
zhuān lì shěn chá
  • patent examination
  1. 基于数据仓库的中国专利审查联机分析处理系统

    The China Patent Examination OLAP Based on Data Warehouse

  2. 概述部分,简单介绍了听证原则的概念和意义以及专利审查过程中的听证原则。

    In hearing principle section , hearing principles in patent examination are introduced briefly .

  3. 2001年10月新出台的《专利审查指南》对基因序列的专利保护做出了明确的规定,保护的范围和水平与国际社会保持基本一致,这也是中国加入WTO新形势下的必然选择。

    In Oct. 2001 , the newly issued " Patent ControlGuide " clearly defines the patent protection to gene sequence . The protection range and level is almost the same as the international standard . This is also a necessity under the new situation when China joins WTO .

  4. 基于排队论的专利审查系统模型分析

    Study on the Process of the Patent Checkup Based on Queuing Theory

  5. 吉尔在职业生涯的早期阶段还做过专利审查员。

    Early in his career gill was a patent examiner .

  6. 这个星期,专利审查员同意再次更索赔。

    This week , the patent examiner agreed again on even more claims .

  7. 我国专利审查指南对医药用途发明专利的新颖性审查给出了一定标准,但较为抽象。

    The examination standard of medical use in Examination Guideline of China is general .

  8. 因此,必须废除《专利审查指南》所创设的衔接式保护机制。

    Therefore , the linking protection created in Guidebook to Patent Examination must be abolished .

  9. 浅议专利审查先申请与先发明原则之比较

    Prior Knowledge Comparison between " Application Priority " and " Invention Priority " for patent Examination

  10. 对新技术的研发和探索,通常都离不开在互联网上的查询和检索。这引出了在专利审查工作中是否应考虑将互联网上的信息作为判断新颖性的问题。

    On - line inquiry and search for information are very common in new technology research and development .

  11. 第三章以专利审查高速公路项目为主研究了目前全球专利加快审查的最新发展。

    The third part is about the latest development of global patent accelerated examination , Patent Prosecution Highway .

  12. 其次,对专利审查制度进行深入的法理学分析和法经济学分析,剖析该制度建立的合理性及其价值目标。

    Secondly , we analyze the reasonableness of establishing the system and its goals by jurisprudential analysis and law-economic analysis .

  13. 使美国和全球其他国家在专利审查方面的制度保持协调一致,更进一步促进合作和效率。

    HarmonisingAmerica 's rules with those in other countries would be a step towards greater co-operation and efficiency in patent examinations globally .

  14. 我国可藉由美国的商业方法专利审查经验来完善商业方法专利的规定。本文分为导言、正文和结语三个部分。

    We can improve our regulations of business method patent through the practice experiences of the U.S * This paper is divided into three parts .

  15. 此外,我国目前与其他专利审查机构开展的国际合作还存在一定的局限性,在帮助申请人快速获得国外专利授权方面还存在空白。

    Besides , there are some limits in our cooperation with other patent offices . Applicants can not get patent rights overseas fast through present system .

  16. 同时,它是专利审查中设置的第一道门槛,并与专利实质条件共同组成对专利客体的限制,它的看门人功能可以提高专利审查的效率。

    Meanwhile , it is the first threshold in patent examination . Combined with the patentable substance requirement , they limit the boundary of patentable objects .

  17. 现行的《专利审查指南》赋予同一申请人就相同的发明创造享有实用新型专利和发明专利的衔接式保护。

    The current Guidebook to Patent Examination endows the same invention of one patent applicant with the linking protection of the practical new-type and the invention patent .

  18. 首先是专利审查指南对专利法定主题范围作了产业限定,不承认商业领域发明的可专利性。

    First come the industry restrictions upon patent statutory subject matters which are imposed by the Examination Guidelines , which denies the patentability of inventions from commercial areas .

