
yè yàn
  • Banquet;dinner party
夜宴 [yè yàn]
  • [dinner party] 晚上的宴会

  1. 夫天地者,万物之逆旅。(李白《春夜宴》)

    Heaven and earth are an inn for all things of creation .

  2. 今年春节假期,除了电影票房大热之外,河南卫视春晚的舞蹈节目《唐宫夜宴》也火出了圈。由郑州歌舞剧院创作的古典舞《唐宫夜宴》亮相2021年河南春晚后在社交媒体平台上走红,受到网友的广泛赞誉。

    The classical dance program Palace Banquet in Tang Dynasty created by Zhengzhou Song & Dance Theater has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms and won much acclaim at the 2021 Henan TV Spring Festival Gala .

  3. 《唐宫夜宴》到底牛在哪?为体现丰腴的唐俑形象,演员们穿着塞海绵的连体衣,嘴里含着棉花登台演出,而月牙形的妆容和仿唐三彩陶器的服装,让观众仿佛穿越回1300多年前的唐朝。

    Fourteen dancers wearing jumpsuits filled with sponge and with special cotton in their mouths recreate the plump figures of Tang Dynasty females . Besides , crescent-shaped makeup make audiences feel like travelling to the Tang Dynasty 1300 years ago .

  4. 节目中,参加夜宴的唐朝少女们“圆润讨喜”,她们时而梳妆打扮、时而嬉笑打闹,如同在古画中穿梭行走,将大唐盛世的繁华景象展现得淋漓尽致。

    The program presents a banquet at which plump and lovable girls in the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ) sometimes dress themselves up and sometimes play together . Many say it is pretty much like walking in an ancient painting scroll and vivid way .

  5. 本文研究重点为郭文景四场室内歌剧《夜宴》(2001,Op.35)的音乐结构及风格。

    This thesis studies on the musical structure and its style of The Night of The Banquet ( Op.35 ), four scenes chamber opera composed by GUO Wenjing .

  6. 西餐夜宴的人均消费为每位888元人民币。

    Banquet food for each per capita consumption of888 yuan .

  7. 《夜宴》:文化隐喻的拼贴与改写

    The Banquet : Clipping and Rewriting of Cultural Metaphors

  8. 本次峰会的西餐夜宴将是活动的最大亮点。

    The summit of Western Banquet activities will be the biggest bright spot .

  9. 人说《夜宴》好风光由《夜宴》《狂人日记》到对“第五代”作曲家的反思

    The Night Banquet , the Madman 's Diary and the " Fifth-Generation " Composers

  10. 此图绘画的就是一次韩府夜宴的全过程。

    This figure painting is a Korean mansion the whole process of the banquet .

  11. 观赏袋鼠、小袋鼠和北夜宴蛙,探索疏花桉树林、湿地和野花铺地的平原。

    See kangaroos , wallabies and northern corroboree frogs and explore snow-gum woodlands , wetlands and wildflower-cloaked plains .

  12. 此外,太宗还有位长孙皇后,更是唐太宗的贤内助。皇帝、后与太子都想借一次夜宴除掉各自的敌人。

    The emperor , empress and prince all have their own enemies they would like to finish off at a banquet .

  13. 顾闳中的《韩熙载夜宴图》是这个时期受到高度尊崇的作品。

    Gu Hongzhong 's painting the " Evening Feasting held by Han Xizai " is a highly revered work of this period .

  14. 拍摄完冯小刚导演的《夜宴》,章子怡期待新的片约。

    After starring in Chinese director Feng Xiaogang 's big-budget film " The Banquet ," she is looking forward to the next film .

  15. 将彩云之南的孔雀蓝运用在披肩设计上,让女人的自然魅力弥漫夜宴之局。

    Blue Peacock in the south of the clouds , used in the design of a shawl , makes a woman charming throughout a dinner party .

  16. 作为一幅中国绘画史中的精品杰作,《韩熙载夜宴图》还为我们提供了文化历史的众多信息。

    One of the most celebrated and most extraordinary works in Chinese painting history , Han Xizai Evening Banquet also provides great insight into culture and history .

  17. 在山谷的莎草沼泽和顶峰的沼泽里,可看到宽齿髭鼠、北夜宴蛙和河黑鱼。

    Watch out for the rare broad-tooth rat , northern corroboree frog and river blackfish in the sedge fens in the valleys and bogs on the peaks .

  18. 中国电影《一个陌生女人的来信》和《夜宴》对西方文学经典的改编是全球化时代下一个意味深长的跨文化现象。

    Chinese movies A Letter from an Unknown Woman and The Banquet are adaptations of western literature , and this is a meaningful Cross-cultural phenomenon in globalization .

  19. 我一定要说我不怎么愿意离开北京,因为我在那里度过了一段很愉快的工作时光,(是不是说的拍摄《夜宴》?)但是能回来香港也真好。

    I must say I was reluctant to leave Beijing because I had such a good time working on that project but it 's really good to be back .

  20. “夜宴”的名子是根据外国著名小说“哈姆。雷特”改编而成。发生在中国古代的五代十国时期之间。(907-979)。

    Known in Chinese name " Yeyan ", the film is a loose adaptation of " Hamlet " set in ancient China 's Five Dynasties and Ten States period ( 907-979 ) .

  21. 今晚我的太太,也就是皇后,生了一名男婴,皇帝、后与太子都想借一次夜宴除掉各自的敌人。

    A son was born tonight to my wife , the queen . The emperor , empress and prince all have their own enemies they would like to finish off at a banquet .

  22. 一个十九岁的男人,他说他翻过栅栏进入居民区整个恶作剧,被一个警察阻止而且质问了大约半个小时在王子到达会外夜宴。

    The19-year-old man , who said he climbed over a fence into the residence as a prank , was stopped by police and questioned about half an hour before the prince arrived at the barbecue .

  23. 例如,在此次庆祝活动中演出的中国版《哈姆雷特》《夜宴》中,大家会看到哈姆雷特长了一副中国面孔,还起了个中国名字,他的故事也被移植到了中国古代的宫廷。

    In the play The Banquet , the Chinese version of Hamlet , performed during the celebrations here , you could find Hamlet not only having a Chinese face , but also a Chinese name and living in an ancient Chinese imperial court .

  24. 米拉麦克斯电影公司创始人之一兼韦恩斯坦公司董事长的韦恩斯坦随后针对此事回应道,他在美国发行了冯小刚拍摄的电影《夜宴》,这部影片在所有中国导演拍摄的作品中,盈利遥遥领先。

    The co-founder of Miramax Films and co-chairman of The Weinstein Company countered in a subsequent statement that Feng 's film , The Banquet , which he distributed in the United States , was among the most profitable of the Chinese director 's movies in that market .

  25. 论文虽然是基于《新闻夜宴》个案进行的研究,但是在一定程度上,上述研究发现对分析电视新闻评论类节目的生产,乃至整个媒介生产领域都具有普遍意义。

    The article is based on an individual case , however , to a certain extent , the discovery of this article t the analysis of TV news commentary type of program production , and even the whole field of media production is of universal significance production practice .

  26. 歌曲创作者所要关注的古画包括《千里江山图》、五代十国画家顾闳中的《韩熙载夜宴图》、东晋画家顾恺之的《洛神赋图》。

    The paintings that the songwriters have to focus on include A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains ; Night Revels of Han Xizai by Gu Hongzhong , a painter of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms ( 907-960 ) and Nymph of the Luo River by Gu Kaizhi , a painter of the Eastern Jin Dynasty ( 317-420 ) .