
  1. 其次,对专利审查制度进行深入的法理学分析和法经济学分析,剖析该制度建立的合理性及其价值目标。

    Secondly , we analyze the reasonableness of establishing the system and its goals by jurisprudential analysis and law-economic analysis .

  2. 基于对我国现行专利审查制度存在缺陷的共识,我国准备启动专利法第三次修改的工作,力求全面解决专利制度中存在的某些突出问题。

    Based on the current patent examination system flawed consensus , China ready to start the third revision of the Patent Law of the preparatory work aimed at a comprehensive settlement of the patent system exists in some of the problems .

  3. 再次,通过专利审查高速公路制度与专利合作条约各自意义、作用及程序的对比研究,阐明两者的差异与共性,指出其与专利合作条约的衔接基础和保障条件。

    Thirdly , comparing the Patent Prosecution Highway System with the Patent Cooperation Treaty , we clarify the differences and similarities in the respective significance , the role and procedures , and then point out the convergence basis and guarantee conditions .

  4. 使美国和全球其他国家在专利审查方面的制度保持协调一致,更进一步促进合作和效率。

    HarmonisingAmerica 's rules with those in other countries would be a step towards greater co-operation and efficiency in patent examinations globally .

  5. 我国外观设计专利的初步审查制度需要进一步完善,成套产品的外观设计专利权的保护范围应当明确。

    The initial examination system for design patent in China needs perfecting , while the protecting range for design patent rights should be specified .

  6. 相信本文的研究成果能为专利局设计专利审查制度和企业制定专利战略提供参考。

    This paper is for the reference of Patent Bureau to design patent censor system and make patent strategy for Enterprises .

  7. 专利授权期是专利审查制度的具体表现形式,实质是从产权角度出发,对发明主体的激励和技术创新社会效益之间权衡的一种制度安排。

    The patent grand period is a system design on weighting the magnitude of the prize to the winner to motivate technology innovation and maximizing social surplus from the view of property right .

  8. 我国现行专利法及其实施细则对授予外观设计专利的实质性条件以及外观设计专利的初步审查制度和保护范围的规定存在着值得商榷的地方。

    In the current patent law and its rules of implementation , there are places worthy of discussion in the regulations on the essential conditions for granting design patents and the initial examining system and protecting range of design patents .

  9. 我国自推行专利制度以来,社会创新能力得到大幅提高,但也出现了一些问题,人们盲目追求专利数量加上审查制度的缺陷导致出现大量的问题专利。

    Since China introduced the patent system , our social innovation capacity significantly improved . However , there have been some problems , plus the number of people blind pursuit of patent deficiencies of the patent examination system lead to a lot of " questionable patents " .

  10. 近年来,我国专利工作取得显著成效,连续两次修改后的《专利法》与WTO规则下的Trips协议基本一致,但是专利保护水平和专利审查制度的科学性还有待提高。

    In recent years , although our Patent Authority is improving on patent law system in order to adapt to the rules of WTO and the Agreement of Trips , the level of patent protection and the patent censor system is not perfect , and should be improved continuously .