
zhuān lì shí shī
  • exploitation of patent
  1. 第六章专利实施的强制许可

    Chapter VI Compulsory License for Exploitation of Patent

  2. 但被许可人是否有权转让其专利实施权呢?

    But , the problem is that could license be transferred ?

  3. 政府管制对开展专利实施活动有着直接的重要影响。

    Government control has direct and important infection on patent execution .

  4. 四是重新规定了对专利实施强制许可的条件。

    Fourth , conditions for imposing compulsory patent license were re-stipulated .

  5. (八)专利实施的强制许可;

    Any compulsory license for exploitation of the patent ;

  6. 专利实施权转让研究

    Research on Assignment of Right to Use a Patent

  7. 中国专利实施许可制度存在的问题及对策

    Existing problems of the enforcement system for the patent license and relevant countermeasures

  8. 企业专利实施中若干问题的分析和探讨

    The Analysis and Discussion on Issues in the Implementation of Enterprise 's Patent

  9. (十)专利实施许可合同的备案;

    ( 10 ) any patent license contract for exploitation submitted for the record ;

  10. (十二)专利实施的强制许可的给予;

    ( 12 ) any grant of compulsory license for exploitation of the patent ;

  11. 技术引进合同包括:(一)专利实施许可或转让合同;

    Technology introduction contracts include : ( 1 ) application or transfer contract of patent ;

  12. 专利实施许可是权利人实现其专有权的重要方式。

    As an important way to realize his patent right , patent license is essential .

  13. 影响我国高校专利实施的关键因素:基于浙江的实证研究

    The key determinants of patent implementation in China 's colleges and universities : evidence from Zhejiang province

  14. 中国高校专利实施的影响因素分析&基于武汉高校的实证研究

    Research on Impact Factors to Patent Implementation of China 's Universities & Based on Empirical Research of Universities in Wuhan

  15. 发展中国家要获得必需的药品,对药品专利实施强制许可是一条卓有成效的途径。

    It is the effective means to carry out the compulsory license if the developing countries want to acquire the necessary drugs .

  16. 新型工业化背景下专利实施影响因素的定量分析及政策研究

    The Quantitative Analysis of the Factors during Exploitation of the Patent and the Corresponding Policy Research under the Circumstance of New Type of Industrialization

  17. 我国目前专利实施权转让制度的缺位显然不足以适应贸易的需要,与市场经济体制下专利实施权流通性日益扩大的要求不相适应。

    Obviously , the omission of assignment system of patent using right is not enough to meet the need of trade in our country .

  18. 专利实施与企业竞争优势的培育研究合芜蚌试验区培育新型企业的优势、劣势和对策

    Study on Patent Implementation and the Cultivation of Enterprise Competitive Advantage Superiority , Inferiority and Countermeasures for Cultivation of Innovation Enterprise in Hefei-Wuhu-Bengbu Pilot Area

  19. 国外虽有政府管制程度的不同,但都选择了通过立法来进行专利实施的政府管制。

    Though there are difference between control levels in other countrys , but without exception , they all choice the government control that execute patent through legislation .

  20. 其三,构建破产法上的专利实施许可合同转让制度。

    Third , construct patent licensing contract transfer system in the Bankruptcy Law . ( 3 ) Restrictions are put on the transfer and license implementation of the pledged patent .

  21. 关于专利实施权安排问题,一般情况下,实施权属于专利权人,专利权人可以与他人通过谈判对专利实施权自愿交易,这是有效率的。

    Generally , as to the arrangement of implementing right , it belongs to the patentee , and it is efficient that the patentee should trade the right voluntarily through negotiations with others .

  22. 研究发现,我国专利实施许可状况不尽如人意。

    Therefore , we are confronted with the task of studying and deducing the condition of patent licensing implementation . However , it has been discovered that the situation of china is not satisfactory .

  23. 本文分别从法律制度层面和司法实践方面论证完善专利实施许可合同的违约责任,还分析了专利实施许可合同应完备的必要条款。

    From the aspects of the legal system , judicial practice and policy measures , this paper demonstrates improvement patent licensing liability for the breach of contract , but also analyzes the patent implementation permission contract should complete essential provision .

  24. 本文试对专利实施权的性质特征、取得方式以及专利实施权的转让与限制进行研究、探讨,以期能对我国专利实施权转让制度的建立与完善提供有益的帮助。

    This assay tries to analyze the character of the patent using right , the way to obtain the using right and the assignment of it . Also , it tries to do something benefit to our patent using system .

  25. 主要针对高等院校和科研院所、工矿企业、专利实施许可地域三个方面提出了有利于发展我国专利实施许可的相应对策。

    In the light of the institutions , the scientific research institutions , the industrial and mining enterprises , and the region of patent licensing , some corresponding countermeasures which give a hand to develop our patent licensing are put forwarded in this part .

  26. 第三百四十六条专利实施许可合同的受让人应当按照约定实施专利,不得许可约定以外的第三人实施该专利;并按照约定支付使用费。

    The transferee under a patent licensing contract shall exploit the patent in accordance with the contract and may not license the patent to any third person except as provided in the contract ; and shall pay the licensing fee in accordance with the contract .

  27. 专利实施许可合同是一种非常重要的技术合同,在现有民法合同体系中占有重要的地位,它对于加快技术成果的转化和变现步伐并促进生产力的发展发挥着积极的作用。

    Patent licensing contract is a very important technology contract , the contract system in the existing civil law occupies an important position , which results in accelerating the transformation of technology and the pace of realization and to promote the development of productive forces and plays an active role .

  28. 解析对50所学校专利实施的调查结果表明:高校专利实施状况基本良好,专利实施与专利申请、授权同步增长;

    An investigation on the exploitation of patents over 50 Chinese Universities was carried out and the data was analyzed in the paper . The results show that patent exploitation in Chinese universities is being in good status basically , whose number increases with those of applied and authorized patents .

  29. 黑龙江省专利工作实施的对策研究

    A study of measures guaranteeing the patent work in Heilongjiang province

  30. 专利当地实施要求的法律思考

    Legal Reflections of the Requirement of Local Working of Patents