
  1. 三是资产证券化为专利证券化探索了法律途径,并提供了丰富的宝贵经验。

    The third is the development of asset securitization provides a lot of valuable experience .

  2. 本文试图构建起的法律风险防控体系,希望能对为广大企业和金融运作者有所裨益,以推动专利证券化不断地完善,并得以发展。

    This paper tries to build up a legal-risk prevention and control system , hoping that the system will be of benefit to enterprises and financial shrewdest , and that patent securitization will develop and continuously be improved .

  3. 自上世纪九十年代以来,专利证券化已经在世界范围内逐渐发展起来,有效地推动了专利转化,促进了专利技术方、资本方、政府企业等合作共赢。

    Since the nineties of last century , the securitization of patent has developed worldwide , which effectively promotes the transformation of a patent , and also promotes win-win cooperation within patented technology side , the capital side , government enterprises and so on .

  4. 本文介绍了专利证券化在国外发展情况及其内涵,设计了国内专利证券化的基本交易结构,重点研究了专利证券化资产转移方面的一些问题。

    This article introduces the practical situation and concept of patent securitization , also designs a basic trading structure about the patent securitization used in our country . In this article , I have paid attention to the issues in the aspect of asset transferring .

  5. 专利资产证券化中SPV的组织形式探讨我国专利资产证券化若干法律问题研究

    Research on the organization of SPV in patent securitization ; Research on Several Legal Problems of Patent Property Assets Backed Securitization in China

  6. 简要论述了SPV的特性,借鉴国外专利资产证券化SPV的选择原则,对我国专利资产证券化SPV的组织形式提出了建议。

    This paper discusses the characteristics of SPV , and puts forward suggestions on the organization of SPV in patent securitization in China by learning from foreign countries ' experience .

  7. 而这些法律问题也就成为了专利资产证券化发展中无法忽视的问题。

    These legal issues has become the problem can not be ignored in the development of patent asset securitization .

  8. 第三章主要是从主体、客体和内容三个方面详细介绍了专利资产证券化交易中的法律关系。

    The third chapter details the legal relationship in the patent asset securitization from three aspects of the subject , object and content .

  9. 第四部分搜集整理了版权证券化、专利权证券化和商标权证券化的典型案例,并按类别进行深入剖析和经验总结。

    In the fourth part , an in-depth study is made to address the practical cases widely collected from the copyright securitization , patent securitization and trademark securitization .

  10. 资本证券化的出现和深化发展为企业的资产融资提供了一个新的路径,即企业以专利资产证券化的方式来获得融资。

    The capital securities of the emergence and deepening of the development provides a new path for the asset finance business to get in the way of the patent asset securitization financing .

  11. 专利资产证券化是资产证券化发展的深化,它具有资产证券化的一般特点,但也有自身特征,在专利资产证券化中特定目的机构同样起着关键性的作用。

    Patent securitization , in which special purpose vehicle is also critical , is the further development of securitization . Patent securitization has a lot common with securitization , and has its own characteristics .

  12. 而专利质量评价是专利证券化的核心环节,为多方合作提供基本对话平台。

    While the evaluation of patent quality is the core aspect of securitization of patent , as it provides the basic platform for dialogue on multilateral cooperation .

  13. 第四部分介绍了专利权跨国直接投资的理论问题,主要分析了专利权跨国投资的评估作价和专利权投资证券化趋势。

    Part four express the theory of patent international investment . In this part , the writer mainly analyzes the valuation of patent and Patent trend of investment securities .