
zhuān lì wén xiàn
  • patent document;patent abstract;documentation literature
  1. 基于NP树的英文专利文献术语自动翻译技术研究

    Research on Term Automatic Translation Technology Based on NP Tree for English Patent Documentation

  2. 本文探讨了WTO环境下专利文献的作用及网上中外专利文献的检索与利用。

    This paper discusses the usefulness of patent documentation in the WTO situation and the retrieval and usage of patent documentation on the internet .

  3. 对收集到的专利文献,本文主要抽取了专利文献中的IPC分类、专利权人、引证关系等数据作为分析对象。

    Data items such as IPC Classifications , patent owners and the citation relationship collected from the patent literatures are treated as the analysis objects .

  4. 文章介绍了在DIALOG联机检索系统中检索专利文献时如何降低检索费用的技巧,以节约用户的费用。

    With the purpose of saving money of the users , this article introduces ingenious use in online retrieval of patents in order to reduce the costs in using the system of DIALOG .

  5. 专利文献引用关联可视化系统的构建&以美国专利数据库(USPTO)检索系统为例

    Construction of Patent-Citation Analysis Visualization System & Taking USPTO as an Example

  6. 专利文献中包含了大量的技术、经济与法律信息,作为PCT,US专利申请量最多的前3位国家,美国、日本、德国的专利文献具有极高的研究利用价值。

    As the top three countries of the PCT and US patent applications , the patent documents of USA , Japan and Germany had great value in RD for the technical , economic and legal information contained .

  7. 而术语翻译尤其是专利文献翻译的一个重要部分。

    Term translation is an important part of patent documentation translation .

  8. 高校开设英文专利文献阅读课的思考

    Offering an English Patent Literature Reading Course in Colleges and Universities

  9. 专利文献在文后参考文献中的著录规则

    Descriptive Rules in Bibliography for Patent Documents Due to its Particularity

  10. 生物学专利文献以及几种专利检索工具的比较

    On the biological patent literature and comparison between some abstract journals

  11. 专利文献检索与大学生创新能力的培养

    Retrieval of Patent Documents and Cultivating Innovative Ability for University Students

  12. 高校、研发机构对专利文献信息的利用

    Using of Patent Literature Information in University and Scientific Research Institution

  13. 专利文献是具有经济价值、技术价值的战略性信息。

    Patent documentation is strategic information with economic and technological values .

  14. 网上日本专利文献的概要及使用

    The Summarization and Utilization of Japanese Patent Documents on Internet

  15. 专利文献检索在应用技术研究课题立项评审中的应用

    The Index of Patent Document Applied for Application of Technology Research Task

  16. 我国专利文献资源亟待挖掘开发

    The Chinese Patent Document Resources Need to Be Mined and Developed Urgently

  17. 专利文献&竞争情报收集的重点

    Patent Literature & the Emphasis of the Collection of the Competitive Intelligence

  18. 从1999-2000年美国专利文献看钼的应用

    Application of molybdenum in US patents from 1999 to 2000

  19. 利用专利文献促进科技创新

    Using Patent Resources to Promote Scientific and Technological Innovation

  20. 专利文献信息与企业发展

    The Patent Document Information and the Development of Enterprise

  21. 专利文献的计量研究&专利活动的特征表示

    The Bibliometric Study of Patent Documents-Characteristics of Patent Activities

  22. 大学生课外科技活动中专利文献的利用

    Utilization and Education of Patent Literature on Extracurricular Technological Activities for College Students

  23. 国外电热毯专利文献介绍

    A Brief Introduction of Foreign Patents about Electric Blanket

  24. 谈高校科技发展中专利文献的利用

    Utilization of Patent Literature on the Development of Science and Technology in Universities

  25. 纺织专利文献信息资源的分析与探讨

    Analysis on the patent documents information elementarily of textile

  26. 面向专利文献的中文分词技术的研究

    Research on Chinese Word Segmentation Technique for Patent Documents

  27. 论专利文献的特点和功能

    On the characteristics and function of patent literature

  28. 在专利文献中专业术语(术语)是其核心内容和重要组成部分。

    In patents , technical terms are the core content and an important component .

  29. 专利文献更以其国际化、情报化的特点,反映了现代科学技术的发展水平。

    The internationalization and information of patent documents reflect the development of modern technology .

  30. 浅议专利文献对市场经济的作用

    The effect of patent documents on market economy