
  1. 大部分时间我们只叫你弗兰…和其他一些不能说的秘密。

    Mostly we just call you Fran ... And some other things .

  2. 析电影《不能说的秘密》中的叙事技巧

    On the Narrative Skills in the Movie of Secret

  3. 把你变成心底一个不能说的秘密。

    Put your heart into a not secret .

  4. 你母亲难道没教你那是女性不能说的秘密吗

    Didn 't your mother ever teach you that is secret , no-no private lady thing ?

  5. 还有什么不能说的秘密吗?

    Far to strong for secrets .

  6. 最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。&《不能说的秘密》。

    The most beautiful one is not the rainy day , It is the eave that once sheltered you and me .

  7. 这是不能说的秘密!我可是下足苦工才有这样的成果的。

    Fanny : It is a secret ! I had to go through a lot of hard work to achieve these results .

  8. 在法国,总统的爱情生活一直被视为“不能说的秘密”,而萨科奇总统对于私生活的开放态度则让很多法国人十分吃惊。

    Sarkozy 's openness about his private life has surprised many French , accustomed to presidents who keep their love lives under wraps .

  9. 尽管与他精心打造的导演处女作&《不能说的秘密》相比,《天台爱情》的水平有些平淡无奇,但却表明了他想接受更大挑战的意愿。

    Compared with Secret , his tour-de-force directorial debut , The Rooftop is more uneven , but shows his willingness to take on greater challenges .

  10. 不管我们能不能见面,不管你会不会忘了我,我只想告诉你一个秘密,我爱你(不能说的秘密)

    Whether we can meet , whether you would forget me , I just want to tell you a secret , I love you .