
  1. 专利权穷竭制度最早在美国通过判例确定下来,经过一百多年的发展,其内容出现了很多变化;2008年美国联邦最高法院对Quanta案的判决再次扩大了专利权穷竭制度的适用范围。

    Patent exhaustion system was first established through judicial precedent in America , and has changed a lot after a hundred years of development . The judgment of Quanta vs. LGE in 2008 has expanded the scope of application of patent exhaustion .

  2. 试析专利权穷竭原则及其相关问题&兼析我国《专利法》的完善

    An Analysis of the Exhaustion Principle of Patent and its Relevant Problems

  3. 专利权穷竭制度的构成及其法理学分析

    Components and Jurisprudential Analysis of the System of Patent Exhaustion

  4. 专利权穷竭制度的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of the System of Patent Exhaustion

  5. 作者认为,完整的专利权穷竭制度应当包括专利权的国内穷竭、专利权的国际穷竭(专利产品的平行进口)以及关联专利权的穷竭方面的规范;

    This paper argues that an integrated system of patent exhaustion should include rules of domestic exhaustion , international exhaustion ( Parallel importation ) and the exhaustion of affiliated patents .

  6. 洛克的自然法学中的财产权劳动学说在为财产权提供正当性的同时,也为专利权的穷竭提供了法哲学基础。

    It is the labour theory of property rights that provides the foundation for the property rights and the system of patent exhaustion .

  7. 我国应依据专利权国内穷竭理论,借鉴国外的立法司法实践经验,结合自己的具体情况,采取以下相应的对策:目前不在《专利法》中对专利产品的平行进口问题作出明确的规定;

    Our country should take corresponding countermeasures by combining the theories of the patent laws and foreign experiences in legislative and legal practice with her own concrete conditions : making no explicit provisions for the parallel import of patented products in the patent laws now ;

  8. 有关专利权的权利穷竭问题,世界各国的立法和司法实践差异很大,理论界也就此争议多年。

    Exhaustion issues related to patent rights are acted very differently by legislation and judicial departments around the world and theorists concentrate on exploring it for many years .