
zhuān lì qīn quán
  • patent infringement
  1. 2010年,摩托罗拉移动(MotorolaMobility)率先开战,起诉苹果专利侵权行为。

    Google 's Motorola Mobility unit started the fight in 2010 by suing Apple for patent infringement .

  2. HTC在一项关于专利侵权的初步法庭裁决中败给了苹果。

    HTC has lost an initial court ruling over patent infringement to Apple .

  3. 在同一时间,他们可以自由地在联邦法院提出专利侵权诉讼,因此他们已经能够使自己的IP最多。

    At the same time , they 're free to bring patent infringement suits in federal court , so they 've been able make the most of their own IP .

  4. 在印度,瑞典电信设备制造商爱立信(Ericsson)去年在德里高院(DelhiHighCourt)起诉小米专利侵权。印度是小米最具潜力的海外市场。

    In India , its largest prospective foreign market , Xiaomi last year faced a patent lawsuit in a Delhi High Court by Swedish telecoms equipment maker Ericsson .

  5. 这是一次典型的以牙还牙:上周五,三星(Samsung)宣布已在韩国、日本和德国对苹果(Apple)提起专利侵权诉讼。

    In a classic legal tit-for-tat , Samsung announced Friday that it had filed patent infringement suits against Apple ( AAPL ) in South Korea , Japan and Germany .

  6. 苹果和微软已经以专利侵权之名,将搭载Android操作系统的手机厂商告上了欧洲、美国和日本的法庭。

    Apple and Microsoft have challenged handset makers using the Android operating system in courts in Europe , the US and Japan , over alleged patent infringements .

  7. 正起诉惠普(HP)和东芝(Toshiba)专利侵权的一家中国公司表示,希望这次法律行动能有助于改善中国在知识产权方面的国际形象。

    A Chinese company that is suing Hewlett-Packard and Toshiba over patent issues said that it hoped that the action would help improve the country 's international image with regard to intellectual property rights .

  8. 富士康科技集团(FoxconnTechnologyGroup)昨日宣布,正在向美国一家法院起诉三家日本企业专利侵权。这个迹象表明,这家苹果(Apple)iPhone和iPad的代工制造商正采取积极行动套现其不断壮大的技术根基。

    Foxconn Technology Group announced yesterday that it was suing a trio of Japanese companies in a US court for alleged patent infringement , in a sign that the maker of Apple iPhones and iPads is moving aggressively to monetise its growing technology base .

  9. FOSSPatents的穆勒按照惯例,在网站上发表了宏达电一案最详细的分析报告,其中包括苹果向ITC提起的关键“专利侵权表”(claimcharts)的详细分解。

    FOSS patents ' Mueller , as usual , has the most detailed analysis of the HTC case , included a breakdown of the key " claim charts " that Apple filed with the ITC .

  10. 本周一,一家上诉法院维持了苹果(Apple)2012年在三星电子(SamsungElectronics)专利侵权案中获得的大部分胜诉裁决,但推翻了其中一部分。它表示,一家下级法院应该减少三星必须支付的赔偿总金额。

    An appeals court on Monday upheld the bulk of Apple 's patent victory against Samsung Electronics in 2012 , but overturned part of the decision and said that a lower court should reduce the total amount that Samsung would have to pay .

  11. 我国加入WTO一年来,涉及专利侵权的法律纠纷急剧增加,如何有效规避专利技术壁垒,有效保护我国企业知识技术产权,已成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。

    Since one year after China Accession to WTO the law disputes of infringement of patent are increased acutely . How to evade the technical forts and protect the intellectual property of the business circles of our country efficiently it 's became the problem need solve at present .

  12. 上周开审的苹果诉三星专利侵权案仅仅审理了几天,苹果已经公开讲述了研发iPhone和iPad的全过程,展示了这些产品的早期设计,还描述了其产品研发团队的具体情况。

    In just the first few days of its patent trial this week , Apple has publicly discussed how it created the iPhone and iPad , showed early designs of the devices and described intimate details about its product team .

  13. SantaClaraUniversity的法律教授BrianLove认为问题在于陪审员往往对专利侵权者有个直觉反应,因此通常判罚远高于已造成的经济损害的赔偿金。

    The problem , says Brian Love , a law professor at Santa Clara University , is that jurors tend to have a gut reaction against patent violators and therefore often award damages that are vastly higher than the economic harm that has been done .

  14. 他还补充道,“FOSS拥有巨大供应商生态系统的状况”,使其在发生专利侵权诉讼的情况下,“能够为中等规模的公司提供协助,并补偿他们的客户”。

    " The point of FOSS is having a huge vendor ecosystem that can assist mid-sized companies and indemnify their customers " in case of a patent infringement lawsuit , he adds .

  15. 诉讼管辖是民事司法公正的第一道生命线,专利侵权民事诉讼的复杂性、特殊性导致其管辖制度的缺陷在所难免。

    Litigating jurisdiction is the first lifeline of civil judicial justice .

  16. 禁止反悔原则在专利侵权判定中的适用

    The Application of Doctrine of Estoppel in Judgment of Patent Infringement

  17. 专利侵权诉讼中的先用权抗辩研究

    Research on Prior User Rights Defense in Patent Infringement Lawsuit

  18. 公知技术抗辩在专利侵权案件中的适用

    The Application of Prior Art Defense in Patent Infringement Case

  19. 试析专利侵权诉前禁令制度存在的问题

    Analysis On Problems About Interdiction System Before Patent Infringement Action

  20. 论我国专利侵权诉前民事救济制度

    On China 's Civil Relief System Preceding the Litigation of Patent Infringement

  21. 专利侵权诉讼中被告的抗辩

    Demur of the Defendant in the Suit of Patent Tort

  22. 专利侵权诉讼之诉讼标的物的确定

    Research of the Specification on Subject Matter of Action in Patent Lawsuit

  23. 专利侵权归责的等同原则研究

    Research on the Equal Principle of the Patent Pirate Responsibility

  24. 对专利侵权的天价罚金也是引起关注的一个原因。

    Whopping penalties imposed on patent infringers are also a cause for concern .

  25. 此外我国可以在外观设计专利侵权认定中采用美感标准。

    In addition , China can design patent infringement identified by aesthetic standards .

  26. 外观设计专利侵权判定之研究

    Research on the Ascertainment of Infringement upon Design Patent

  27. 专利侵权诉讼中的公知技术抗辩

    The Widely-Known Technology Plea in the Patent Infringement Litigation

  28. 专利侵权诉讼中疑难问题及对策

    Knotty Problems and Countermeasures of Tort Action on Patent

  29. 对专利侵权赔偿的经济学分析

    Compensation due to patent tort : An economic analysis

  30. 商业方法专利侵权判定原则研究

    Legal Research of Business Method Patent Infringement Determinant Principle