
zhuān lì shēn qǐnɡ quán
  • right to apply for a patent
  1. 第十条专利申请权和专利权可以转让。

    The right to apply for a patent and the patent right may be assigned .

  2. 转让专利申请权或者专利权的,当事人应当订立书面合同,并向国务院专利行政部门登记,由国务院专利行政部门予以公告。

    Where the right to apply for a patent or the patent right is assigned , the parties shall conclude a written contract and register it with the patent administration department under the State Council .

  3. (九)专利申请权、专利权的转移;

    Any transfer of the patent application or the patent right ;

  4. 专利申请权或者专利权的转让自登记之日起生效。

    The assignment shall take effect as of the date of registration .

  5. 专利申请权和专利权归属纠纷;

    Disputes on the ownership of the right of patent application and the patent right ;

  6. 农田水利会水利小组之组织与运作(一)专利申请权和专利权归属纠纷;

    Any dispute over the ownership of the right to apply for patent and the patent right ;

  7. 试论专利申请权的转让

    Transfer of patent application right

  8. (四)办理专利申请权、专利权的转让以及专利许可的有关事务;

    Handling the right of patent application , the transfer of patent right and patent permission and other related affairs ;

  9. 有专利申请权转让证明的,应同时提供该证明。

    Documentary evidence on the right to transfer one 's eligibility , if any , of patent application should also be provided .

  10. 专利申请权与申请专利的权利性质不同,转让程序也不同,两者不能混淆;

    The terms patent application right and right to apply for patent must not be confused as they differ in nature and the procedure of assignment ;

  11. 专利申请权因其权利性质不适于出质,《物权法》也未明定专利申请权可以成为权利质权的标的。

    The right of patent application shall not be pledged due to its characteristics , and is not defined as an object of the pledge right of property in Property Law .

  12. 合同对专利申请权没有约定的,完成发明创造的当事人享有申请权。

    If the contract does not contain an agreed term regarding rights to patent application , any party who has completed an invention-creation shall have the right to apply for a patent .

  13. 除前款规定的情形外,行使共有的专利申请权或者专利权应当取得全体共有人的同意。

    Except for the circumstance as described in the preceding paragraph , the exercise of the right to apply for a patent or a patent right shall be based on the consensus of all joint owners .

  14. 合作开发的当事人一方声明放弃其共有的专利申请权的,可以由另一方单独申请或者由其他各方共同申请。

    Where a party in the cooperative development declares a waiver of its joint patent application right , the other party may apply by itself , or the other parties may jointly apply , as the case may be .

  15. 转让专利申请权或者专利权的,当事人必须订立书面合同,经专利局登记和公告后生效。

    Where the right to apply for a patent or the patent right is assigned , the parties must conclude a written contract , which will come into force after it is registered with and announced by the patent office .

  16. 中国单位或者个人向外国人转让专利申请权或者专利权的,必须经国务院有关主管部门批准。

    Any assignment , by a Chinese entity or individual , of the right to apply for a patent , or of the patent right , to a foreigner must be approved by the competent department concerned of the State Council .

  17. (十三)专利申请或者专利权的恢复;

    ( 13 ) any restoration of a patent application or patent right ;

  18. 与专利申请或者专利权有利害关系的;

    Where he has an interest in the application for patent or the patent right ;

  19. 此外,还准许在一国中根据专利申请的优先权提出实用新型的申请,反之亦然。

    Furthermore , it is permissible to file a utility model in a country by virtue of a right of priority based on the filing of a patent application , and vice versa .

  20. (二)与专利申请或者专利权有利害关系的;工人的利益同企业的兴衰紧密相关,企业管理者与工人没有根本的利害冲突。

    Where he has an interest in the application for patent or the patent right ; Workers ' interests are closely connected with the enterprises ' prosperity , and there is no conflict of fundamental interests between the managers and the workers .

  21. 解决不动产物权的优先性,可以借鉴我国专利法保护专利申请权的原则,先申请登记的物权优先更加合理。

    Through referring to the doctrine of patent law protecting patent petition rights , jus ad rem with first registration enjoying the priority seems more reasonable .

  22. (四)在发明专利申请公布后专利权授予前使用发明而未支付适当费用的纠纷。

    Any dispute over the appropriate fee to be paid for the exploitation of an invention after the publication of the application for patent but before the grant of patent right .

  23. 尽管,专利权作为一个整体的权利,作为出资在立法上是有明确的规定,但是对于专利的申请权、专利的实施权能否出资这个问题在学界争议极大。

    Although the patent right as a whole , as the investor in the legislation is clearly defined , but the application for patent rights , patent rights can the implementation of funding in academia extremely controversial issue .