyke

  13. 分形油藏非达西低速不稳定渗流的研究

    Study on non-Darcy , low - velocity , unstable percolation in fractal reservoir

  14. 黏弹性聚合物溶液不稳定渗流模型

    Unsteady seepage flow model of visco-elastic polymer solution

  15. 不稳定渗流浸润线计算在梦山水库的应用

    Application of the seepage lines calculation of the unsteady seepage flow in Mengshan reservoir

  16. 两种新的不稳定渗流点源函数

    Two types of new novel point source functions for transient flow in porous media

  17. 天然气非达西低速不稳定渗流

    Non-Darcy Low-Velocity Unsteady-State Seepage Flow of Natural Gas

  18. 均质圆形定压油藏不稳定渗流的数值解内、外边界定压条件下地层压力的解

    Reservoir pressure solutions subject to constant pressure boundary conditions at the inner and outer boundaries

  19. 分形油藏非牛顿幂律流体低速非达西不稳定渗流的组合数学模型

    The combined mathematical model of non-Newtonian power-law fluids with low-velocity non-Darcy flow in fractal reservoirs

  20. 三重介质油藏非牛顿液不稳定渗流压力变化特征研究

    The Characteristic of Transient Pressure of Non-Newtonian Fluid ′ s Transient Flow in Triple-Media Reservoirs

  21. 考虑相重新分布的双重介质分形油藏不稳定渗流压力动态特征

    Dynamic Characteristics of Nonsteady Flows with Phase Redistribution in Double Porous Media and Fractal Reservoir

  22. 含有限导流垂直裂缝的封闭地层中不稳定渗流的格林函数法

    Using green 's function to study the transient flow in closed reservoir with finite-conductivity vertical fracture

  23. 低渗透油藏考虑注采比时不稳定渗流规律研究

    Study on transient flow regularity in low permeability reservoirs with consideration of injection - production ratio

  24. 不稳定渗流理论在水驱气藏水侵识别中的应用

    Application Study of Unsteady Fluid Flow Theory to Identify Water Encroachment in Water Drive Gas Reservoir

  25. 建立了任意形状均匀各向异性油藏不稳定渗流的数学模型。

    This paper establishes mathematical model of unstable flow in uniform anisotropic reservoir of any form .

  26. 变形介质油藏中的不稳定渗流

    The transient flow in deformable reservoir

  27. 不等厚分形复合油藏不稳定渗流问题的数学模型及压力特征

    The mathematical model of unstable flow of fluids through porous media with non-uniform thickness lateral heterogeneity of fractal reservoir

  28. 本文介绍了水位骤变时,堤坝不稳定渗流的计算方法。

    The paper introduces the method of calculating instable seepage flow in dams and levees when the water level changes greatly .

  29. 穿过单条或者多条裂缝的压裂水平井不稳定渗流问题是一个复杂的渗流力学问题。

    Unsteady porous flow in horizontal wells with single or multiple fractures is a complicated study of mechanics through porous media .

  30. 结合分形理论与渗流理论,对分形油藏非牛顿幂律流体低速非达西不稳定渗流的试井分析问题的数学模型进行了推导。

    Effective well radius combined mathematical models are suggested for non-Newtonian power-law fluids with the low-velocity non-Darcy flow in the fractal reservoir .