
  • Can't be without you;【电影】No Pudeo Vivir Sin Ti
  1. 卡片上写着:“不能没有你(Ican't(bear)tobewithoutyou)”,“bear”一词是由一只“笨笨熊”代替的。

    The card read : " I can 't ( bear ) to be without you " - with gummy bear treats in place of the word .

  2. 这个计划的进行不能没有你。

    I could not see this project going forward without you .

  3. 知道吗,我的生活不能没有你?

    Don 't you know that I can 't live without you ?

  4. 我不能没有你,罗宾。

    I couldn 't have lived without you , robin .

  5. 你不是我的全部,但在我的生命里,不能没有你。

    I can 't think of any possible explanation for his absence .

  6. 但我的世界里也不能没有你。

    But it wouldn 't be my world without you in it .

  7. 所以我不能没有你来进行合唱。

    So I can 't " duet " without you .

  8. 瑞德:就是我再也不能没有你了。

    RHETT : That I can 't go on any longer without you .

  9. 我的生活不能没有你,就像鱼儿不能没有水。

    I can 't live without you , like the fishes without water .

  10. 原谅我生活中不能没有你;

    Forgive me for needing you in my life ;

  11. 噢,社交网站,我们不能没有你。

    Oh , SNS , we couldn ` t do anything without you .

  12. 我不能没有你,也不能没有他。

    I can 't stay away from you , or from him either .

  13. 但你知道我不能没有你的支持。

    But you know , I can 't do it without your support .

  14. 但我不能没有你的帮忙。

    But I can 't do it without you .

  15. 我们是在渡蜜月,我不能没有你一个人去。

    We 're on our honeymoon . I 'm not gonna go without you .

  16. 生命不能没有你。

    Life can no longer survive without you .

  17. 我什么都可以没有,但是就是不能没有你!

    Anything I could do without , but it is can not do without () You !

  18. 不能没有你任何国家的法院均不能行使撤销此项仲裁裁决的权力。

    YOU CAN 'T BE EXCLUDED No country has the power to make the award nullified .

  19. 另一个用户写道,挺住,苹果不能没有你,老乔挺住!

    Another wrote : 'Apple can 't live without you , hang in there old Jobs ! '

  20. 我要如何选择?我不能没有你,但又不远毁灭你。

    What choice I have ? I cannot be without you , but I will not destory your soul .

  21. 即使有一天我终于意识到我只是自欺欺人,但在内心深处我知道我已不能没有你!

    Though some day maybe I will realize I really made a fool of myself , I know in my heart that I cannot live without you .

  22. 19、我不知道我是否真的爱,但是我知道我不能没有你,如果地球将要毁灭,那么我要告诉你你是我唯一想见的人。

    I dont know whether I really love you , but I know I cannot lose you . If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see .

  23. 我不能想象没有你的日子,哪怕一天。

    I can 't imagine being here withoutyou even one day .

  24. 我简直不能想象没有你的生活是什么样子。

    I cannot even imagine what my life would 've been like without you .

  25. 不能,没有你我孤身一人。你是出点子的那个人,是我们所有疯狂冒险的发起者。

    No. I am alone without you and you were the " idea-woman " and general instigator of all our wild adventures .

  26. 你要我,你需要我,你不能没有我,你知道,你只是不知道你知道罢了,再见。

    You need me . You can 't live without me . And you know it . You just don 't know you know it . See ya .

  27. 向日葵是不能没有阳光的照耀的&我是不能没有你的宠爱的。

    Sunflower can not survive without the sun shining-and I can not live without your pet .

  28. 我不能原谅他的精暴无礼。原谅我生活中不能没有你;原谅我欣赏你躯体和心灵的美丽;原谅我希望永生永世和你在一起。

    Forgive me for needing you in my life ; Forgive me for enjoying the beauty of your body and soul ; Forgive me for wanting to be with you when I grow old .