
zhuān lì jiū fēn
  • patent dispute
  1. 美国最高法院(USSupremeCourt)昨日开始介入一件技术专利纠纷。这桩纠纷可能对全球电脑公司具有重大意义,甚至可能影响到其他很多制造商。

    The US Supreme Court yesterday stepped into a technology patent dispute that could have big implications for global computer companies , and potentially for many other manufacturers .

  2. 同时,台湾的HTC提交了另一份诉讼表示在专利纠纷案中反对苹果。

    Meanwhile , Taiwan 's HTC filed another lawsuit against Apple in their separate patent dispute .

  3. 例如,日本的三菱重工(MitsubishiHeavyIndustries)就与通用电气爆发了激烈的专利纠纷。

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan , for example , has been embroiled in a fierce dispute over patents with GE .

  4. 对DVD专利纠纷案的法律思考

    Legal Thoughts of DVD Patent Issue Case

  5. 上图是FOSSPatents的佛洛里安•穆勒在去年12月研究苹果-诺基亚专利纠纷时整理而成的。

    See the chart above assembled by FOSS patents ' Florian Mueller when he reviewed the legal battlefield in December .

  6. BBC新闻–北京的知识产权局在一起由中国手机制造商引发的专利纠纷案中,做出对苹果公司不利的裁决。

    BBC News - Beijing 's Intellectual Property Office has ruled against Apple in a patent dispute brought by a Chinese handset maker .

  7. 简述了中国加入WTO后专利纠纷不断发生的背景,揭示了我国在专利方面存在的问题,提出了新的竞争形势下我国应采取的策略。

    This paper briefly expounds the background of the patent disputes occurring continuously after WTO entry of China , reveals the problems existing in the patent aspect of China , and puts forward some countermeasures that our country should adopt under the new competitive situation .

  8. 宏达电(HTC)将获准继续向美国出口其最新款手机,尽管苹果(Apple)企图阻止宏达电的某些手机进入美国。这两家集团深陷一场旷日持久的专利纠纷。

    HTC will be allowed to continue exporting its newest phone to the US in spite of an attempt by Apple to keep some of its handsets out of the country during a long-running patent dispute between the two groups .

  9. 回顾并分析了夏普与东元之间发生专利纠纷的背景、过程及解决的策略,结合LCD产业的专利分布及技术壁垒,提出我国LCD产业的专利策略。

    Based on the patent statistic and technology barrier of TFT-LCD industry , the article presents the patent strategies for TFT-LCD industry in China due to retelling and analyzing the background , experience and strategy of patent dispute between Sharp and Teco .

  10. 在一项有关小米与瑞典科技企业爱立信(Ericsson)专利纠纷的裁决中,德里高等法院下令小米在明年2月前暂停销售,等待有关其与爱立信诉讼的进一步审理结果。

    In a ruling on a patent dispute with technology group Ericsson , the court ordered Xiaomi to suspend sales until February , pending a further hearing relating to its dispute with the Swedish company .

  11. 一场专利纠纷给小米(Xiaomi)的国际扩张造成打击,这家发展迅速的中国智能手机制造商在印度遭遇暂时禁售,利润率面临更大压力。

    A patent dispute has dealt a blow to Xiaomi 's international expansion , leaving the fast-growing Chinese smartphone maker facing a temporary ban on sales in India and further pressure on margins .

  12. 数学与工程之间的鸿沟是其中之一,还有埃克特与莫切利分道扬镳,各自去搞自己的公司了,EDVAC也发生了专利纠纷,正在进行诉讼。

    The line between ' mathematics ' and ' engineering ' was one of these , Eckert and Mauchly having split off to found their own company , and a patent suit over aspects of the EDVAC design being in progress .

  13. 浅谈专利纠纷诉讼中的策略

    The simple ideas on Strategy of patent issue lawsuit

  14. 专利纠纷的思考专利侵权纠纷中依法合理抗辩的适用

    On the Appliance of Reasonable Counterplea in the Dispute of Infringement of Patent

  15. 解决专利纠纷通常需要时日。

    Patent disputes are often settled in time .

  16. 论专利纠纷及其解决途径

    On Patent Litigation and Its Solving Approach

  17. 专利纠纷既可以通过诉讼方式,也可以通过非诉讼方式解决。

    Patent disputes not only can be resolved through litigation , but also through non-litigation .

  18. 而在这些专利纠纷中,侵犯专利权的案件所占比重最大。

    And in these patent disputes , the proportion of patent infringement case is the largest .

  19. 上周日,穆勒对苹果公司与诺基亚公司的专利纠纷现状进行了详细分析,您可点击此处查阅。

    On Sunday , Mueller took a detailed look at the current state of Apple vs. Nokia .

  20. 本文是关于11家药企与广州威尔曼之间的专利纠纷的案例分析。

    This article is a case analysis on patent dispute between eleven pharmaceutical companies and Guangzhou Welman .

  21. 专利纠纷的思考

    Considerations about the Patent Disputes

  22. 专利纠纷在智能手机业内相当常见,和新款手机的热门配置一样层出不穷。

    Patent disputes in the smartphone industry are as common as hot specs on a new phone .

  23. 近年来,由于专利纠纷使得我国在国际市场上付出了巨大代价的例子屡见不鲜。

    There are many cases about international entanglements of patent for which make China pay out much cost .

  24. 分析师表示,这还可能在印度引发一波针对低成本智能手机厂商的专利纠纷。

    It could also begin a wave of patent disputes in India against low-cost smartphone manufacturers , analysts said .

  25. 知识产权法院旨在专门处理与专利纠纷和技术纠纷相关的案件。

    The court itself are designed to specifically handle cases connected to issues such as patents and technology disputes .

  26. 这种模式有其优点,但在专利纠纷日益增长情况下弊端越来越明显。

    This model has its advantages , but in the case of patent disputes growing more and more obvious shortcomings .

  27. 在专利纠纷中,专利确权与侵权纠纷占大多数且两者联系非常紧密。

    In patent disputes , patent formulation and infringement dispute are the majority and the two are linked very closely .

  28. 在澳大利亚和全球范围内,两家公司仍深陷一项大型专利纠纷之中。

    The companies are still embroiled in a major patent battle which has been playing out in Australia and across the globe .

  29. 一位部门领导很担心,怕艾伦搞出专利纠纷,

    The head of the section had expressed concern that Alan might invent something which would create a tangle over patent rights ,

  30. 我国加入世贸组织后,发生的较大的涉外专利纠纷已多达20多起。

    When we join WTO , the greater patent dispute concerning foreign affairs that occurs already has been reached more than 20 forms .