
  1. 你干吗非得自己干,而不请人帮忙?

    Why didn 't you ask for help , rather than trying to do it on your own ?

  2. 要是不请她走,我们也就没有多少办法应付这种局面了。

    Short of asking her to leave there 's not a lot we can do about the situation .

  3. “为什么不请我喝一杯?”他问道,勉强笑了笑。

    ' Why don 't you offer me a drink ? ' he asked , with a forced smile .

  4. “对了,”她灵机一动说道,“你干吗不请他们到这儿来?”

    ' Look , ' she said , getting a brainstorm , ' Why don 't you invite them here ? '

  5. 她不请你当伴娘?

    She didn 't ask you to be a bridesmaid ?

  6. 我们为什么不请他来吃饭呢?

    Why don 't we have him over for dinner ?

  7. “他为什么不请你安排一次见面呢?”

    " Why didn 't he ask you to arrange a meeting ?"

  8. 你为什么不请坦吉兹来这里?

    Why do you never invite tengiz to come here ?

  9. 那你不请我们进屋吗?

    So , won 't you invite us in ?

  10. 干吗不请他讲慢点呢?

    Why don 't ask him to speak slowly ?

  11. 你干吗不请他喝杯茶聊聊?

    Why don 't you join him for tea ?

  12. 他说了,不请他,他是不会去的。

    He said he wouldn 't go unless invited .

  13. 那时候他为什么不请他吃饭呢?

    Why had he not invited him to dinner then ? he asked himself .

  14. 你们为什么不请些临时工呢?

    Why don 't you hire some temps ?

  15. 我就不请你进来坐了。

    And that 's why I 'm not inviting you in for a drink .

  16. 谁家开派对不请小丑

    Who throws a party without a clown ?

  17. 而且,如果我不请你,我就是个傻瓜

    And , if I don 't hire you , I am an idiot .

  18. 不像其它线上零售业的竞争者,该公司不请拨打需要有库存。

    The company doesn 't need to keep inventory , unlike its competitors in online retailing .

  19. 不请吃糖就捣蛋!/噢,你吓了我一跳!/万圣节快乐!

    Trick or treat ! / Oh , you scared me ! / Wishing you a happy Halloween !

  20. 他只要发现了陆地,不管多么模糊不请,那儿就准有陆地。

    If he had discovered land , however indistinct it might appear , land was sure to be there .

  21. 如果你再对我妻子嬉皮笑脸,以后就再不请你到我家来了。

    If you take any more liberties with my wife you will never be invited to my house again .

  22. 你为什么不请哈尔帮助你写申请书呢?通常他有很好的措词才能。

    Whey do not you ask Hal to help you write the application ? He usually has a good turn of phrase .

  23. 只要你找我额当然我们当然会邀请你怎么会不请你呢我不确定你懂的

    If you have me.Er , well , of course we will have you.Why wouldn 't we have you ? I don 't know , you know .

  24. 不请巨星做代言,而是瞄准了那些拥有忠实拥趸或“部落”的网红。

    Instead of building around one big name , the brand is turning to a series of celebs who have passionate followers - or " tribes . "

  25. 假如出去后,哪位朋友设宴而不请我,我一点也不会介意。

    If after I go out , a friend of mine gave a feast , and did not invite me to it , I shouldn 't mind a bit .

  26. 过去,老板想将某人“炒鱿鱼”,这天就会不请他来拜神,而对方也就心知肚明,会主动辞职。

    In the past , if an employee was not invited to worship the God of Wealth with the boss , he / she had to resign according to the unwritten rule .

  27. 人们只能猜测他听到许多人说,如果他只是强化他决心不请允许他本人或可洋相新娘不是他们自己或他们的团体生活。

    One can only guess that if he heard many of them he was only strengthened in his resolve not to allow himself or his bride to be made a spectacle & not their live selves or their bodies .

  28. 你多才多艺,哪个厂不想请你。

    Any factory would be glad to have you with all your skill and experience .

  29. 然后她问:“多少钱?”司机回答:“十块钱。”她翻了翻皮包之后说:“可不可以请你把车子再倒回去五百公尺,因为我只有七块钱!”

    Then she asked the driver , " How much is it ? " And the driver replied , " Ten dollars . " Then , after searching ? I have only seven dollars on me ! "

  30. 假如我不在请留话。

    Please leave a message if I won 't be there .