  19. 我国应加强我国的专利审查能力和专利审判能力,加强对专利制度国际协调及拟议中的全球专利制度的研究。

    China should strengthen the ability of patent examination and patent judgment and enhance the research on the international harmonization of patent system and the global patent system in setting up .

  20. 从排队系统的视角对专利审查过程进行分析,建立了专利审查排队系统的模型。

    From the point of the queuing system , the article analyzes the process of the patent checkup . Setting up the model of the patent checkup system and optimizing to the model theoretically .

  21. 基于对我国现行专利审查制度存在缺陷的共识,我国准备启动专利法第三次修改的工作,力求全面解决专利制度中存在的某些突出问题。

    Based on the current patent examination system flawed consensus , China ready to start the third revision of the Patent Law of the preparatory work aimed at a comprehensive settlement of the patent system exists in some of the problems .

  22. 再次,通过专利审查高速公路制度与专利合作条约各自意义、作用及程序的对比研究,阐明两者的差异与共性,指出其与专利合作条约的衔接基础和保障条件。

    Thirdly , comparing the Patent Prosecution Highway System with the Patent Cooperation Treaty , we clarify the differences and similarities in the respective significance , the role and procedures , and then point out the convergence basis and guarantee conditions .

  23. 专利审查属于一种行政执法行为,因此听证原则是专利审查程序中必须遵循的基本原则之一,目的在于保证专利审查的客观、公正。

    Patent examination is a form of administrative enforcement action , thus the hearing principle is one of the basic principles of patent examination procedures that must be followed , the purpose is to ensure that the objective and just patent examination .

  24. 对于专利审查中的公共秩序评价,认为明显违背社会普遍接受的伦理道德观念的发明不能授予专利,其它生物技术原则上只要满足专利的实质条件就应该授予专利。

    About evaluation of public order in patent examination it is suggested that the biotechnology which is clearly contrary to generally accepted ethical and moral concepts is not patentable , other biotechnology is patentable as long as it meets substantial requirements for patent .

  25. 中方确认,中方的《专利审查指南》允许专利申请人在提交专利申请后提交额外的数据,《专利审查指南》适用《中华人民共和国立法法》第八十四条,确保药品发明获得专利保护。

    China affirms that the Chinese Patent Examination Guidelines permit patent applicants to file additional data after filing their patent applications , and that the Guidelines are subject to Article 84 of the Law on Legislation , to ensure that pharmaceutical inventions receive patent protection .

  26. 最后,法院与专利审查部门在对专利权利要求的解释过程中,可以建立某种协调机制以保证司法的统一。

    It should be combined with the principle of equivalents to form an integral principle of equivalent , Finally , the court and the patent examination department explain the patent claim could set up some kind of coordination mechanisms to ensure the unity of the administration of justice .

  27. 第二节在第一节建议的基础上,对图形用户界面申请外观设计专利的审查标准如名称、图面、简要说明提出了具体建议。

    Then there are some suggestions about the name , drawings and descriptions of the GUI and ICON design patent application in Section II .

  28. 第四部分在借鉴国外专利联盟审查实践的基础之上从专利联盟组建过程中和许可过程中总结出反垄断分析所要包含的主要内容。

    Fourthly , concluding the factors that should be considered during the anti-trust review of patent pool which include the establishment of patent pool and the permission to others from references to foreign judicial practices .

  29. 可见,美国对于商业方法软件专利的审查标准过于宽松混淆了抽象观念和具体技术之间的界限,也导致了大量低质量专利的产生。

    Therefore , the excessively loose standard in the censorship of software related business methods patent in US not only confounds abstract concepts and real techniques but also lead to the production of substantive patents of low quality .

  30. 我国有必要采取立法和管理的手段,适度提高基因技术专利的审查标准,适当补充专利法原则,加强基因资源保护,不断强化医学基因技术的专利保护。

    It is of great necessity that the authority takes legislation and management measures to moderately enhance the gene technology patent standard , suitably supplement the patent law principle , strengthen the gene resources conservation and improve the medical gene technology patent protection unceasingly .