
zhuān lì bǎo hù
  • patent protection
  1. WTO争端解决机制下药品专利保护案对我国的启示

    Enlightenments from Pharmaceutical Patent Protection Cases under WTO Settlement Mechanism

  2. TRIPS同时还要求把专利保护的年限延长至20年。

    Compliance with TRIPS also requires patent protection to last for20 years .

  3. 这一装置受专利保护。

    The device was protected by patent .

  4. TRIPS协定之下的中国药品专利保护立法

    Chinese Pharmaceutical Legislation under TRIPS Agreement

  5. 印度专利保护案带来的启示&从发展中国家的视角解读TRIPS协议

    Enlightenments From Pharmaceutical Patent Protection Cases & Discourse of TRIPS from the perspective of developing countries

  6. 大法官们裁定,合成DNA在实验室中经过修改的遗传物质片段可以获得专利保护,因为合成过程涉及人的参与。

    The justices ruled that synthetic DNA – strands of genetic material that have been modified in a lab – could be patented because this process involved some human input .

  7. 较小的前向专利保护宽度(leadingpatentbreadth)能够提高社会创新投资水平,但,当其很大时反而会起抑制作用。

    Small leading patent breadth can enhance the social innovation investment level . But , when very big , then it can inhibit the innovation investment .

  8. 我国现行的药品专利保护制度规定过于严格,没有充分利用TRIPS协定的弹性条款。

    The current protection on pharmacy in China is rigid and the elastic clauses in TRIPS Agreement is not properly used .

  9. 在TRIPS协议下,所有成员,不论是发达国家还是发展中国家,都负有对药品及其制造方法提供专利保护的义务。

    Under TRIPS Agreement , no matter the developed countries or developing countries , all members bear the obligations to protect the pharmaceuticals and their manufacturing methods .

  10. 一个成员包括IBM的技术公司联盟正在扩大为开发商、销售商和开源软件(比如Linux)用户提供的专利保护范围。

    An alliance of technology corporations , including IBM , is expanding the scope of patent protection it provides to developers , vendors , and users of open source software such as Linux .

  11. 采用经皮通透性试验揭示凝胶的经皮通透性与pH值的相关性,为其他凝胶剂的研制提供提供全新的研究思路和方法,目前这项技术正在申请专利保护。

    Percutaneous absorption test was finished to clarify the relevance of the percutaneous absorption rate and pH values of gels , which provide t new ideas and methods for other gels , this technology is now under patent-pending protection application .

  12. TRIPS协议将专利保护扩大到了医药产品,使许多发展中国家在防治传染病问题上困难重重,公共健康危机迫在眉睫。

    The TRIPS enlarge the protection of patent to pharmaceutical product . It makes developing countries difficult in the prevention and cure of communicable diseases . The problem of public health is very serious .

  13. 但是,除非Dropbox拥有真正强力的专利保护,否则它只是一款供其他竞争对手模仿的优秀样品。

    However , unless Dropbox has some really strong patent protection , they are merely an excellent prototype for what a competitor needs to build .

  14. 辉瑞原本应该在2012年就会失去伟哥(Viagra)产品的专利保护权,但公司成功把专有权延长到了2020年。

    its hugely profitable drug Viagra was supposed to go off patent in 2012 , but the company managed to extend its exclusivity rights until 2020 .

  15. 辉瑞制药在这方面有过成功的经验;辉瑞原本应该在2012年就会失去伟哥(Viagra)产品的专利保护权,但公司成功把专有权延长到了2020年。

    Pfizer has had some success with this ; its hugely profitable drug Viagra was supposed to go off patent in 2012 , but the company managed to extend its exclusivity rights until 2020 .

  16. GSK将能获得中国的流感抗原,并将它们添加至其专有佐剂中。佐剂是一种专利保护原料,能增强人体的免疫应答,提高疫苗的疗效和效率。

    It will give the company access to Chinese antigens for flu , and allow them to add in GSK 's proprietary adjuvant , a patented ingredient that boosts the human immune response , adding to the efficacy and efficiency of the vaccine .

  17. 网络商业方法专利保护在我国之思考

    Consideration of Patent Protection of Internet-related Business Method in Our Country

  18. 论药品专利保护制度与公共健康法律问题研究

    On Drugs Patent System and the Public Health Law Problem Research

  19. 介绍药品专利保护的三种形式。

    There are three forms for the protection of pharmaceutical product .

  20. 美国以专利保护医疗方法及其对我国的启示

    U.S.Protection to Medical Methods with Patent and Its Enlightenment to China

  21. 我国的入世承诺与药品专利保护

    Commitments on Access to WTO and Pharmaceutical Patent Protection in China

  22. 商业银行的金融专利保护问题研究

    Research on the Protection for Financial Patent of Commercial Banks

  23. 太原市专利保护体系建设研究

    Research on the Construction of the Patent Protection System in Taiyuan City

  24. 此外,人们对数字成像技术的专利保护也已经开始失效。

    In addition , the digital imaging technology patent protection are invalidated .

  25. 外观设计专利保护范围和侵权判定

    Exterior Design Patent Protection Limits and Violating Property Right Determinant

  26. 我国服装外观设计专利保护现状分析

    Analysis the Protection of Design Patent of Clothing in China

  27. 医药用途发明作为该领域中一类重要的发明,其专利保护问题也呈现出多变和复杂的趋势。

    The protection for medical application inventions presents complicated trend .

  28. 论专利保护制度国际化中的创新困境

    Analyzing the Innovation Issues in Patent Protection at International Levels

  29. 与被版权和专利保护的产品不同,商业秘密不向公众公开。

    Unlike copyrighted and patented products , trade secrets are not revealed .

  30. 转基因技术成果的专利保护和利益分享

    Patent Protection and Equilibration in Genetically Modified Product ion