
  1. 与上述多数矢量格式不同,SVG是完全免费的,没有任何版权或专利权限制,而且其规范完全有文档记录。

    Unlike most of the vector formats mentioned above , SVG is free of any patent or copyright restrictions , and its specification is fully documented .

  2. 对专利权限制的研究

    Study on the Restriction on Patent

  3. 但是为了折中1662年许可证法对作者的过分偏袒,安妮法令的制定者们选择了把作者的专利权限制为21年。

    But in response to the favoritism demonstrated in the Licensing Act of1662 , the framers of the Statute of Anne chose to limit the term of an author 's monopoly to21 years .

  4. 第四部分,提出对成为技术标准的专利权强化限制的具体设想。

    Chapter four proposes restriction on standard patent should been strengthen .

  5. 捐献原则是对专利权的限制,是对权利要求扩大解释的限制,是专利法实现专利权人与社会公众利益平衡或者兼顾专利保护功能和公示功能的结果。

    Principles of contribution are the limitation to patent rights , the limitation to expand interpretation of Claims , and the result for the Patent Law realizing balance of individual benefit and the social public benefit in patent rights or taking into account both patent protection function and public function .

  6. 本文论述的公知技术抗辩原则就是对专利权加以合理限制的一项重要原则。

    The principle of prior art plea is an important principle to restrict the patent right reasonably .

  7. 作为对专利权的重要限制,专利强制许可制度应运而生,成为防止专利权人滥用垄断权、保护社会公共利益的重要手段。

    As an important restriction on patent , patent compulsory license system emerges . It helps to prevent the patentee from abusing monopoly , now the system has become the useful means to protect public interests .

  8. 中国与新加坡专利权的保护及限制之比较研究

    Comparative study of protection and limitation of patent right between China and Singapore

  9. 专利强制许可制度是对专利权限制的最主要的制度。

    Compulsory license is one of the main systems to limit patent rights .

  10. 但是,在某些场合下专利权人可能会滥用专利权非法限制竞争,从而构成对反垄断法的违反。

    But the owner of Patent Possibly abuse patent rights to limit the competition illegally on some occasion which violates against anti-monopoly law .

  11. 然而,我国专利法和相关法律对专利权的限制无法有效地遏制专利权滥用行为。

    However , the restriction of patent right by Chinese Patent Law and patent-related laws can not put efficiently under control the abuse of patent .

  12. 第三部分,通过比较分析的方法总结专利技术标准化下利益平衡的具体实践,评析目前专利权限制制度的不足。

    Chapter three summaries concrete practice of interests balancing , and assesses deficiencies in current restriction on patent rights by comparing analysis .

  13. 法例也限制了甚么药物才可以申请专利权,并确保专利权到期后,该种药物便可以马上在市场广泛推出,不再受专利权限制。

    The Bill also limits what kind of medicine can be patented , and ensures that as soon as a patent expires , generic versions of that medicine can be introduced immediately into the market .

  14. 专利制度的根本目的、知识产权国际发展趋势以及我国国情的需要,都要求我们在关注和研究专利权保护的同时,给予专利权限制这一问题同样的重视。

    Considering the primary purpose of patent system , the international trend of intellectual property , and the need of the situation of our country , we should pay some attention to patent restriction while we study patent protection .

  15. 从保护药品专利权的意义、药品专利权保护的历史考察和现状分析等方面分析药品专利权的国际保护。第三部分:公共健康权发展对药品专利权国际保护的限制。

    Patent protection of drugs from the significance of the history of pharmaceutical patent protection and other aspects of investigation and analysis of current situation of the international protection of pharmaceutical patents . Part ⅲ: development of public health restrictions on international protection of pharmaceutical patents .

  16. 我国专利制度自建立以来,经过二十多年的发展已趋于完善,在完善专利立法、加强专利保护水平上取得了很大的成就;但真正完善的专利保护制度还应当包含对专利权的正当限制。

    Since the patent system established in China , our country have got big achievement in improving patent legislation and strengthening the patent protection after more than twenty years development . But the perfect patent system should contain the proper limits on the exercise of patent rights .