
  • 网络Patent Information
  1. 利用Web途径查找因特网上的专利信息

    How to Search for Patent Information on Internet via Web

  2. 基于Internet专利信息检索系统的体系研究

    Study on the Patent Information Retrieval System Based on Internet

  3. Internet免费专利信息检索网站评析

    Study on Internet Free Patent Information Search Website

  4. Internet与专利信息检索

    Internet and Patent Information Searches

  5. INTERNET网上专利信息资源

    Patent information resource on Internet

  6. 本文介绍Internet上的中国专利信息资源与检索方法。

    In this paper , the information resource of patent of china and its seeking in Internet are introduced .

  7. 介绍了Internet网上的专利信息资源(包括付费和免费),重点介绍了如何通过Internet查找免费的专利(包括文摘和全文),以及通过Internet订购专利原文等。

    Introduction of the patent information sources on Internet , including charge and free . Focus on searing patents for free on Internet including abstract and fulltext , Ordering original patent through Internet , etc.

  8. 介绍了近几年FeSiB非晶合金作为配电变压器铁芯材料,在降低铁芯损耗、降低激磁功率、提高工作磁感、改善带材脆性等方面的最新专利信息。

    The latest patents in decreasing iron loss and exciting power , increasing operating induction , and improving ribbon brittleness of Fe-Si-B amorphous alloy used for power distribution transformers in recent years are introduced .

  9. 并以TRS全文检索引擎为基础,设计并实现了专利信息检索与服务平台。

    And to TRS based text search engine , designed and implemented a patent information search and service platform .

  10. 笔者将从政府主导、专利信息、产业发展、联盟建设、专利保护五个方面对我国TD-SCDMA知识产权战略提出建议。

    The writer here will provide suggestions concerning the TD-SCDMA IP strategy in angles of government-oriented , patent information , industry advancement , alliance construction and patent protection .

  11. 通过对专利信息的测试表明,相对全局分析的查询扩展方法,检索系统返回结果的F值有明显的提高。

    Experimental results on patent retrieval show that compared to the query expansion method based on a global analysis , the new query expansion method leads to higher F-values of the returning result of the retrieval system .

  12. 本文介绍了文本挖掘概念、主要技术及其一般过程,阐述了文本挖掘在专利信息分析中的应用,以及专利信息分析中具体应用的三个文本挖掘工具:IntelligentMinerforText、ThemeScape、VantagePoint。

    This article introduces the concept of text mining and its main technologies and processes , then it discusses its application in the patent information analysis . Finally , the article recommends three text mining tools : Intelligent Miner for Text 、 ThemeScape 、 VantagePoint .

  13. 第三节以美国Dell案、Unocal案、Rambus案为例,论述了如何以反垄断法调整技术标准中专利信息不披露问题,分析了其责任依据和责任性质。

    Section 3 , taking Dell case , Unocal case and Rambus case as examples , deals with how regulates non-disclosure of patent information in technical standard by antitrust law , and analyses the basis and nature of liability .

  14. 与技术标准有关的专利信息披露制度研究

    Study on the Patent Information Disclosure System Relating to Technical Standard

  15. 专利信息获取与分析系统关键技术研究

    Research on Key Technology of Patent Information Acquisition and Analysis System

  16. 专利信息的利用与高校大学生创新素质的培养

    Application of Patent Information and Educating University Students with Innovation Quality

  17. 领域本体构建及其在专利信息服务中的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Domain Ontology Construction in Patent Information Service

  18. 中外专利信息网络检索工具的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Patent Information Retrieval Tools of Chinese and Foreign Network

  19. 提出了制定科学的运用专利信息的战略方法。

    The strategic method how to utilize patent information is put forward .

  20. 因特网专利信息资源类型研究

    A Study of the Internet Resource Types of Patent Information

  21. 试论地市图书馆的专利信息咨询

    On the Consulting Services of Patent Information in District and City Libraries

  22. 企业开发利用专利信息资源的重要性

    Importance of developing and utilizing patent information resource to enterprises

  23. 论市场经济条件下专利信息资源的开发利用

    Exploitation of the Patent Information Resources under the Conditions of Market Economy

  24. 简述企业建立专利信息系统的必要性。

    The necessity of establishing patent information system is given brief introduction .

  25. 介绍南钢专利信息平台的功能以及使用方法。

    The function and operation method are also introduced in this paper .

  26. 基于本体的专利信息检索系统设计与实现

    The design and Realization of patent information retrieval system based on Ontology

  27. 而两个典型案件对标准组织知识产权政策中专利信息披露制度的发展具有推动性的意义。

    The two cases promote the development of the patent disclosure policy .

  28. 专利信息资源开发过程中的障碍和对策

    Difficulties and Solutions in the Use of Patent Information Resources

  29. 专利信息报道未来的市场&创新与全球化

    How to Extract Information about Future Markets from Patent Data-Innovation and Internationalization

  30. 失效专利信息在科研中的检索与开发利用

    Search and utilization of invalid patent information in scientific researches